Yay!! It's Friday, it's Friday, it's Friday!! It's time to do the fuck everything it's Friday dance!
Okay, now that I've gotten that off my chest I'm just hoping that today is a better day at work than yesterday. I told this to everybody yesterday, but in case you missed it yesterday was the strangest day at work ever.
It started out that I had some nimrod call me up in the middle of their home closing to say they needed insurance on the home they're closing on. Okay, so what the fuck? Did you wake up yesterday and suddenly feel the urge to buy a house and found some fly by night mortgage company to get the closing done within the house? Fuck no. You just pissed around and didn't get your shit done and get your paperwork together until the closing hour.
So, here I am frantically trying to get this dickhead's paperwork ready for his house when a woman hobbles into our office and collapses on our floor asking for an ambulance. So, I call 911 and request one. She told us she has had nine back surgeries and as she was getting off the train across the street she turned wrong and her back went out. I ask her if she needs anything - water, a blanket, whatever. She wants a mint. So, I find her one and give her some water and take care of her since my co-worker was with a client. Then the phone rings and it's the dickhead in his closing giving me shit asking where the fuck his paperwork is. I'm like, dude, I have a woman here that is in trouble and we're waiting for an ambulance to come get her. As soon as this is over I'll get you your fucking paperwork asshole.
The ambulance comes to get the woman but they have a hard time getting in the door because she collapsed as soon as she walked in and she's blocking the door. They finally get in, three guys lift her onto a stretcher, and off they go. I get back to work on the dickheads insurance papers for his closing.
I call the dickhead back and the conversation went something like this:
Me:Mr. Dickhead, I have a price for the house you're purchasing today.
Now, keep in mind this isn't some idiot who has never bought a house before, or closed on property before. Quite to the contrary. This is a slumlord that has about five properties that he rents out and is always needing insurance at the last minute.
Mr Dickhead:Okay, how much is it? Me:$629.43 for the year Mr Dickhead:Oh good. Okay, can you fax me over a declarations of coverage? Me:Sure. Just give me the mortgagee information and I'll get it taken care of. I also need you to sign an application for property insurance but that'll take me a little longer to do. So, I can send that to you later if you like. Mr Dickhead:Oh, that's okay. I paid cash for the house, there's no mortgagee. You can send it all to me later. Me:So, you don't need papers for the closing then? Mr Dickhead:No. I just remembered I needed to get it insured. Me:Asshole
So, he could have called after his closing and we could have taken our time on doing this. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out how to get him what he needs while taking care of a woman who needed help in the office.
People are assholes. I've come to that conclusion that most people (not all) only think about themselves and never give a rats ass what goes on with anybody else. It's all ME ME ME ME ME ME ME.
Okay, I hope everybody has a great weekend - don't party too much, drink too much, but if you do make sure that you have plenty of time the next day to nurse your raging hangovers!
Oh, God, two more days. Can I make it? I'm starting to wonder.
The boss was in when I got in again today. He informed me he's going to make this a daily thing. Get into the office early, have his breakfast here while he works. Of course that translates to me having to start actually working earlier every day instead of having a nice relaxing hour before anybody else is here.
I don't know why I'm complaining about this - it's not like it really affects me, even though I bitch about it constantly. I think it just bothers me because I really love the first hour here, being alone, it being quiet, and I don't have anybody at all harassing me to get anything done in a rush. If the phone rings and I'm busy, I can ignore it because, technically, we're not open yet. But, with the boss here we are open and I have to answer every call because it might be a call for him. Again, not a big deal really but for some unknown reason it makes me cringe whenever I get off that train and see his car here. And the really insane thing is I really like my boss, he doesn't mess with me nearly as much as I complain that he does. I think I'm just getting too fucking old to accept any changes in my life. Oh, yea, I can go on and on about the possibility of relocating to another state, but have my boss come in earlier than I expect and I'm all up in a tizzy about it.
And there you have it. Proof that I actually am insane. Like there was any doubt about it before. My boss just came up to me and told me that he's leaving at 9:00 to move his oldest son to his first apartment. So, he won't even be here after 9:00. So it will be a nice relaxing day after all!
Rescue Me last night -SPOILER ALERT!!!
I don't know how anybody else feels about this season, but so far it's missing something. It's like the plots are thin - almost non-existent. But, it's early yet, only two shows into it so I'm sure that things will start to heat up. The thing that really disturbed me about last night's episode, however is the Chief. I can't believe he killed himself by shooting himself in the head. But, then again, they didn't show anything after he put the gun in his mouth except a blank screen and a bang. So, who knows. It will be sad, though, if he's no longer on the show.
