This morning! When I got up - or I should say was woken up by ferocious thunder and bright lightening at 4:00am, the rain was hitting the windows so hard it sounded like somebody was shooing a beebee gun at our house. Of course, the power went out before my alarm went off but, lucky me, I was already awake so I couldn't go back to sleep since a) the power might not come on and I might not wake up in time or b) the power would come back on but my alarm wouldn't be set anyway. So, I'm a little tired this morning.
Leo was going nuts with the thunder. Poor old guy - he's such a pussy when it comes to storms. All 65 pounds of him was trying in vain to get up on the bed. With no luck. He won't even jump into the car - we have to pick him up and put him in the car so I have no idea what he was thinking trying to jump on the bed, which is twice as high as the car seat. I so wondered what he really thinks is happening when it's thundering like that. Obviously, he thinks the world's coming to an end otherwise he wouldn't freak out so much.
Well, the new slave at work called in sick yesterday. Now, I'm not saying she just wanted the day off - in all likelihood she was legitimately sick. But, part of me still wonders. It's the first day of her second week here and already calling in sick? Hopefully, it's not part of a pattern that will lend us to a co-worker that is out all the time.
Who am I to judge? My boss doesn't know it yet but I have to take the 2:00 train to see my endocrinologist at 3:30. My prescription is nearing it's end, no refills, and he wants to check my levels before getting me another script. Wish me luck! Hopefully, my levels are normal and they don't need to increase the medication again.