Well, I made it to my endocrinologist appointment yesterday. And actually got there about 20 minutes early. Which means you get to sit around on your ass reading crappy magazines for a half an hour before they call you in, right? Well, I don't know how crappy their magazines are because as soon as I got there they brought me right in.
My doctor was waiting as well as another "visiting" doctor who was quite a bit younger than my doctor. Where was he visiting from? I don't have a fucking clue because I never thought to ask until after I left.
Now, I pose a stupid question (don't worry, I'll get to the question soon). I can go days without a phone call on my cell. I think the most amount of minutes I've used in our shared plan is about 300 a month - and that's in a good month. My husband - not so much. Anyway, I digress, the doctor asks me how I'm feeling and all that shit, takes my blood pressure which is fine, taps my knees and elbows with that little hammer looking thing and I guess everything was fine what that too. Then he gets out the needle. Great. Can't wait. So, he puts the little rubber band thingy around my arm (don't ask me what it's called because not only don't I remember, I don't care), swipes my inside elbow with some alcohol swab and sticks it in. Nothing. No blood going into the little vampire vile. Great. Now what? My left arm doesn't have any blood in it at all or what? I mean, there wasn't even any blood from the needle itself. It's like my left arm was drained and void of all blood. Very strange.
Anyway, you guessed what happens next. The doctor says, "Let's try the other arm.". Yea, okay, fine, whatever. What if that arm doesn't have any blood either? Does that mean I'm dead or what? He then proceeds to begin to stick me in the left arm and what happens? You guessed it. My cell phone starts ringing. I ignore it. Then the doctor gets a call. Then I get another call on my cell phone. What the fuck? I get, maybe, 2 calls a week that aren't my husband on the fucking thing and somebody decides to call me as I'm getting stuck with a needle? The doctor gets off his call and starts, again, to stick my right arm. And my cell phone rings again. Then as he's sucking my blood into the vampire vile, my cell phone chirps alerting me of a voicemail message. Christ. I hear a voice in my head that says, "Would somebody please shut the fucking cell phone off for the love of God?". Only, it's my cell phone and my arm is pinned down bleeding into a tube and I can't get to it. The doctor looks at me, and I can tell he's slightly annoyed. Oh well - serves the bastard right for having to stick me twice, right?
He did write me a prescription for my current dosage of Synthroid but told me not to fill it until I hear back from his office. You know, in case they need to change the dosage - as if that ever happens. Okay, it happens - every time I get a prescription for a refill they raise the dosage.
Anyway, I know this post is pretty manic at first glance - and probably on second glance too. But, fuck! What do you want from me? I obviously have no blood running through my system. That would make anybody manic, wouldn't you think?
Oh, and happy Slutoween. Or is it Halloween? Hey, don't give me shit. Halloween IS the day that girls can dress like hookers and no other girl can give them shit about it, right?
I feel a whole bunch better today than I did yesterday. But, I'm sure that feeling will end today at 4:30 when I have to go back to the endocrinologist and have my thyroid levels checked again. I really don't want to do this, but I guess it's necessary since I'm on my last refill and he won't give me another prescription without checking my levels first. Which sucks. I hate needles and blood tests and shit.
Anyway, I have to take the 2:00 o'clock train back home in order to get to the doctors appointment by 4:30. Which creates another problem. My gas tank is on empty and I have seven whole dollars in the bank. So, I guess I dip into my overdraft protection (which will cost me $25 bucks) or I put it on a charge card and pay interest on a tank of gas until the year 2020. Or I can reschedule the appointment and just go after pay day. Which will be a pain in the ass if I can't get in before my prescription runs out. I fucking hate being broke. But, I suppose I have nobody to blame but myself. If I didn't spend so much fucking money on bullshit like rent, utilities, cell phone bills, auto insurance and shit like that I might have a few bucks left over at the end of the week.
And if Dennis doesn't kill his brother before Thanksgiving it will be a miracle. So, pray for us as we enter the dark side of life.
Wow, I feel like shit this morning. But, I really can't complain. It's pretty much self induced.
After yesterdays horrible Bears defeat to the Lions I decided that it would be the day to drink heavily. Which started about halftime. By 4:15 I was fast asleep on the couch. By 6:00pm I was up with a horrible headache and felt like ralphing. I never did throw up, but I'm sure it would have been better had I puked up a lung.