I just hope it starts to cook again. It's been kind of a boring season so far thought.
Short entry today. Boss is here early - was here when I walked in the door. Which means that he's hanging around my desk and having me do stuff for some meeting he's about to leave for.
I really like the hour I get in before anybody else is here. It's quiet, I can get caught up on stuff. Unless, of course, the boss is here when I get here. Then it's all, "I need this for my meeting." or "So and so called and needs this right away." or even, "Can you look at my computer because this isn't working right." And, this morning, it's all of the above.
So, I stalled enough and better get my ass in there to find out what it's all about before he cans my ass for ignoring his requests.
What is it with people that they forget that everybody can hear their cell phone conversations in public?
This morning, on the train, this woman sitting in front of me had a very loud, very heated conversation with, I believe, her daughter's child's father. She yelled, acted like a total bitch, and everybody on the train looked irritated. Me? I don't even like to talk on my phone on the train at all because I don't think anybody around me needs to hear it. And why is it that people tend to talk really loudly when they are on a cell phone? Yes, the person isn't actually sitting next to you - they are generally far away from you but that doesn't mean you have to talk loud enough that they could hear you even without the phone.
This woman went on and on with this person (and I know it was a male because I could hear him yelling on the other end) about how she knows her daughter is worthless and won't get a job. And how it's ridiculous that the person she was talking to thinks she could get an office job where he works. And how this woman feels that her daughter is incompetent to get off her lazy ass to actually go to work every day. And I know this male she was speaking to is threatening to come take his daughter from her daughter if she doesn't get a fucking job and quit sitting around all day eating and watching Oprah and Phil. I know all this about these people I've never met, never spoken to, and never set eyes on before this morning.
I sat, trying to read my book but I couldn't because of the shouting going on from this stupid ass rude nasty woman. Fuck lady! Keep your private conversations private - I don't give a shit about your lazy ass family.
Anyway, it's only Tuesday which means, from the looks of it, it's going to be a long week. And an even longer day since I left my lunch sitting on the kitchen counter when I left this morning. I guess I'll just go next door and get a salad or something. Great start to the day.
In case I haven't, I really fucking hate Mondays. I especially hate Monday's where my boss is here when I get here. And I really hate Mondays when the boss is here at 7:30 and already is giving me shit to do. Can I please sit and breathe for a minute before I have to start working? No? Okay, you sign my checks I guess I better do what you say.
This weekend was incredibly boring. The weather pretty much sucked - chilly and rainy on Saturday but Sunday was a little better. We went out to dinner on Friday, which was pretty good. Saturday, stayed home and rented a couple movies, Sunday, went out to lunch and watched the second movie we rented Saturday. Whoo hooo!! What a fun weekend! I wound up eating too much out this weekend and this morning when I did my weigh in I toppled the scale at 119. I haven't seen 119 since before this time last year. I'm thinking if I don't want to wind up back at 185 I better start watching what I'm eating again this week. I've been getting pretty sloppy - with going out to eat a lot and finding the most fattening thing on the menu. Yesterday, it was chicken wings. Fried, breaded, chicken wings. And I already had lunch. I ate about 10 wings - and they were gooood. Then I didn't feel like cooking dinner so we had a pizza. So, you have wings and pizza in one day, I guess it's not shocking to be up a few pounds the next.
I still freak out about the scale. I suddenly felt like I was huge and bloated this morning - I imagined that my clothes are fitting a lot tighter than they were two days ago. Which I know is impossible, but the mind plays tricks on you.
Anyway, I just hope that my vacation that I'm leaving on July 28th hurries up and gets here before I go insane! At least I have something to look forward to. I only wish that Dennis was going with me. But, alas, he can't get time off of work to go. But, I made sure to save a few vacation days for when he can take time off.
I have this little thing I try not to do, but I find myself doing it anyway. While I'm watching TV or a movie or whatever, I'll at some point find myself wondering if a certain actress has implants or not. I don't know why this fascinates me (well, besides the obvious) but I always wonder.
Like last night. I was watching Cameron Diez in In Her Shoes (which is a really good movie, by the way, one I really thought I wouldn't like. But, seeing how Toni Collette is in it how can it be bad, right?) and I couldn't help but think that, yes, she has implants. Who cares, right? I really don't. But maybe it's because, seeing how I never had boobs before surgery and millions of woman have implants, I'm really not quite sure what natural ones are supposed to look like! I think Cameron looks great and I really liked her in this movie so I don't know what my points is.
