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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Co-Workers Suck My Balls
I'm really starting to get frustrated and fed up with the new co-worker.

She doesn't listen to me at all and doesn't do what I ask her to do. And it pisses me off! It started yesterday, as I was leaving for the day and say to both my co-workers that I'll see them tomorrow - like I always do. Then the new girl pipes in and says, no, I'll see you on Thursday. I'm out tomorrow. The other co-worker says, I'll be here. So, obviously the other co-worker knew. Why does this piss me off you ask? Because I have to do the new girl's work while she's out and it would have been nice to know this so I wouldn't have planned on getting other things done today!

Then, to top it off, I've told her a thousand times when she has to re-do a certificate of insurance that she needs to void the one she's replacing. Because when it comes time for policy renewals and certificate renewals the client isn't scratching his ass going - why do I have two certificates for the same job that are slightly different on my certificate list? Which one do I renew? And they get charged per additional insured so it costs the clients MONEY when they have duplicates. I remind her every single fucking day to do this - and she never does it! And, when she does a bond I have told her a thousand times that she needs to scan the bond and attach it to the bond record. Does she do this? Fuck no. Unless my co-worker tells her to do something a specific way she doesn't do it. And I'm plum getting suck and fucking tired of it!

Okay, I feel better now, to have gotten this off my chest. But I'm not sure what to do about it. I think I need to have a talk with my boss to let him know what's going on. That I wrote the fucking system and if I tell her she needs to handle something a certain way she needs to fucking listen to me. Christ. What's so fucking hard about that?

I guess it's a good thing she's out today because I would have to walk over to her at some point in the day and bitch slap the fuck out of her.

UPDATE: So, one of our insureds just called - they were pulled off the job because the co-worker didn't get the updated certificate to them by the end of the day yesterday after I told her to! So, I just fixed it all and got them what they needed so their guys can get back on the job. No, this isn't important at all! She doesn't need to listen to me when I tell her to do something - not at all!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:45 AM  
  • At Wednesday, September 12, 2007 9:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! That's all I got to say. :)


  • At Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:02:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    It's getting crazy. I've been doing nothing but fixing her mistakes all morning long.


  • At Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:29:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    okay so when some major corporation gets totally fucked and they are on the phone screaming and yelling like banchies your boss is gonna figure out really fast that she likes to takes shortcuts that could cost the company some hard cash... what the fuck? what a moron. You have to tell her when she comes back tomorrow what she did and what could have happened.

    When I was in high school I worked part time at an Insurance Underwriters and I was in charge of pulling driving records on all the drivers for trucking companies we insured. One time for some reason I had confused two workers and sent a letter to a major trucking company warning that if driver A got any more tickets he would be suspended from our insurance. I could have easily cost the guy his job when really it was driver B that had all the issues. Good thing driver A had NO TICKETS and stood up for himself and told them to have that rechecked! I got reamed hardcore and from that point forward I double/triple/quardouple checked everything. What you do in your profession has a domino effect and could really wreak havoc on others outside of your office.. sometimes people need to THINK!

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