And that's the extent of my exciting weekend. Yea, I know. I need a hobby really bad since my Sunday's are now shot to hell. Stamp collecting just doesn't seem to be something I could get into, and neither does basketweaving. But, they are all better alternatives to drinking myself into a nasty ass Monday hangover, right?
I'm just hating life in general today - and not just because I'm hung over. It just always seems like it's something - if it's not one thing it's another. And I've also been thinking about how morbid my sense of reasoning has become. For example, I figure that I might was well abuse my body because, quite honestly, I really don't want to live past the age that makes me unfit to wear regular underwear anyway. I can't afford retirement, I can't afford a nursing home, so what's the fucking point, right?
I'm so fucking glad it's Friday. Yea, I know, I say that every Friday. I can't help it - it's true every Friday!
Tomorrow Dennis starts his guitar teaching starting from 11:00am to 5:00pm. He doesn't seem very nervous, just a bit apprehensive since he doesn't know much about any of his students - how long they've been playing, what styles they like, how old they are, that kind of thing. He got a list of names and some information but it's a tad sporadic in what is included in the sheet. I think he'll do a great job and I hope he enjoys it. As with anything, the money could be better, but it's a good start.
I'm all decked out in my Bears gear today to show my support for their game against the Lions this Sunday at home in Chicago. I have on a Bears T-shirt with a Bears jacket. I don't think it'll help them much, but, you know what they say. Any given Sunday.
He passed. The written part of the CDL anyway. 100 percent - didn't miss a single questions.
The driving part, however, is proving to be much more of a challenge. He had his appointment at 1:00pm yesterday to take the test. He got to his brothers on time to pick up the truck he needed to use to take the test, however, halfway to the test the truck broke down. Yes, you heard me right, it fucking broke down. So, needless to say, he won't be getting to take the driving test until next week. And I told him he needs to charge his brother for all these wasted hours of getting all this done because it's his own damned fault he doesn't maintain is own equipment.
Yesterday was crazy busy at work. And it's looking like it will be a repeat today. Which, really, I would much rather be too busy than bored out of my mind.
I didn't do much last night. Dennis was out at band practice and I just didn't feel like hauling my ass down there to meet him. It's in the basement of a huge antique store and even in the middle of summer it's a tad on the chilly side down there. So, my wimp ass can't handle being cold that long so I took a pass. I wound up watching, of all things, the Fox News Network and the O'Reilley Factor. I suppose I watch that channel because all the other news channels are so fucking far left they think they're right. You know, CNN (Corrupt News Network) and MSNBC - which I don't remember what it stands for but I know the last three letters represent No Bush Compliments. Before that I'm at a loss. It's interesting enough, but mostly because I'm sick of all the anti-government let's hate our country bullshit you get everywhere else. But that's a whole other can of worms.
Well, I better get to it. Boss should be pulling in any minute and I must be prepared.
Wow, was it chilly out this morning! I broke out a winter suede coat since I decided I really didn't feel like freezing. And it's supposed to get down to 35 degrees tonight! That's a far cry from the 80 degrees we had on Sunday. I guess the cold shit took a while to get here, but it's looking like it might try to make up for lost time.
Dennis has to take his written and driving test for his CDL license today. His brother, who he works for, was having him drive the trucks which he doesn't have a license for. Until last week when he got pulled over and warned that he couldn't drive it. But what does his brother do? Tells him he needs to drive the truck, again, the next day to which Dennis replied,
Dennis: Get bent.
Okay, he might not have used those exact words, but that's exactly what he meant. So, Monday night, his brother insists he goes down first thing on Tuesday morning to take the test - at a $50 fee. To which Dennis responded:
Dennis: Ummm, you know I need to study for that first, right?
To which his brother daftly responded
Dickhead Brother: Hey, I thought you're supposed to be smart.
To which Dennis replied:
Dennis: Asshole, I might be smart but I can't do brain surgery without first reading the brain manual.
So, he went down yesterday morning, took the test, and came >< to passing it. So, now, he gets to take it over today.