I guess what makes this little game hard is, most of the time, you'll never know the answer to the question. It's not like there's some boob job directory on the internet where you can go look up somebody's name and find out if they are real or not. So, maybe that's the fascination with this kind of thing - because you never know for sure.
But, why stop there? How about a directory for guys with penile implants?
Okay, I jumped the shark on that one. I don't think anybody really wants to know these particular answers.
Anyway, it's Friday and I need a good fucking weekend. So, tonight, when you're taking the first sip out of your drink and thinking about how nice it is that this week is finally over, take a swig for me! Hope you have a nice weekend.
I watched an episode of 20/20 last Friday that dealt with luck. If you watched that particular episode, you can skip my blog entry for today.
Do you believe in luck? Do you think that your successes or failures have anything at all due to luck or do we make our own luck? And since when has luck become such a bad thing? If you ask anybody that has accomplished anything if luck had anything to do with it chances are you'll hear a very offended response. Case in point - there was one very successful actress from the 40's that had told a reporter that she was just lucky. She was at the right place at the right time and there are thousands of others that would have gotten the opportunity that she did had they been at that specific place and time that she was. But, ask Jessica Alba if she was lucky in her career and she'll tell you it's because she's talented.
Have we become a society so hell bent on control that we feel we control everything in our lives - the good and the bad? Maybe. But how much does luck play into it? Am I unlucky because we're going through some rough times this past year? Or am I lucky because it could be much worse? Or have I submitted to my own destiny by the path that I have chosen?
I think it's 50/50. We're all given a certain amount of luck in our lives - what we do with that luck is more to do with skill. Either we take those opportunities as they appear, or we don't and it's either good luck that we did, or good luck if we didn't.
Will we find more luck if we move to another state or will we find that luck is only what we make of it and we'll be no more better off if we stay?
So many questions and not many answers. I guess I'm just lucky that I have a job for right now and I'm lucky that I hooked up with a great guy. Or, maybe I'm unlucky that I missed out on an even better opportunity because I think I'm lucky with what I have.
Fuck. I don't know. I think I'm still stoned from last night.
Train got in late this morning. About an hour and 10 minutes late. Apparently, there was a freight train that was broken down in a section of track where there's only one track. Which means, you guessed it, any train after it had to wait until they fixed the freight and got it moving before we could move. Oh well. I would have been stuck in traffic anyway I guess it's nice that I was on a train instead and could at least read while I'm waiting!
Anyway, since I'm late to work I really don't have time for an in depth blog entry today. So, deal with it.
It's looking like it's going to be a busy July for me after all.
The one thing that sucks about July this year is that the Fourth falls on a Wednesday. I mean, what the fuck is that all about? Right smack dab in the middle of the week. One day off. What can you possibly do with one day off? Not a whole hell of a lot considering I have to work on the 5th. Which makes for a pretty boring Fourth. But, as memory serves, last year it wasn't much better. I remember us looking for something to do and there was nothing going on - since the Fourth was in between work days then too. I suppose that the weekend before will be hoppin' tho.
We're having our Chicago area newbie lunch get together on July 8th, the weekend after the Fourth. And on the 28th I fly out to Texas to see my sisters new house. Now that will be a whole lotta fun! I love going down and visiting my sister in Texas. We always have a great time. My middle sister started all this shit by deciding over a month ago that she's going down the end of July. And I couldn't let the bitch be the first one to see my oldest sisters house so I had to make sure I'm there too. Yea, stupid, but I was jealous because I wanted to be there too! So, Dennis told me that he won't be able to take any time off this summer so if I can get the time off and still get paid for it, I might as well go. He didn't have to tell me twice! I'm buying my tickets today!
We've actually been considering moving down there. Here, in the Chicago burbs, the cost of homes is just way out of the realm of reasoning. My sister bought her 6 bedroom, 3 bath all brick huge ass house for the same price that we would have to buy the house we're renting for. And it's nothing at all like hers. I became totally uninterested in buying property around here last year when I saw what we could buy versus what we could afford. Basically, what we can afford would be a piece of shit fixer upper that would nickle and dime us to death until we are completely broke - which, really, isn't a far stretch from where we already are. We haven't decided to do anything yet - we're still pondering the situation. I completely believe that if we stay here we will never get any further than where we already are. And, well, that ain't far at all! So, I'm going to check a few things out while I'm down there and see if it would really be worth it to make that kind of move. Of course, Dennis says we're still about a year and a half away from doing anything like that but I think that if he's off as long this winter as he was last winter, we won't last that long!
