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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, September 24, 2007
Where Have My Bears Gone Wrong?
Okay, I gotta ask this. How bad does the Bears offense have to suck before they'll do something about it?

Wrecks Grossman just isn't the guy. As much as they want him to be, and as much as I would like him to be he just isn't the leader they need in that position. There, I said it. I've thought this for a long time, like every other Bears fan in the Chicago area has thought. I guess they should just finish out this crappy season with Rex and then get old lady McCaskety to get out her big ass check book and buy a new quarterback. And, I say this with it being only the third game of the season. But, it's pretty obvious that they aren't going to do much this year.

But, I still bought some cool Bears stuff yesterday. A cute t-shirt and lightweight jacket. I still love 'em. Even though they suck.

Shopping on Saturday with Kim totally drained my ass for the rest of the weekend. And, as usual, I spent way too much. But, I don't feel so bad because Kim spent waaaaaay more than I did! And I bought a lot of stuff for Dennis that he really really needed so it wasn't so bad. About the only splurge item I bought was a new winter coat. And it's a really cool coat and was actually on sale! It's a long dark brown suede with fur trim on the collar and on the cuffs. It was normally $350 on sale for $119. Dennis, bless his heart, said to me - didn't you get a new coat last year? Well, honey, yes I did. A white coat. That needs to be washed about ever other time I wear it because you know me and white. Then he says, why do you buy a white coat when you know you can't keep a white coat clean? To which I replied, if I knew that I could solve world peace while I'm at it - I don't fucking know why I do stuff like that! But, the good news is now that I have a new coat I can still wear the one I wore last year but will have something else to wear while I wait for my old one to hang dry (yes, it's actually washable but not dryable). It's just one of the mysteries of the universe!

And, it has to be said for all you board mongers who were involved in a certain discussion last week - Kim got a dress and you won't believe it - it's a....

Get ready for it...

Animal print! And it looks absolutely fabulous on her. I took pictures but stupid ass me didn't download them over the weekend so you'll have to wait until tomorrow. And, for the record, animal print is really hot right now. We saw so much animal print I thought that we were in a zoo for a while. And some really cute stuff too so for all you that state animal print is out, you're wrong!

UPDATE: New Co-Worker just called in. Her son is sick. I won't say what I'm thinking because you all already know what I'm thinking.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:41 AM  
  • At Monday, September 24, 2007 8:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    One thing about the fashion industry and animal print. If it isn't in one season, hold onto it because it will be the next season. True fact!

  • At Monday, September 24, 2007 9:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with you on Rex, but I have to say that I am starting to feel sorry for the guy. He is taking all the blame for the offense being crappy. The whole offense stinks, not just him. Rex threw a perfect pass to Bernard Berrian that would've been a touchdown, but he dropped it. The guy was wide open. NO excuse! There were some other passes they should have gotten, including at least one of the interception passes. There was one interception I saw where the Bears player almost seemed flustered and didn't realize the Cowboy player caught the ball. He didn't even go after him until it was too late. The Cowboy player ended up gaining a lot of yards. PLUS, where's Rex's protection? He can't pass the ball if he's got the other team coming at him. Yeah, the guy's a wuss bag and he buckles under pressure, but those sacks are not entirely his fault.

    I am just not all that convinced that Griese or Orton could do any better. The whole offense needs help. I mean I guess it couldn't really hurt to try using Griese, but I don't think the outcome is going to be much better.

    Hmmm.... what message board discussion from last week? What's that all about? I will have to check out what I missed.

  • At Monday, September 24, 2007 9:17:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Agreed Cindy, on all counts. BUT Rex has to be the leader and he's not doing the best job at that.

    The problem isn't just this one game - this has been ongoing since mid-season last year. The offense just doesn't have the confidence in him or his abilities and that's a problem. He also needs to be more of a shark instead of a puppy dog.

    I thought the pass protection was pretty good last night - improved from last week. And, true, there were mistakes all over the board. The rest of the offense would play much better with a true leader in that position and I don't think he's it.

    We'll have to wait for the rest of the season to play out I suppose. But, at this point, it can't hurt any to put Greise in - not like the offense can play any worse!! *S*

  • At Monday, September 24, 2007 9:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, I agree with everything you just said. Rex needs to be a lot more aggressive and he needs to get the respect and confidence of his team. The poor Bears seem to have such a hard time getting a decent quarterback. I think that's why Lovie is so hesitant to change out the QB again. It takes time for the QB to really get comfortable with his team and for his team to get comfortable with him. You have to give the QB a chance. Though, it's possible Rex has gotten enough chances and it's time to get a new QB. I'm not that convinced replacing him with Griese or Orton will do any good. They probably need to spend some money and buy a good quarterback.

    I really hope the season improves. They have the Lions next week and hopefully they will get the chance to redeem themselves. They lost against 2 tough teams. They should be able to beat the Lions.

  • At Monday, September 24, 2007 10:03:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Exactly!! They need to go shopping at the end of the season and get somebody new.

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