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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, August 24, 2007
It's Gonna Be a Long Day
I can tell that already. I've been here at work a total of 25 minutes and have already received 5 claims related calls.

With all the storms that hit our area over the past day many people have their basements flooded out. And the problem with this is that most people believe they are covered under these conditions when they are not.

Flood isn't something that is covered under the normal perils of the policy. With a few exceptions. Flood insurance isn't something that normal insurance companies handle - they are mostly written by companies that specialize in flood insurance like the National Flood Services. And is usually much more expensive than their homeowners insurance (Make that 6 calls, I'm on another one right now). The only time that you are required to carry flood insurance is if you are on a flood plane and your mortgage company requires it. Otherwise, you aren't covered by flood.

Another part of a policy is Sump Pump and Sewer Backup coverage - which is an additional coverage that you elect to put on your policy. This would cover you if your sump pump fails - due to mechanical fault or due to power not being on and not operating - which is what is happening in most of these cases. Unfortunately, most people elect to not carry this coverage and therefore are on their own for these types of situations. The reason it is an additional coverage is that not everybody has a basement - and if you don't have a basement, you don't have a sump pump so why should everybody have this charge built into their policy when it isn't something that everybody needs?

Anyway, I'm getting a lot of pissed off people on the phone because they aren't covered for this and have to shell out the money on their own. They yell at me, they curse me, they tell me we're incompetent. It's just the way it is.

Anyway, I'm glad I got a lot of sleep last night. I just have been forecasting this problem this morning and knew that I needed to be on my toes this morning. I fell asleep last night around 8:00pm, watching football. My whole body ached - my joints in my knees felt like they were on fire! I feel much better today, but wish to fuck these people would quit calling me incompetent because their shit isn't covered. I just work here people. I don't make the rules.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:54 AM  
  • At Friday, August 24, 2007 8:29:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's where we were in early May. However, the reason our sump pump failure and sewer backup endorsement didn't cover was because there was a flood water line around our house showing that we were surrounded with water. We did not have flood insurance because, like you said, we were not in the flood plane so why pay for coverage that you will never use. WTF!

    Not the insurance agent's fault - just the way it is. We did hear, however, that most of the other insurance companies still wrote the endorsement checks for the sump failure/sewer backup even though it was actual flood related.

    *had Allied-but will be cancelling them at renewal in October*

  • At Friday, August 24, 2007 9:10:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    I believe, with us, even if you have water all around your house and your sump pump fails, then it should still be covered.

    Usually, it just depends on the situation.

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