Anyway, it's Wednesday and he's managed to work one day this week. Rent is coming due in a week, and, once again, we're fucked. He does start teaching guitar this Saturday - but the income from that won't come anywhere near covering the bills. All I can say is that after this stupid CDL bullshit he better have Dennis working some fucking hours. But, knowing his brother, he'll have him get the license then immediately bench him for the season.
You know, Murphy's Law and all that shit. It's gonna be a long ass fucking winter.
Okay, I'm thinking about stopping doing this stupid blog thing. Seriously, it's really taken quite a stupid turn lately - but I think that has more to do with my boring life than anything. I need to go out and do something exciting every single day so I can tell you about it, but that seems to never happen. Take last night for instance. I made pork chops and carrots for dinner *yawn* then immediately fell asleep at around 8:00pm. Fuck. That makes for an exciting blog entry for today.
Or, I could just snoop through the entertainment section and we could talk about Marie Osmond fainting on Dancing with the Stars. I don't even watch that shit so why would I talk about it here? Or we could talk about how they're making a third Mummy movie with Brendan Fraser returning but Maria Bello replacing Rachel Weisz as Evelyn - even though Maria Bello looks and talks nothing at all like Rachel. But who gives a shit about that? And we could even talk about the fact that I've gained five pounds in the past week (one of which I've already lost again) and now I think I look like a fucking whale? Nope, that's a shitty topic too.
Ah, well, I think I'm going to just keep giving you the same bullshit I've been doing for the past year and a half and, maybe, something of interest just might pop up.
I survived the busiest weekend in a long ass time. Although, I'm not so sure about my mental state at the moment. I think I lost a few too many brain cells over the past three days so forgive me if I appear to be even stupider than I usually am. See what I mean?
Anyway, Thursday night I finally got my sister from the airport. Her flight was supposed to be in at 10:00pm Thursday night but didn't actually get in until around 12:45am. By the time we got her bags, walked to my car, and drove home it was about 2:45am. We jabbered until about 3:30 when we finally passed out. Which is bad because my other sister was due to arrive at my house at 9:00am Friday. So, we basically got about four hours sleep early Friday morning.
Saturday was filled with shopping, of course. I got a few cool things. I bought a pair of Guess brown suede boots from Macy's.
Of course, those are black but the ones I got are brown. Before I bought the boots I bought a really cute skirt from the Limited, but almost didn't buy it due to the fact I didn't have any footware to wear with it. Then my sister came up with the brilliant idea that I didn't need to worry - we can find something to wear with it. She's a really bad influence. The bitch.
I bought some other stuff - some MV3 perfume from Mac, some eye shadow, some tarts from Yankee Candle. And that was about it.
My oldest sister decided that sometime when she came in she wanted to go downtown Chicago. Well, seeing how Saturday was just a beautiful day we decided that would be the day. We took the train into the city and just walked around, going into shops, checking out the sites. We came across Millennium Park and I had to check that out. It was pretty cool. My middle sister, however, decided to lay on me a comment that she said Dennis made to her a long time ago after finding out her daughter was pregnant at 16 years old. She claims that Dennis told her, "I knew she put out.". Then she told me how he kept apologizing for saying it and how it made her cry.
Saturday night we went out to eat at my favorite Mexican joint and I asked Dennis about this comment. He was as surprised as I was and said, no, he never said that. Then when I told him about the apologies, he started laughing, then got really pissed off. During dinner I downed three margaritas! Well, with the three Margaritas in me I decided to ask my middle sister about it with Dennis sitting at the table. She got all upset saying that, yes, you did say it and Dennis said, no, I didn't. Then she sat in silence and was about to cry at the table so we paid our check and left. She wouldn't say a word to Dennis after this - the entire weekend. Now, I know my husband has a sick sense of humor, and I don't doubt for a minute that he might have said something - but he would have only said something if she would have made a joke about it first. And Dennis is never alone with my sister and I would so remember him saying something so crass and nasty. And I would have definitely remembered him apologizing about it a million times. I think that she might have taken something out of context because I don't think she would make it up, but the whole thing was upsetting just as well because she made it out to seem like he said this in a heartless fashion, when I know he wouldn't have and he didn't. He doesn't like it when his best friend acts like a perv and says things to his other friend about his 16 year old step daughter. So I know he wouldn't have said something like that about my own niece to her mother.
