I’m still trying to recover. Saturday Six Foot Model played at Chicago City limits and opened up for Enuff Znuff. And the D’Molls played before Six Foot Model. It was very interesting (one way to put it) and, well, since this is a public forum I think I’ll leave it at that. It was a lot of fun but almost too much 80’s for this modern girl to handle.
I spent all day yesterday recovering. By recovering I mean doing my job of holding down the couch to make sure it doesn’t get away. We didn’t get home until about 5:00am Sunday morning. And then I got up at around 10:00. I had to run to the grocery store to get some stuff for my tortellini soup that I made yesterday (which was extremely tasty, I might add). But that’s as adventurous as I got. I did that early in the morning and didn’t leave the house the rest of the day. I took a short little nap around 5 o’clock then got back up around 6:30 and held down the couch some more.
Yes, I was extremely lazy. Isn’t that what Sunday’s are all about?