Oh well. We'll see how it all works out. Moving, again, isn't a thought I relish much. The move last winter damned near killed us. But, if it's worth it, I'll do it in a Texas minute.
Mine was okay, uneventful. Except for the fact that Dennis' paycheck was again, no good this week. Second week in a row he's gone to his brother's bank and they wouldn't cash the check due to insufficient funds. That's just great. So, this morning, he's scraping money together to get gas to get to work - to a job that he can't rely on the checks being good at the end of the week. Poor guy, he's so frustrated. Luckily, I did get paid on Friday so it didn't totally wreck our weekend.
We went out to see a friend's band Friday. Didn't stay long since the place decided it didn't feel like serving food. And we were starving so we walked across the street to eat, came back, stayed about an hour and went home. Saturday I felt so tired and drained that I did everything I could to not sleep all day. Sunday, we went out for lunch to a place on the chain-o-lakes and came home. Not real eventful, but fun anyway.
We did get a lawn mower - real cheap!! FREE, my favorite price. It's electric, and is his other brothers mower that he had at his moms house that he never uses. So, he said we could have it. Which is great! And, can you believe this, I've never mowed a lawn but I had to check out the new toy:
Yes, me, mowing the back yard. Of course I only mowed a little section and was totally not into it anymore. But, I think I screwed myself because now I know how to start it and I have no excuse to not mow the lawn. Great.
Well, I've almost survived another work week. But, the week ain't over yet! I still have one more day, today, to get through.
I got home from work yesterday and the first thing I do is let the dog out. He was really anxious to go outside and I didn't think anything about it. I ventured upstairs to check my email and what do I find at the top of the stairs? The dog, my Leo, shit and peed on the carpet at the top of the stairs.
Now, he hasn't done this since we first got him 10 years ago. He NEVER goes in the house. I was shocked! And pissed off because Dennis isn't home and I get to clean up this horrible mess. And it was nasty too. Fucker. Anyway, I go outside to check on him, make sure he's okay - you know, he never does this so maybe he's sick or something. But, he seems just fine and it's really too late to punish him for it. So, I let it go.
I decided to go down to the antique store and check out Dennis' band practice. I was pretty surprised. They now have 15+ original songs done and they are pretty cool songs! I'm really hoping they will record some of them soon so I can share them with you guys. He's wanting me to setup his myspace page with some of his various recordings, if we ever get the time or the inclination to do it. It's just going to take some time to get them together, download them, and put them up. And he hasn't decided which ones to put up yet so this could take a while!
We went a few doors down to the little bar/cafe after practice and slammed a couple drinks and had what we like to call pizzadillas. You know, those really thin bar pizzas that you could easily fold into a quesadilla? All greesy and good?
Fast forward to getting home at 10:30 last night. I go upstairs and what do I find? Leo, the little bastard, did it again! He shit in the exact same spot I cleaned up earlier! What is his deal? Is he getting senile in his old age and forgetting that he isn't outside? Or is he doing it out of spite? He gets kinda pissy when Dennis isn't around as much as he thinks he should be. And, he's a dog! Any attention is better than no attention at all.
I'm just hoping when I get home tonight I don't have yet another fucking surprise at the top of the stairs. Fuck!
Well, nothing exciting planned for this weekend. We're going out tonight to see a friend's band that's playing about 2 minutes away from our house. Other than that, I plan on being lazy, eating a lot, drinking a lot, and just plain relaxing.
I've decided I need so badly to find a way to make a lot more money. I discovered this fact after I realized I fucked up my checking account. Yes, it's true. I'm normally really anal about the checking account too, but I made a doozy of a mistake. I didn't write down a 200 dollar payment I made. And I thought I had 200 dollars more than I did. So, yes, I'm overdrawn. Overdrawn big. About 250 dollars overdrawn once the bank extorts their fees from me.
At least I have overdraft protection and they honored the payment. But, still, I find it ironic that the bank will pay something and then take out something they know I don't have! Money!! Fuck. It's like a damned loan shark if you look at it as interest. What kind of percentage is that anyway? They take out 50 bucks on a 200 dollar payment. I'm just too frustrated to figure out the math on that one.
Anyway, it just got me thinking about all sorts of worthless shit. Like, how does one get to be 44 years old and have done absafuckinglutely nothing with their life? I mean, most women my age are having grandkids, put their kids thru college, have their own homes. I feel like I've just floated thru life, like that idiotic feather at the end of Forrest Gump. At least Forrest could figure out a way to make a buck or two!