Sunday the three of us, me, both my sisters drove down to my dad's to drop my oldest sister off so she can ride back down to Texas with my dad. Went to lunch, then had to drive all the way back home. So, round trip, I drove about 500 miles yesterday. By the time I got home at about 4:45 I was so fucking tired I almost went to bed.
Almost! I had to watch the second half of the Bears game and I'm so glad I did! I, again, almost fell asleep at the beginning of the fourth quarter but willed myself to stay awake. And it paid off! My Bears beat the Eagles in the last seconds of the game, scoring a touchdown leaving the Eagles only 6 seconds to try to win. And their time ran out! I'm really starting to crush on Brian Griese a little bit. He really came through when the pressure was on!
That's right, I'm off work tomorrow. However, tonight may prove to be a night from hell. My sister is flying in from Texas tonight and I am going to pick her up from O'Hare. Unfortunately, her flight doesn't even get in until 10:00pm tonight. Which means that I'll probably get in sometime around midnight. And I still have a few things I have to do when I get home - mostly straighten up the living room and kitchen. Dennis is off work today - rained out and when he's off, messes are made. I shouldn't say that - he's pretty good at cleaning up after himself. But, he doesn't do as good a job as I do when company is expected.
Then tomorrow morning I have my other sister coming in from Rockford. And tomorrow night is the benefit that Dennis is playing an acoustic set for. So, it's going to be madness tomorrow. And Dennis is already doing the freak out thing since he's playing tomorrow night. Well, I shouldn't say freak out - he's just a little uptight with lots of stuff to do.
This is a semi-annual thing with my sister coming in. My father, who lives about four hours away, goes down to Texas for the winter. Only he refuses to fly. And refuses to drive there alone. Which I understand - the man is almost 80 years old and shouldn't be driving 15 or so hours by himself. So, my sister flies in, I take her to my dad's, and she drives down to Texas with him. Then, around April, the whole process is reversed - she drives back up with him, I go to Dad's to pick her up, and she flies back down to Texas. I guess she's got the short end of the stick on this one. She gets to sit in a car all the way from Illinois to Texas. I only have to drive her from the airport to my dad's. I guess now I feel like I really don't do enough!
Well, my sweater and boots came in that I ordered from JCPenny's yesterday. The sweater, I love. The boots - not so much. They're cute, don't get me wrong, they're just not hitting me right. They only come up to mid-calf so that kind of limits what you can wear with them. And I already have a pair of knee high black boots that I like better so the new ones are going back to JCPenny's this weekend.
Time to get to work, since I won't be here tomorrow. Pulling double time today I suppose.
Wow, I'm so fucking tired this morning I could have easily slept another 5 hours. I'm not sure why - it's not like I didn't get enough sleep last night. My guess is it has everything to do with the weather being rainy last night, gloomy this morning. At least the temperature is hanging in there. In the 60's today, back in the 70's tomorrow. Strange for October.
Nothing much is going on. Except last night I had to hold myself back from bitch slapping Dennis. I happened to look online to my cell phone bill and *gasp* it's $313 dollars! It's normally around $165, but seeing how Dennis went over the minutes by a total of 300 minutes the bill is crazy high. I didn't even use 250 minutes of our plan total of 1400. So you do the math. I swear, that guy can talk on the phone longer and more often than a group of 10 women. I need to break him of that habit since the cell phone bill comes under my list of bills to pay. I decided to let him live when he told me he would pay the overage. I'm going to have to keep a good eye on the minutes used every month I suppose. This is the first time we've gone over the shared 1400 minutes we have. Is he calling up phone sex places or what? Good thing I didn't see any unfamiliar phone numbers on that list.
Well, back to work for me. I have to work extra hard now that my cell phone bill is that high. Wait, it doesn't really matter, now does it? I get paid the same no matter how hard I work, and he's paying the extra so what the fuck am I ranting about? I have no idea.
Here we go again, another fucking shitty ass Monday.
I've been depressed recently. Actually, depressed the entire weekend. And the Bears loss to the Vikings didn't help matters at all! Let's face it - their season, as we know it, is over. Oh well - better luck next year guys! I still watch - mostly because I love to watch Devin Hester. And I'm curious to see how Griese will shape up. The bad thing is that is wasn't the offense that lost this game - it was all on the defensive side of the ball. I remember, not so long ago, when they had the number one ranked defense in the league. Now? Not so much.
