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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, September 17, 2007
My Uterus Hurts
The weekend is over. Shit, they go by way too fast. Especially when you're a bum, like me. I didn't do much at all due to my fucking womb deciding to do it's bleeding thing and making me feel like shit through most of it.

I did get some housecleaning done on Saturday morning before the curse hit. Then it was all over. All I wanted to do was lay around under my blanket and wait for the next three days to be finished.

I did watch a fascinating episode of 20/20 on Saturday. Well, it aired on Friday but I watched it on Saturday due to the amazing invention called the DVR. It was all about healthcare, why the government managing healthcare is a horrible idea, and what a lame ass idiot Michael Moore really is - if there were any doubts left. It was interesting because I thought about this a lot last year when I was going around getting consults and prices for my boob job. I wouldn't go around on consults and asking prices if I needed to get my tonsils taken out, for example. I mean, when's the last time you had any idea at all about what your doctor will actually charge you for an office visit? Chances are they would probably not be able to tell you what it would cost even if you did ask. But imagine if you could? If it was your money being spent would you shop around? Which is exactly why managed healthcare will never work. Think about it - if the grocery store was giving away free steak, for example, could you imagine how long the lines would be at the grocery store to get those free steaks? It's the same thing with healthcare. Which is why Canada has free healthcare, sure, but it'll take you three to six months to get an MRI. And good luck finding a general practitioner for a family doctor. In some areas of Canada they give away a spot for a family doctor in lotteries. I imagine if people actually shopped when it came to healthcare the price of healthcare would very likely go down for the routine office visit stuff. Competition is what makes things cheaper and better. Very interesting segment - if you have the chance to watch it, I would highly recommend it.

On to Football. So the Bears finally won one. Of course, if it wasn't for the incredible feet of Devin Hester they probably wouldn't have won it, but, hey, a win is a win right? I love that guy. He can't put a coherent sentence together but he sure can return those balls! Grossman, as usual, wasn't spectacular at all. And he threw a few interceptions. Luckily, the Bears have such an incredible defense - otherwise I would be screaming my ass off right now about how they suck. Next Sunday, it's Chicago VS. Dallas. Which will be interesting in my family - since most of them are Cowboys fans.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:12 AM  
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