I survived the busiest weekend in a long ass time. Although, I'm not so sure about my mental state at the moment. I think I lost a few too many brain cells over the past three days so forgive me if I appear to be even stupider than I usually am. See what I mean?
Anyway, Thursday night I finally got my sister from the airport. Her flight was supposed to be in at 10:00pm Thursday night but didn't actually get in until around 12:45am. By the time we got her bags, walked to my car, and drove home it was about 2:45am. We jabbered until about 3:30 when we finally passed out. Which is bad because my other sister was due to arrive at my house at 9:00am Friday. So, we basically got about four hours sleep early Friday morning.
Saturday was filled with shopping, of course. I got a few cool things. I bought a pair of Guess brown suede boots from Macy's.

Of course, those are black but the ones I got are brown. Before I bought the boots I bought a really cute skirt from the Limited, but almost didn't buy it due to the fact I didn't have any footware to wear with it. Then my sister came up with the brilliant idea that I didn't need to worry - we can find something to wear with it. She's a really bad influence. The bitch. I bought some other stuff - some MV3 perfume from Mac, some eye shadow, some tarts from Yankee Candle. And that was about it. My oldest sister decided that sometime when she came in she wanted to go downtown Chicago. Well, seeing how Saturday was just a beautiful day we decided that would be the day. We took the train into the city and just walked around, going into shops, checking out the sites. We came across Millennium Park and I had to check that out. It was pretty cool. My middle sister, however, decided to lay on me a comment that she said Dennis made to her a long time ago after finding out her daughter was pregnant at 16 years old. She claims that Dennis told her, "I knew she put out.". Then she told me how he kept apologizing for saying it and how it made her cry. Saturday night we went out to eat at my favorite Mexican joint and I asked Dennis about this comment. He was as surprised as I was and said, no, he never said that. Then when I told him about the apologies, he started laughing, then got really pissed off. During dinner I downed three margaritas! Well, with the three Margaritas in me I decided to ask my middle sister about it with Dennis sitting at the table. She got all upset saying that, yes, you did say it and Dennis said, no, I didn't. Then she sat in silence and was about to cry at the table so we paid our check and left. She wouldn't say a word to Dennis after this - the entire weekend. Now, I know my husband has a sick sense of humor, and I don't doubt for a minute that he might have said something - but he would have only said something if she would have made a joke about it first. And Dennis is never alone with my sister and I would so remember him saying something so crass and nasty. And I would have definitely remembered him apologizing about it a million times. I think that she might have taken something out of context because I don't think she would make it up, but the whole thing was upsetting just as well because she made it out to seem like he said this in a heartless fashion, when I know he wouldn't have and he didn't. He doesn't like it when his best friend acts like a perv and says things to his other friend about his 16 year old step daughter. So I know he wouldn't have said something like that about my own niece to her mother. Sunday the three of us, me, both my sisters drove down to my dad's to drop my oldest sister off so she can ride back down to Texas with my dad. Went to lunch, then had to drive all the way back home. So, round trip, I drove about 500 miles yesterday. By the time I got home at about 4:45 I was so fucking tired I almost went to bed. Almost! I had to watch the second half of the Bears game and I'm so glad I did! I, again, almost fell asleep at the beginning of the fourth quarter but willed myself to stay awake. And it paid off! My Bears beat the Eagles in the last seconds of the game, scoring a touchdown leaving the Eagles only 6 seconds to try to win. And their time ran out! I'm really starting to crush on Brian Griese a little bit. He really came through when the pressure was on! Way to Go Chicago Bears!
Wow, what a weekend you had!!!