And I have got to get a part time job. Something, anything, that might make me a couple hundred bucks a week. Is that possible? Working a few nights and weekends to make two hundred a week? Shit.
It was a completely boring weekend. The only true highlight was dinner on Friday night. Other than that, I don't think I left the house - except to go to breakfast Sunday morning with Dennis. I did get a lot of stuff done around the house to prepare for guests this coming weekend. But, I didn't get nearly enough done. So, it looks like I'll be doing more and more tonight, Tuesday and finishing up on Wednesday. There really isn't a whole lot to do so it shouldn't be too bad. But, knowing that it has to be done is enough to give me indigestion.
Well, I better get my tired ass to work before the bossman comes in and sees me fucking around posting to you all.
It's Friday, thank fucking God! I don't think I could handle one more work day.
Although, my day tomorrow isn't going to be filled with fun and games. I have massive amounts of housework to do. My sister is flying in from Texas next Thursday night and my other sister from Rockford will be coming on Friday morning. Which means I have to clean the spare room, scrub down the bathrooms, clean the kitchen, etc. Just how I want to spend a Saturday off work, right? But at least it'll be done and it's not like I have to have it all done tomorrow. I have 6 more days to complete the mission. Anybody wanna come over and help? I won't stop you, I promise!
No big plans this weekend. Actually, no plans at all. Maybe go out to dinner tonight, but who knows. That all depends on how much Dennis' pay check is today. He starts teaching guitar in two weeks and he's pretty pumped up about that. He just wants to get out of the construction business completely. Just not steady enough. And I'm really happy that he's looking into other alternatives. If you ask him, his talent for music has been his biggest curse. It's the thing he does the best, but it's the thing that is the hardest to make a living doing. I know he'll be a great guitar teacher - and it's not like he hasn't taught guitar before, he just wasn't very serious about it before. And in younger years didn't have the patience for. Of course, it's not going to be enough to pay the bills initially - he'll be working a few days for his brother and teaching a few days, easing into the whole thing. Which is good because, honestly, he hates his old job with a passion.
Hope everybody has a great weekend!
Go BEARS! Kick the shit out of the Vikings on Sunday!
I got nothing to say today. Yes, it's true, it happens.
Absolutely nothing of interest has happened in the last 48 hours. So, there's nothing different about today's blog than any other day, I suppose. I just vegged last night and got caught up on all the shit that I had recorded in the past week. And I was so overdosed on TV by 9:00 that I quietly passed out from exhaustion. I need to cut back on all the crap I watch because I just can't keep up. Being a TV junkie is making my brain hurt.
Wow, it's fucking chiiiiiiily out this morning! We've been spoiled by all the 70 and 80 degree weather around here in October so when I woke up to it being, at the minimum, 45 degrees outside it felt like 0 degrees instead. But, on the plus side, it's kind of fun to be able to wear sweaters, jackets, boots and shit. I'm sure the novelty of that will wear off very fast. Like by the end of the day fast.
There's something strange about falling asleep with the TV on. I wind up having dreams related to what's on the TV - like I'm watching it in my sleep or something because I had the strangest dreams last night. I dreamt that I was Jennifer Lopez's best friend and she was telling me all about her pregnancy and twins - and wanted me to go with her to get a boob job. Okay, what the fuck does this mean? First of all, if you're pregnant you wouldn't need, want, or be authorized for such a procedure. Secondly, I don't ever recall her being flat chested. Third, why would she need my advice on who to go to to get it done anyway? The only thing I can figure is, sometime, when this dream started they must have been talking about her pregnancy on TV while I was sleeping. Because when I woke up, that's what they were talking about! I really need to turn the TV off when I go to bed because, frankly, dreaming about Jennifer Lopez in any situation is not good. And downright scary if I start dreaming about Britney Spears because that bitch can't keep her ass out of the news.
I think I'm going to hell. And, all of you that know me probably aren't too surprised by that revelation.
My sister is a huge Cowboys fan. I'm a Bears fan, but I like the Cowboys and have even said that they are my second favorite team. So, why then, when I was watching the Cowboys/Bills game last night did I find myself rooting for Buffalo? Maybe because I like the underdog. And I'm sick of hearing how Tony Romo is God. I doubt that alone would get me banished to hell for eternity, but, then again, God works in mysterious ways.
