I now fucking hate Tuesdays. Only because this Tuesday is actually a Monday since Monday was more like a Sunday. Are you following me here?
So, this weekend had some very bright moments. Mostly yesterday - and I won't get into why here. Let's just say it was extremely nice and leave it at that. But I will tell you that this weekend has left me exhausted today. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to go to work, but here I am.
Sunday, the Mojo Cannon first anniversary party went off without a hitch. It was loud, there was lots of booze, and we went out and got something to eat afterwards. They played their asses off and every song sounded great! I had to leave to pick up Bethany - the bass player's wife, from work at a salon just down the street since she had to work a little later than she thought. Mostly, due to Mike Stone's funky hair she was doing:

Now, the reason Mr. Stone has this funky hair is because he's leaving on Wednesday to do a tour with his band. It's just a gig with a band you probably have never heard of - Queensryche. Yea, I know. Must be fucking nice. So, really, the hairstyle is appropriate considering. But, I did tell him it would certainly look strange if his vocation of choice would have been an insurance agent. Anyway, I hope everybody had a great weekend and now the next day off isn't until fucking Thanksgiving. Shit. That's way too far down the road for my liking. |
Queensryche is performing with Alice Cooper this month in WNY. If that's the tour, then that's pretty damn cool.