I guess I don't have an answer, besides being a ping pong champion, a gardener, or starting a BubbaGump Shrimp Company.
I suppose at these times I should reflect on what I do have. A great husband, lots of bills, boobs, payday is tomorrow, I'll be broke by Tuesday.
I think I've figured out a source of the headaches. Stress.
Would somebody please please please come to work for me today so I can go home and go back to bed? I'll pay you. I'll cook for you (although, I'm not the greatest cook in the world). Hell, I'll even clean your house! I just really want to go home and go back to bed.
I'm so freakin' tired this morning. I screwed up last night. I washed all the dirty blankets and sheets in the house last night. And, when I put my favorite blanket in the dryer I messed up and the dryer was set to delicate. I couldn't figure out why, after being in the dryer for over an hour, that the fucking blanket was still damp. Then, in my foggy haze of wanting desperately to go to bed at 11:00, it finally dawned on me that the dryer wasn't heating up. Ummm, yea, I'm a dumbass. So, I finally turned the heat on the highest setting but still had to wait about 40 minutes for the thing to finish drying. And I can't sleep without my favorite blanket. Which, really, is way more sad than the fact that I'm trying to dry it without heat. I love my blanket. Leave me alone!
So, the boss is still out today but should be back either late this afternoon or tomorrow. I'm voting for tomorrow. It's always a pain in the ass when he's been out for a few days and comes back in. Everything that he needs us to do is given to us in a lump sum, and, of course, has to be done right away. I guess complaining is a stupid thing to do, since it's the nature of the beast and I know it's not intentional.
I'm so looking forward to the weekend. Not because we have exciting things planned (as if) but just because I want two days where I can sleep past 5:00am. And, hopefully, Dennis will have some time off this weekend (not holding my breath) and we can do something fun.
Do something fun. I've considered this for a while. And I've come to the conclusion that there really is very little to do that is, by definition, fun. But what is the definition of fun? Dictionary.com describes fun as:
fun /fn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, funned, fun·ning, adjective –noun 1. something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun. 2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun. –verb (used without object), verb (used with object) 3. Informal. joke; kid. –adjective 4. Informal. of or pertaining to fun, esp. to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person. 5. Informal. whimsical: flamboyant: The fashions this year are definitely on the fun side. —Idioms 6. for or in fun, as a joke; not seriously; playfully: His insults were only in fun. 7. like fun, Informal. certainly not; of doubtful truth: He told us that he finished the exam in an hour. Like fun he did! 8. make fun of, to make the object of ridicule; deride: The youngsters made fun of their teacher. [Origin: 1675–85; dial. var. of obs. fon to befool. See fond1] —Synonyms 1, 2. merriment, pleasure, play, gaiety.
So, according to dictionary.com a picnic is fun. Really? The last picnic I went to involved bugs, forgotten silverware, rain, and me sneezing uncontrollably for two days after due to all the chemicals they put on the grass in the park. Yea, that's fun alright. And did they even mention anything that is actually fun to do? Nope. So, that does me no good at all.
I remember as a kid, everything was fun. You could always find fun things to do. As an adult, when the evening comes, it's really hard to find something fun to do. I mean, I'm too old to go roller skating, I would rather stick knives in my eyeballs than go bowling. Movies are okay - but I would really rather watch a movie at home where I have pause when I need to go pee. There's always bars, but, you know, I'm over the whole bar phase in my life. Seriously, what else is there?
I left work early yesterday. I just had to. I feel like I shouldn't have, but, man, I was so tired after Sunday's migraine fiasco. I fell asleep, on the floor, last night at about 9:00pm and woke up around 3:00am wondering how the hell I could have slept on the floor for so long without my back aching like crazy.
Flash back to yesterday afternoon. We (Dennis and I) decided to run out to Walmart and Menards to price some new lawn mowers. Not something I relish having to spend money on, but if you saw our back yard you would soon understand the necessity of it. I decided while I was at Walmart to talk to the pharmacist about the Topamax that the doc says I should take.
He asked me what else they have tried. I said nothing - this is the first thing they've tried putting me on. And, he agreed with everybody who gave me advice yesterday, that there are better alternatives that should probably be tried first. Then I asked him about the cost of Topamax. He said:
Really Cool Pharmacist:Hold on a second..I'll let you know
He comes back and says:
Really Cool Pharmacist:How good is your insurance? Me:It sucks ass, why? Really Cool Pharmacist:Because without insurance this runs $140 for a 30 day supply. Me:So, with my crappy insurance they'll give me 5 to 10 buck off. So, I'm looking at spending 130 bucks, easily, per month if I take this then? Really Cool Pharmacist:Yes, that appears to be the case. Me: Hmmmm...eating or taking this drug. I'll take food. I'm already spending about 70 bucks a month on prescriptions now. I can't afford a $200 dollar a month drug habit. Really Cool Pharmacist:There are cheaper alternatives. I would suggest talking to your doctor.