This morning I'm reading about this fucktard in Pennsylvania that tried to pass off a million dollar bill. Quite a few things went through my mind upon reading this story - 1), that anybody would even attempt such a stupid thing considering the largest bill in circulation is a $100 dollar bill; 2), that he would actually think that the grocery store that he tried to pass it off in would actually have change for a million dollar bill; and finally 3), that he would get all pissy when they refused, like they were the idiots in this scenario. Just goes to show you that there are a lot more people in the world that are way more stupid than I am. And now I have proof.
Wow, lot's to talk about today! The Mojo Cannon show was last Friday night, the Bears won last night, and it was actually a pretty eventful weekend for once.
I'm still in total shock over the nail biter of a football game last night between my beloved Chicago Bears and our rival, the Green Bay Packers.
They won 27 to 20 and only had one turnover! That has to be a record for Chicago. Griese actually played really good (considering how Chicago quarterbacks go), but the honors have to go to Tillman with his two forced fumbles resulting in Chicago first downs. The win wasn't decided until the last second of the game when Favre threw the hail Mary down the field and McGowan of the Bears intercepted it in the end zone. It's always a good day when the Bears win against the Packers in Lambau Field.
I did something on Friday I never thought I would do. Or have the guts to do. Of course, I can't just tell you, that would be too easy. I have to lead into it. As if you would expect anything differently. I made Dennis an appointment sight unseen for a haircut in a place right in town, 2 minutes from our house. Nothing strange about that, but the rest of this might surprise you. After leaving work at 2:00 last Friday and looking in my rear view mirror, I actually shrieked when I saw the condition of my own hair. It kind of looked like Medusa meets Don King. Not good. So, I called the place where I set Dennis' appointment and asked if they could get me in too at the same time. It was about 15 minutes notice and they said, "Yea, sure, come on in.". So I did. Now, I've never gone into anyplace for a haircut or anything else without at least a recommendation but I thought, what the hell, it can't look any worse than it does right now, right? Well, to my utter surprise and shock it actually turned out to be one of the best haircuts I've gotten in a long long time. And the price was right too! Thirty four dollars for a cut. And she quoted me $110 for 2 color highlights with a cut! That sure beats the $200 dollars I spent, twice, from April to July. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really like the girl that did it the last time and really liked the color a whole lot the second time around - I just can't afford to spend $200 bones every time I need it colored - which is about once every two months. I took the shot and it turned out great. Now, next, let's see how good she is at color....
The show went absolutely GREAT last Friday night. I had the best time! The guys played their asses off and now I'm so fucking anxious for them to record this shit already. I need to load it into my Zen so I can listen whenever I want. They had the crowd from their first song to their last song. Dennis sang his ass off, Jimmy banged the shit out of those drums, and Guy did a great thumping job on the bass. I just can't wait for them to play again! I think they should play every single fucking weekend just so I can get me a Mojo Canon fix.
Here's a couple pictures from the show (in addition to the funky band shot above):
I'm so fucking glad it's finally Friday. Hallefuckinglula!!
Well, tonight's the night. The debut of Mojo Cannon at Penny Road Pub in Barrington - 9:00pm. I think Dennis is a tad nervous. But, he always gets like this the day of a show. And, seeing how this is Mojo's debut, I think that makes it even more nerve wracking. The funny thing is he'll be all freaked out all day, then right before they play he'll be fine. But, then again, he should. He's only been doing this since he was 14 years old.
The bitch about it is that I don't want to drive tonight. I want to have fun and not worry about my alcohol consumption. The problem is that he needs to leave the house at 5:30 tonight due to the fact that he has to get to the antique store (where they practice and where their gear is) and load everything up into the truck and be at the gig by 7:45. I don't get home until 4:45. Which means I have to be ready in 45 minutes. That creates a huge problem. Mostly because I'm having an incredibly bad hair day which will require some attention when I get home. I don't understand it. When I left this morning it looked great. By the time I got to work it's a huge ball of frizz sitting on top of my head. It's gonna be flat iron city when I get home. Then to top it off I have to find something to wear, touch up my makeup, pack up a bag with stuff that we'll need, and God knows what else. And I have 45 minutes to do all that. Think it can be done? Shit. All this and I'm not even the one performing tonight!
