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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, July 20, 2007
Let The Countdown Begin
It's contrite, I know, but thank God it's Friday!

Only one more week and I'll be on vacation! I'm counting down just like I did last year so here it is:

9 Days Until Vacation

That's counting today and the day I actually fly out. And, my sister, in her infinite wisdom, decided to book a flight that departs at 7:50am. Which means I'll have to leave at around 5:00am or so to get there on time. Fuck that two hours early shit. I'm not leaving my house at 4:00am. I figure, tho, that it's on a Saturday so traffic shouldn't be that bad. I mean, without traffic I'm figuring it'll take at least an hour and 15 minutes to get from Antioch to O'Hare airport. So, if we leave at 5:00 I figure I'll be there by around 6:30. Which is still almost an hour and a half before departure. Which, is good enough for me. What do you think?

Okay, I witnessed something last night that just made me so sad. I went after dinner to go pickup my Synthroid prescription from Walgreens. Well, Antioch is having their sidewalk sales / carnival so there was quite a bit of traffic and people. Smack dab in the middle of downtown Antioch traffic was backed up a little bit so I was at a standstill in front of Las Vegas Restaurant. There was an old couple that stepped out of the Chinese restaurant with their dinner safely tucked into a plastic bag looped in the arm of the old woman. My guess, she was probably in her 70's. So the cars were stopped to let them walk across the street. About halfway across the street the poor woman trips over her own feet and *splat* lands right on her face, her Chinese dinner scattering all over the road. Now, I'm looking right at her when this happens, like it's in slow motion or something. She's laying on the street, not moving for a few minutes, people were scattering to try to offer some kind of help. Meanwhile, I'm sitting in my car saying, "Oh my God!" and just kind of shocked. Her husband finally helps her up and she hobbled off, her face all bloody. I just hope she was okay. I felt so bad for her and she looked so embarrassed, poor thing.

Anyway, I better get to work. The boss is in early and has an appointment in a few hours that he needs some things for. I hope everybody has a nice weekend!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:41 AM  
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