I haven’t blogged for a while. I’ve been really really busy!! Cut me some slack!!
I’ve been working on the band website http://www.chasingamylive.com and have been working on “other things” as well. *shhhhhh*
I’m really quite disturbed by something. And I really shouldn’t be, but it disturbs me beyond belief. This whole Miss USA thing where the girl actually had some balls and gave an honest answer to a question that was way out of line to ask in the first place. Isn’t tolerance what people preach nowadays? We have to be tolerant of that, we have to be tolerant of this – even when we don’t personally believe in it? I have no personal stand on gay marriage. I really don’t care what they do. However, isn’t tolerance a two way street? Shouldn’t people be tolerant of her points of view as we are of theirs? She didn’t say that she hates gay people and think they are a moral abomination. All she said is she feels that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Isn’t she entitled to her beliefs as well? And to be asked such a loaded question by a gay man is just absurd. You might as well ask her if she likes to do it doggy style – you know, while you’re asking inappropriate questions.
She’s my hero for today. She didn’t just give a blank stare and say, “Gay Marriage would bring World Peace.”, smile, turn around and shake her ass, and walk away. She actually gave an honest answer about something that she shouldn’t even have been asked about in the first place.
I need to read your blog more often. This is an awesome post.