Oh, here's a picture of the beautiful roses my sweetiekins (don't puke) got me for our anniversary!
One last thing - Go BEARS! Yea, I know. They're playing the Packers on Sunday night. It'll be an ass beating for sure.
It's a beautiful Thursday morning, the weather is gorgeous, and the boss won't be in until around 11:30 or so. Life is good. Even though the Cubbies lost last night. Good thing it's not football with the ole sudden death in the playoffs; the Cubs get a second and a third chance. Go Cubs!
So, this morning, I go to pay for my parking at the train station. It's a buck fifty daily for the privilege of parking to take the train. They have these little boxes with slits in them that you stuff your buck fifty into that correlates to the number above the spot you parked in. Sounds simple, right? Wrong.
A little back story. Don't sigh, I heard that! Anyway, last week, I get out to my car after a long ass hard day of work. Okay, not exactly like I'm running a marathon daily type job, but it was a long fucking day nonetheless. And what is on my windshield? A fucking warning from the police station saying I didn't pay for my parking. Great. Now, that morning, I went up to pay for my parking and there was already money in the slot, so I put more money into the slot. Now, before you start saying "dizzy blonde paid for the wrong slot", hear me out. I always count from the first car in the line to my car to make sure I'm paying in the right slot. And the reason for that is sometimes it's not very clear what number you actually are parked in seeing how they don't put a number in front of your spot, but in the middle of two slots and sometimes they aren't exactly in the middle. So, I counted down and paid in the correct hole. So this pisses me off, right? Because not only did I pay, somebody else paid in my slot too!
So, fast forward to the part that I end this stupid conversation, right? Wrong again. This morning, I count down like I always do and, lo and behold, I'm in spot number 51. I truck my ass to the money box and guess what? There's already money in the fucking slot. So, I stick another two quarters in the slot and go to put my neatly folded dollar bill in with all the rest of the money only the dollar won't fit because it's already overstuffed with money! Fuck! I don't want another ticket so I call the police department to let them know I couldn't pay anything more than fifty cents because it won't fucking fit!
Any bets on if I have a parking ticket on my windshield when I get home?
I'm so late in posting today. Just playing some catchup at work. No, not the red stuff you smother on your french fries, just the hangover from having the co-worker out for the past three working days. She's supposed to be in the office today, but we'll see if she's here and how productive she will be.
Okay, I will admit this, as embarrassing as it may be. I watched Cavemen last night. Yes, I did. And, silly as this sounds, it was pretty fucking funny. It had me right away because Nick Swardson was in it. Now, if you don't know who Nick is, then you don't watch enough stupid comedies. Maybe this will refresh your memory:
Now do you remember? He was also in Blades of Glory and a whole bunch of Adam Sandler movies. If you haven't seen Grandma's Boy I suggest you go out tonight and rent it.
Anyway, Cavemen was pretty stupid but, then again, I like stupid so there you have it.
Dennis is still waiting to go to work. He hasn't heard from the union gig this morning and if he hasn't by now he probably won't. He called them yesterday and asked them what the fuck was up and they just said that even if it looks like it might rain they call the day off. Now, I'm looking outside and the sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky so, again, what the fuck? He talked to his brother last night and he told Dennis that if he doesn't have a union job that he could use him to work again. So, he called his brother this morning and his brother told him he would call him back in an hour. That was about 2 hours ago and Dennis is still waiting. He seriously needs to get the fuck out of working construction. And that will happen soon. He's got a gig lined up at the end of the month to start teaching guitar again. Which is cool, but the money isn't there. So, we'll have to work some things out for him to be able to work *and* eat. Priorities, you know?
Well, I better get to work because who knows what this day will bring.
It's been almost a week since Dennis has worked. He was sick Thursday, they didn't need him on Friday, and he hasn't heard from work since. It's now Tuesday. And rent is due. This is fucking great. The rules are don't call us, we'll call you. He spoke to work on Friday and they simply said that it's too wet and we won't be working today but you should get a call by Sunday night. No call. No call last night. So, he sits and waits. Shit, this is going to be a long ass winter. Now, had he worked at the same place I work he could have taken weeks off and nobody would give a shit.