So, there you have it. Even if it works, it's not something I can really afford. It's either food or drugs. And, without food I'll have an even bigger headache so what's the point? I called my shitty neurologist on the way home to find out he's on vacation for two weeks.
Looks like I'm going to use the pray approach - pray that it goes away in the next two weeks until my doctor gets back to work.
I fucking hate Mondays. I really do. Especially ones that start out the way this one did. Or, I should say, how the Sunday before this Monday ended. More on that later.
I have an incredible headache this morning. All I'm hearing in my head right now is pound pound pound...and I would have called in sick but my boss and his wife are both out, and if I wouldn't have come in today my co-worker would have had to spend Monday in the office alone. Which would have no doubt been something that would have set her off against me in the worst of fashions.
So, here I am at work. The first thing I had to do when I got in today was use the bathroom. Now, our office doesn't officially open until 8:30. So, here it was, 7:25 and the phone is ringing while I'm peeing. So, I ignore it. Does it stop? No. They immediately hang up and call again. And I still don't answer it. So, they hang up yet again and call back yet again. So, I finally answer it. It's some client wanting to talk to my boss right now. I told her
Me:Number 1 - we don't open until 8:30. Number 2 - the boss isn't in until Thursday.
So, she starts asking me all these questions about her son's policy and I explain to her:
Me:That, again, number 1 - we don't open until 8:30.
Does this discourage her enough to say:
Asshole Client:You know, I'll call back at 8:30 when your office is open.
No. She keeps going on and on saying stuff like
Asshole Client:If you look at his policy...
to which I cut her off and reply:
Me:Well, I can't look at her policy since I don't even have my computer turned on yet. Asshole Client:I'll wait Me:Sorry, you'll have to call back at 8:30 when we are open. Asshole Client:I'll speak to Mark about this at 8:30. Me:Again, he's out of the office until Thursday. Asshole Client:*click*
Okay, whatever. Great start to a Monday morning with a throbbing headache.
So, we went out to dinner on Friday night, stayed home Saturday since Dennis had to work all day Saturday and was exhausted beyond belief. But, the good thing is that we have all day Sunday, right? Well, after he gets back from Church with his Mom and after he cleans up and mows the lawn. So, all went well until he starts to mow the lawn and, you guessed it, the lawn mower takes a crap. He decided, fuck it, I'll have to get a new mower this week and mow it next weekend. Which I'm fine with. So what, the backyard's grass is long for a week.
We decided to venture over to the Volo Auto Museum, which was actually pretty cool. When you first walk in, they have the Delorean from Back to the Future side by side with the ambulance from Ghostbusters. And, of course, they had the casket car that Grandpa Munster drove in The Munsters. My two favorite movie cars were one of the Shelby's (Eleanor) from Gone in Sixty Seconds - now that was awesome! And Christine - the old Plymouth Fury from the movie Christine. They had one of the "Kit" cars from the David Hasselhoff classic "Knight Rider" and the Ferrari from Miami Vice.
In addition to a ton of movie cars, they had a lot of classic cars for sale. I mean, 4 showrooms full of cherried out classic cars. I think the most expensive of the cars was a Corvette from the 50's going for $189,000 dollars. They had a ton of old classic Camero's, Z28's, Mustangs, Cadillacs, GTO's, Challengers, Chargers, even a Dart Swinger. Next time I go I'm taking a camera with me because I really want a picture of me next to Eleanor!
But, somewhere between Eleanor and Christine I got a massive migraine headache. All of a sudden I noticed I was having problems reading the price tags on the cars. I would see one number, but not the next. And I knew right away what was happening. And I also knew that it would only last about 20 minutes so I didn't say anything to Dennis and we kept walking and looking. This time, the migraine wasn't directed to just one eye - it was in both and it was the worst one yet. I finally clued Dennis in to what was happening and we had to sit down outside until it passed. It finally did, and we got our butts home before the bad headache started. I wound up puking my guts out at around 4:00 and fell asleep at about 5:00. I got up around 8:00 and we finally had some dinner and I went immediately back to sleep. So much for a nice Sunday, huh?
