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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
And It Continues...
Not much time today so I'll make this short.

The ongoing saga of my little bitch of a niece keeps going on. Seriously, I hope I don't wind up kicking her little ass next Saturday.

During shopping last weekend, my sister told me she was going to wear her hairpiece - just to let me know so I can decide if I want to wear mine. No problem, I told her, I wasn't planning to so go right ahead. Now, this hairpiece looks really cute on my sister. Her current haircut, shall we say, wasn't done very well so anything is a pretty vast improvement.

Side Note: This is why nobody in my family knows about my blog.

Anyway, my sister calls me last night and the conversation went like this:

Sister: I decided I'm not going to wear the hairpiece so if you want to wear it we won't look like bobsie twins

Side Note: Who were the Bobsie Twins and why do we constantly refer to a couple of twins nobody knows?

Me: Really? Why?
Sister: Because my daughter doesn't like it.
Me: What do you mean she doesn't like it? What's her problem with it?
Sister: She thinks it looks bad on me, looks fake, and that I shouldn't ever wear it.

Now, mind you, when she bought the thing me, my other sister, and my nephews wife were all there and we all agreed that it looked good on her. Made her look younger and really flattered her face.

Me: Well, I think she's wrong.
Sister: Well, I told her I wouldn't wear it.
Me: Why, is she afraid you'll embarrass her or something?
Sister: Something like that.
Me: You sound really disappointed. You wanted to wear it right?
Sister: Yes.
Me: Then don't let her tell you that you shouldn't!
Sister: Now that she's said that I'll feel self conscious about it.
Me: That's totally bogus. You know, she isn't the end all be all of fashion, ya know?
Sister: Yea
Me: I thought it looked good on you, your other sister thought it looked good on you, and your niece thought it looked good on you. But because one person, your daughter, didn't like it you're never going to wear it again? And if she's going to be that embarrassed about my dress, or your hair, she can just stay home.
Sister: But, I really want her to go.
Me: Fine. Then you deal with her immaturity and cattiness. I've heard enough.
Sister: I don't want you to be mad at her.
Me: Too late. I'll see you Saturday.


I mean, seriously, if my mother was that influenced by what I thought she would have never left the house!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:45 AM  
  • At Wednesday, August 15, 2007 9:08:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your niece sounds like a piece of work. Kind of a "know it all". I have a darling, very stylish, daughter that can stop a room in its tracks. I love to shop with her because she tells me like it is and keeps me in top fashion. The only thing she has really nixed is a short-short jean skirt from the GAP. I only bought it to wear on my deck - I would never wear it in public.

    That being said - I wear dresses that show cleavage quite often and I am a few years older than you. And, if your sister likes the way she looks in her hairpiece, she should wear it and your niece should just shut up!

    Hey, it was late afternoon when I got on the internet (busy, busy at work). You were talking about feeling fat and how everything seems to be tight even though the scale doesn't say so. I'm going through the exact same thing. Yes, I am about 3 pounds over my "perfect" weight, but that shouldn't make that much difference in my clothes. What can I say but UGH!

  • At Wednesday, August 15, 2007 9:37:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    *ha* I think I'm just feeling like that because I've been kinda "bound up" for quite a few days now.

    My niece is very beautiful, very stylish, but I'm more aggravated by my sister that she would take it all to heart and, just because she says so, won't wear what she wants because it might embarrass her spoiled brat excuse for a daughter.

  • At Wednesday, August 15, 2007 10:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It just sounded like your niece wanted to control the situation with both her mother and you. She should know by now that you don't look or act your true age. So why dress matronly when you don't feel that way?!

    I know the "bound up" feeling. I've been having some physical issues even though all my tests came out very good. I haven't had TOM since April, but none of my tests show me entering "old lady" yet. Matter of fact the doc told me that TOM should be showing up in about 3 days - that was 10 days ago. I have all the symptoms (bloating, swollen boobs, cramping) but nothing - and I have these symptoms all the time now. Just get it over with and go away!!!! There, I said it and now I'm over it!

  • At Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do you think your Niece will show up wearing the hairpiece? Kind of like with the dress you wanted to buy? Just a thought.

  • At Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:39:00 PM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    *hahaha* yeawright, it sure wouldn't surprise me!

    Although, it would look bad on her. The color wouldn't match at all. She's very very blonde and my sister's hair is a lot darker.

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