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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Thursday, October 04, 2007
Police Parking Brutality
It's a beautiful Thursday morning, the weather is gorgeous, and the boss won't be in until around 11:30 or so. Life is good. Even though the Cubbies lost last night. Good thing it's not football with the ole sudden death in the playoffs; the Cubs get a second and a third chance. Go Cubs!

So, this morning, I go to pay for my parking at the train station. It's a buck fifty daily for the privilege of parking to take the train. They have these little boxes with slits in them that you stuff your buck fifty into that correlates to the number above the spot you parked in. Sounds simple, right? Wrong.

A little back story. Don't sigh, I heard that! Anyway, last week, I get out to my car after a long ass hard day of work. Okay, not exactly like I'm running a marathon daily type job, but it was a long fucking day nonetheless. And what is on my windshield? A fucking warning from the police station saying I didn't pay for my parking. Great. Now, that morning, I went up to pay for my parking and there was already money in the slot, so I put more money into the slot. Now, before you start saying "dizzy blonde paid for the wrong slot", hear me out. I always count from the first car in the line to my car to make sure I'm paying in the right slot. And the reason for that is sometimes it's not very clear what number you actually are parked in seeing how they don't put a number in front of your spot, but in the middle of two slots and sometimes they aren't exactly in the middle. So, I counted down and paid in the correct hole. So this pisses me off, right? Because not only did I pay, somebody else paid in my slot too!

So, fast forward to the part that I end this stupid conversation, right? Wrong again. This morning, I count down like I always do and, lo and behold, I'm in spot number 51. I truck my ass to the money box and guess what? There's already money in the fucking slot. So, I stick another two quarters in the slot and go to put my neatly folded dollar bill in with all the rest of the money only the dollar won't fit because it's already overstuffed with money! Fuck! I don't want another ticket so I call the police department to let them know I couldn't pay anything more than fifty cents because it won't fucking fit!

Any bets on if I have a parking ticket on my windshield when I get home?
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:40 AM  
  • At Thursday, October 04, 2007 8:58:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is why I like the machines so much better. You just type in your spot number and put your money in. A couple times I got a ticket because I put the wrong number in, but I had my receipt saying I paid!

    Too bad Antioch doesn't have that. There was another train station I went to that had the slots and if there was money in my slot I usually put my money in the next one instead. Never had a problem doing that.

    One time in Schaumburg I put money in the slot and found out later they put machines there and never took out the freakin slots. I got a $30 ticket from them and they wouldn't cancel the ticket! Bastards!

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