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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday, Sweet Friday
So, I'm reading this morning that there's this politician chick in Bavaria that wants to make Marriages in Bavaria last only seven years. At that time, the couple can either a) extend their marriage or b) the marriage automatically dissolves. Interesting. But stupid. I can understand where she's coming from - she's been divorced twice. But isn't this taking the seven year itch to extremes? Imagine if they did that here, in America. I would probably be automatically divorced next year! I wonder how many couples would just sit and wait for their seven year anniversary rather than paying for a costly divorce. But, what if it was automatically dissolved? How would they divide the assets? How would they decide on child custody? It still would be expensive since you would still need a fucking lawyer. I guess I just don't understand this. Why bother getting married going in knowing that it's a short time commitment? Could you imagine those wedding vows? Instead of "til death do you part" it would be "til seven years do you part". ♪ dumb dumb dumb dumb duuuuuumb ♪

So, anyway, yesterday Dennis got his first union check. But he was still kind of pissy last night when he got home. He had a really bad day on the job. The bossman was being a dick and jumped his shit first thing saying this job had to be X amount within what it's supposed to be (paraphrasing because I don't understand a word of it when he starts talking about his job - it might as well be in Chinese). But, the machine he's running doesn't work right and the bucket's teethy thingys are all messed up making it impossible to be within X of what they want it. And that's what I got out of our conversation. So, he was extremely grumpy for the first part of the evening. We had a bunch of running around to do - he had to get to the bank, pay the water bill at the village hall (due to the fact he forgot to pay it two weeks ago), pay the electric bill, and go buy some booze. We finally came to the discussion that he just needs to develop (get this) a thicker skin and not let it get to him. The problem is he hates what he does. So, it probably wouldn't matter who he works for. But, he did talk to one of his buddies that owns a guitar shop about teaching guitar this winter in his store and his buddy was thrilled that he's considering it. Dennis is a great player and a very good teacher so maybe this is something he can think about. Will it pay enough to pay all the bills? That's the bill question.

Well, it's Friday, thank God! I hope everybody has a great weekend and doesn't drink too much!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:42 AM  
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