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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Human Nature
Human nature is a funny thing. And it was never more apparent than this morning!

It's funny how some things you just take for granted and never notice, but once you do notice you have no idea why you and a group of people behave in the same fashion? And I noticed this today upon boarding the train.

I should start off by saying that the morning train is never full. And we're the first pickup on the whole line so it's empty when we board. And you never have to share a seat with anybody because there are always way more seats than there are travelers. This morning there were a couple people at the door boarding before I do. I do the usual thing - walk up the steps, make a left turn into the first car, and take the second seat on the left as soon as you walk in. And to my shock and horror, the guy in front of me decided to sit in the second seat on the left as you walk in. Part of me wanted to yell, "Hey, asshole, get out of my seat." but the more reasonable side of me thought - wait a minute. There's, like, well over a hundred seats to choose from on this entire line so what the fuck is my problem? I don't own the seat - I rent it for 60 minutes a day total. But, still, I felt violated!

So, I take the third seat on the left as soon as you walk in. No big thing, I'm only a seat behind, right? Then another thing struck me. I looked to the seat on my left and I recognize the man as the one that's always sitting a seat behind me and kitty cornered. But, he's next to me today. We both looked at each other and kind of giggled a little bit - but he knew exactly what I was thinking! Anyway, to make a long story longer I look around and I find that everybody who takes that train everyday has their own seat and never deviated from that seat. Why is that? What difference does it make? Are we such creatures of habit that we have the have the comfort and security of the same seat on public transportation everyday?

Well, some of us anyway. It' s only natural that, if you drive to work, that you'll be sitting in the same seat obviously and that person, tomorrow, will be me! I'm taking a 1/2 day off work but in order to do that I have to drive due to the fucking train schedule.

Now that I've completely bored you beyond reason, I hope you all have a super duper day! *gag*
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM  
  • At Thursday, August 16, 2007 9:17:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL! That reminds me of my mom always sitting in the same pew at church every week! If your theory is correct about needing to sit in the same seat on the train every day, boy did that guy totally fuck everything up for everyone else!!! :)

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