Speaking of which, new co-worker is out again today. She hasn't made an appearance since last Thursday, Friday being her car accident. Boss just came in and she won't be here again today. I mean, enough is enough! If she's that badly hurt, wouldn't you think that she should be in a hospital under doctors care? And this is only a sign of things to come. If she's actually hurt that bad then you know what comes next - doctors visits, physical therapy, lawyers appointments. I don't know. I honestly hope that she isn't hurt that bad, but on the other hand if she's not then she's taking advantage of the situation. So, I guess the only thing I can really hope for is that she IS hurt that bad because what would be worse? Being hurt in a car accident or being an opportunistic liar? You decide.
Well, I guess I better sign off for now since I have two jobs to do, again, today. Fuck, I hate my life.
Holy fuck, I hate Monday's. Especially this Monday.
The new co-worker is out again today - the boss just called me to tell me she's pretty banged up from her car wreck last Friday. I'm so torn. Part of me wants to believe it, but there's this other part of me - my extremely pessimistic side that just doesn't buy into it. Just due to the convenience factor. I can see this being milked for all it's worth - you know the drill: suing the person who hit her, leaving for physical therapy appointments, lawyer appointments, etc. etc. etc. And I really feel awful for thinking this way but her history thus far hasn't been the greatest. She doesn't do a worth shit job while she's here, and she isn't here enough days to really learn the job. I can't help but feel that if it were me - I would have been fired weeks ago. And maybe that's just it. I'm jealous that I didn't get into a car accident and can just call up and say I won't be in and that's that. So, maybe it's just me having to get my own feelings in check and quit being such a bitch about it. Like that would ever happen.
And probably I'm extra crabby this Monday morning because the Bears just totally suck ass! I mean, they get rid of Grossman because he turned the ball over three times against Dallas so they bring in Griese and what does he do? Turns it over three times against the Lions. Great. So, next week it's on to Green Bay where, I believe, they probably don't stand a snow balls chance in hell of beating because, let's face it, Green Bay and Favre are hot hot hot right now. And good for him. I really like Favre, not exactly a Green Bay fan by any stretch of the imagination, but glad to see that he will have what will be probably be a good last season. Then Green Bay will suck again, just like the Bears suck right now. Fuck me.
Our anniversary was awesome! I came home from work and, seeing how Dennis had the day off, he was unusually prepared for my arrival. He had a banner hung saying "Happy Anniversary" with some of the prettiest roses sitting on the table I have ever seen. I'm a sucker for yellow roses, even though traditionally speaking they are supposed to mean friendship. I don't give a fuck about the meaning of the color, I just like yellow roses! But, I also love pink roses. Which creates a dilemma for anybody purchasing me roses. So, these yellow roses had pink tips! Yes, the very best of both of my rose colored worlds. He also got me Knocked Up (the movie, no, I'm not pregnant - well, after this weekend...nevermind. I've said too much). And he took me out for a few drinks, then dinner at the Stage Stop for filet mignon and lobster tail. I wore the dress in my little piccy on the right there - and I'm always looking for an excuse to wear that! Then we had a second anniversary day on Saturday. We went out bumming around and we wound up at the new JCPenny's in McHenry where there was this great fucking sale! So, of course, I bought a few things (mostly stuff I needed - like more warm clothes for the inevitable cold weather that will no doubt show up very very soon - but not this week). Then we went out for pizza later. So, it was all good.
So, anybody watch the season premier of Desperate Housewives last night? SPOILER ALERT: STOP READING HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW. I so knew that the suicide attempt by the hag played by the hag name Nicolette Sheridan was all a rouse. But how stupid was the old fork in the fake pregnant billy of Bree? Like anybody would believe their stupid story of a gag fork. And we got to see the new neighbor and the new pain in Lynette's life fund raising cohort. But, I do say I loved that actress as Christy Mathers in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. She plays bitch so well.
Well, I better get to work seeing how I have two jobs to do today. Wish me luck!
REMINDER: Mojo Cannon's musical debut is only 4 days away! Friday night, Penny Road Pub in Barrington at 9:00. Be there! And don't be late because they are only playing an hour set so if you're an hour late, you're fucked.