I still feel "hung over" from the migraine and have a slight headache. Pray for me, today, that the migraine doesn't return. I just wish they would go away and stay away. But, the chances of that happening just aren't going to happen I don't think. Probably time to see another doctor *FUCK*
Fuck, I am so freakin' tired this morning I can barely keep my eyes open. If it wasn't for the wonder drug caffeine I would be completely comatose right now.
So, where was this big ass fucking storm I kept hearing about all last night? You know, the one where it's supposed to produce hail the size of my head? I couldn't get to sleep last night because I kept expecting it to come crashing down right when I close my eyes. All I saw and heard was a little bit of thunder, and a little bit of rain, and that's it! What a total let down. I was hoping for a really loud storm that knocked the power out so I would have a good excuse to sleep in and show up late for work. Fuckers. I wake up at 5am to the blaring sound of my alarm, to which if I would have had a sledgehammer in my had would have been completely destroyed. But, then again, what kind of person goes to sleep with a sledgehammer in their hands? Don't answer, I really don't want to know.
And to top it all off I get into work and 5 minutes after I get here my boss decides today is the day he's going to come in early. And you know what that means. Sue, where's this? Sue, can you take care of this? Sue, you look like shit - didn't you sleep last night? Bastard.
At least it's Friday. And I won't have to hear my alarm clock for another few days.
I decided to post it here too, so if I ever lose the recipe or I wind up covering it in sauce I'll still have it!
3/4 lbs extra lean ground beef (sirloin) cooking spray 1 1/2 cups diced onions 1 1/2 cups diced green bell peppers 1 cup diced red bell peppers 1 1/2 cups sliced mushrooms 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon dried basil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1/4 cup sugar (Splenda) 2 (28 ounce) cans crushed tomatoes, undrained 1 (14 ½) ounce) can stewed tomatoes, undrained 1 (12 ounce) can tomato paste 2 (14 ½) Ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained (I use Italian style) 14 cups hot cooked spaghetti (about 1 3/4 pounds uncooked pasta
(I only make a couple cups of pasta because I freeze the rest of the sauce for later)
1. Cook the meat in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat until browned, stirring to crumble. Drain meat well, and set aside. Wipe out pan with a paper towel, and coat with cooking spray.
2. Place the pan over medium-high heat until hot. Add the diced onion, diced bell peppers, diced red peppers, mushrooms and minced garlic, and sauté 10 minutes or until tender. Drain vegetables. Return meat and vegetables to pan, and stir in dried oregano, salt, black pepper, and crushed red pepper. Cook mixture over medium-high heat 5 minutes. Add sugar (I use Splenda), crushed and stewed tomatoes, tomato paste, diced tomatoes to pan, and bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 1 hour or until sauce is thick. Serve the meat sauce over pasta.
I omitted the onion and mushroom, just because I don’t like ‘em! I also added about a ½ a can (14 ½ oz can) of water to make it a little less thick.
Blogger is giving me fits today. It keeps crashing! And, when I go into create a new post everything looks different and takes a millennium to load.
Fuckers. Why can't they just leave it the way it was? It worked great!
We have invaders in our new office. A certain bird thought our columns would make a great place to make a nest. And, well, we can't do anything about it because some babies have now made it their home! Once they are big enough to leave the nest, we'll take down the nest. But, until then, we have some freeloading tenants that refuse to pay rent.
Of course, they are adorable so we'll just have to let 'em stay.
Well, I better get crackin on my work here. Since I just wasted a half an hour trying to post this entry!
Hopefully, they'll get the bugs worked out and it'll work better tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath, tho.
Happy Hump Day Blog Fuckers!! Now go out and hump something!
Ok, probably not a good idea. Unless, of course, the object of your humpiness is somebody who wants to be humped. Which, if it's a man, more than likely he does. So, go ahead. Hump away.
So, we're almost half way through this long ass week. That's accomplishing something, right? Wrong. I've felt like I haven't done a fucking thing since making friends with all the newbs. And getting on myspace. I think I've actually avoided work more than I've actually worked. Which is bad, considering that my boss wouldn't have such a sense of humor about such things.
I asked Dennis to return a movie we rented almost two weeks ago that we never watched - Night at the Museum. We've been doing that a lot lately - going and renting movies that we don't wind up watching. I don't understand why we do that - because it's insanely stupid. But, we do it anyway.
