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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, July 27, 2007
One More Day!
Thank God, only

1 Day Until Vacation

Yes, that's right. I won't be back on this blog until next Thursday. Not that anybody will really miss anything other than my insane drivel.

The downside: I have an incredible headache this morning. I mean, my head is totally pounding and screaming. Probably because of the crappy weather the past couple days - my sinuses are toast. Which isn't good because I'm going to a place where the weather is more than likely going to be crappy the whole time. I guess I better pack a whole bunch of Advil Cold and Sinus and just deal with it.

And the vacation doesn't come a moment too soon. We have a new assistant starting in the office on Monday. Which totally bites since I'm not going to be here - which means it's open season for my co-worker to train her exactly the way she wants her to be trained. And, normally that's not a bad thing but my co-worker has some extremely annoyingly bad habits I would rather she didn't infest into the new person.

The biggie being the way that service tasks are handled. We have three people in the office right now with a fourth on Monday. We have this handy dandy system for entering our "calls", or tasks if you will, that everybody has access to and can share the data. But, my co-worker doesn't like to use it because she claims she just can't type fast enough. What she does is this - when somebody calls saying, for example, they just bought a new car and wants to put coverage on it my co-worker has this little spiral notebook that she writes it into. Then when she does the task she checks it off as done. Which is all fine and good because she knows exactly what's in that book. But, flash to 3 months from now when this client calls in and says, "I told you to replace my 1989 Hoopdeville with a 2006 Cadillac but the Hoopdeville is still on my policy." In order to find out who did the work and when you could just bring up the clients record, look at the calls, see the details, and be done with it - provided you entered the task into a call. But, since my co-worker refuses to work that way, you have to go to her spiral book, figure out when the person might have called, page through the book, hope to decipher the handwriting, and figure out what happened. Not exactly as efficient.

So, yesterday when my co-worker was talking to the new hire, she explained how we do calls and tasks. And told her, "You can either write it in a book like this (holds up her spiral notebook) or you can enter it into a call into the system. But, I think this is better (holds up her spiral notebook) because I can't type that fast into the system. Sometimes I'll remember to enter it into a call/task, sometimes I don't. What you want to do is up to you." Now, time out here. We'll have four people now. Three of which will now be still entering this stuff into an archaic book instead of doing it the modern way of entering it into the system. I say three because I always enter my shit into the system.

You get where I'm going with this now, don't you? By the time I get in on Thursday she will have influenced this new person into doing things "her" way thus negating all of the hard work I went into to develop a modern system that saves both time and resources and my sanity!

And now I'll be thinking about this all during my vacation. I wish he could have waited to start her until after I get back.


Anyway, I fully intend to rid myself of these thoughts once I leave the building today and am well on my way to having fun in Texas.

Hope everybody has a nice weekend!

On a side note: I think I'm going completely insane. This morning I told Dennis that I really didn't want to go because I'm going to miss him horribly. And I really nuts for this? It's only five days but I feel like I'm leaving forever...
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:54 AM  
  • At Friday, July 27, 2007 9:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope the new girl has enough sense to use the computer system rather than writing stuff in a notebook. How lame! "I can't type fast enough". Then you don't belong in a friggin office job. Take a keyboarding class woman. Crikey!

    Who is the other person in the office you're talking about, the boss's wife? Or are you just including the boss in the number? This other person does the notebook too? I guess being an IT person, that sounds incredibly stupid to me, but I know there are some pretty computer illiterate people out there. I certainly type a whole lot faster than I write.

    Can't she just write the shit down first and then enter everything into the computer system afterwards? The boss should make that system required. Make sure you re-train that girl right when you get back from vacation. At least your co-worker did mention the computer system and didn't say the notebook was the only way.

  • At Friday, July 27, 2007 9:44:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Including the boss and his wife there will be 5 people here.

    Which is why it's even MORE important now that we have a SYSTEM instead of "just do what you want".

  • At Friday, July 27, 2007 9:47:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    I agree with Cindy.. I type faster and MUCH NEATER than I write.. plus it's much easier to go into the customers records and be able to scroll through and see what was entered rather than guess at what she wrote in her spiral if she even remembers to write it in there! ughhh

    aweee I think it's cute that you are going to miss your hubbie! Have a great trip, we'll miss ya!

  • At Friday, July 27, 2007 10:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's obvious your co-worker cares about no one but herself or she's just plain stupid. Sure, she can find the info in her own notebook when someone calls, but does she understand how inconvenient it is for you and everyone else there to page through her stupid notebook to find the answers you need.

    Have an awesome time in Dallas! I hope you end up with some nice weather and that your headache goes away. I had a migraine on Wednesday. Exactly a week after the migraine I had the previous Wednesday. WTF!? I usually only get them once a month with other small headaches throughout (almost every day in the afternoon).

  • At Friday, July 27, 2007 10:57:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…



    Yea, but that makes her feel like she isn't EXPENDABLE and makes her look like she knows everything.

    Hense, the sign on her desk that reads:

    Do you want to talk to the man in charge or to the woman who knows what's going on?

  • At Friday, July 27, 2007 12:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, I'd be pissed. There's a reason you have the system,to track who does what, etc. Especially if something doesn't get "bound" or taken care of and a claim arises? Shit! Hope you can talk the boss into making it a rule to use the system. Have a great vaca!

  • At Friday, July 27, 2007 12:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe the boss finally realized how expendable she is and the new girl is her replacement. :)

    They did that here. One of our account managers wasn't doing her job so they hired a new account manager for some extra help (or so they said at the time). They ended up firing the old account manager after the new one took over pretty much all of her accounts.

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