Today, the co-worker is back in the office. Not that it really matters that much to me. We tend to work well together because neither of us really wants to interact much with the other. I don't mean that in a personal way, because I get alone with her just fine. She just has her own space, her own things to do in the office and she likes me because I don't mess with her and let her have her thing. She's a bit of a control freak, which is fine because I am to. But, I don't mess with her territory and she doesn't mess with mine. So, it works out fine. Until she gets in today and there's several things that I didn't do while she was out because, well, it's HER thing and I know not to get involved in those things. It's always about a thing, you notice that? If only I knew what that thing was half the time I probably would be a lot better off. Actually, probably not. I think the only thing keeping me sane is not knowing or caring what any of those things are.
Okay, now that I've made absolutely no sense whatsoever, I should probably now begin my work day and get some stuff done. Who am I kidding? I'll work a little bit, play a little bit, work a little bit and be done working and play the rest of the day.
Well, I'm at work and I'm bored silly. Our policy systems are down...again. Kind of hard to service our customers if we can't get to their polices, don't ya think?
I went to bed early last night. I felt like total shit. But, feel a whole lot better today. Just bored!
So, Dennis cleaned out the garage yesterday since he had some time off. And, to setup this story here's a little bit of background - he had a few roommates when we were separated. So, in cleaning the garage he found all sorts of interesting stuff - including a really tacky sex book. Of course, I had to thumb through it just to see what it was about. And here's the funny thing - the previous owner actually used a highlighter to mark off the "interesting" parts. Which, in fact, proved to be rather uninteresting. I mean, some of the stuff described in this book were, to say the least, dangerous if not uncomfortable. I mean, who does that stuff besides porn stars? And even then they look like they are totally faking their pleasure. They have to be! I mean, how can standing on your head while being banged in the sphincter be pleasurable?
Either that, or I just don't know what I'm doing. Forget it. I would rather not know what I'm doing!
I can't fucking believe it's Monday again. Already. Why do the two days off seems to go so much faster than the five you have to work? Yet, another great mystery of the universe.
The weekend was good. We went out to dinner on Friday night. And, some of my weight watchers friends will get a good laugh out of this one: the restaurant that we went to was in Wisconsin and, if you know anything about Wisconsin their roads are all letters. Like, there's C, A, AB, CBD, whatever. Well, the restaurant we went to was on road AH. Yes, that's right. Road AH. Some friends of ours own it so we decided to go check it out. These are the people who were next door neighbors of Dave Mustane (Megadeth) when they lived in Arizona. And, we heard some really good stories about Dave!
Anyway, Saturday we basically did nothing. I think we were still in recovery mode from Friday night. Sunday, we went shopping! And, I bought 3 pairs of shorts (yes, shorts! Me!) and 2 tops. And here's the best part - Dennis bought 'em for me!! Awwwww. I know. He can be so sweet. So, when I got home I decided to put on a pair of shorts and we went out for a while. I felt pretty naked and my legs are stark white - but, it was still pretty nice.
Sunday night - another story. At about 1:45 this morning I wake up to hear our doorbell ringing and Leo barking up a fucking storm. So, I throw on some clothes (yes, I was sleeping in my undies) and go to the door. Who's standing there but a cop. I'm like, well, I don't have kids so I don't have a kid in trouble. I know we don't have any warrants or anything out for our arrest so that really didn't worry me. The cop tells me that some kids have been breaking into cars in the neighborhood and ours was on the list and would I please step outside to take a look to see if there's any damage. He had said he already looked and it appeared our car doors are locked. Great. So, I put on shoes and a jacket and go outside. The cars are locked, I don't see any damage, now can I please go back inside and get some fucking sleep? Shit. No, he has to take my name, address, phone number, ask me a million questions - have you had any problems with kids in the neighborhood? Have we pissed off any of the kids in the neighborhood? Would we like to beat the shit out of any of the kids in the neighborhood (yes!). You know, the standard questions. After about 45 minutes of this shit I tell the cop, look, I have to get up in 3 hours and I really want to get back to bed. If I notice anything, I'll let you know.
I finally got back to sleep at about 3:30 - just in time to get an hour and a half sleep in before getting up for work. Bastards.
Oh, by the way, if you're interested I can't do myspace at work. Our IT bastards from hell have blocked it. But, I do have one computer that I can get to it from. So, if you leave me something I probably won't see it for a while.
Friday, glorious, beautiful, finally Friday. Even though it was a short week, it was a long week! But, in about 8 hours, it'll be the weekend once again.
We have no big plans for this weekend. It'll probably be spent like every other boring weekend - Saturday, Dennis works I do housework, Saturday afternoon I go grocery shopping. Saturday night, we go out to dinner. Sunday morning, he goes to church and breakfast with his mom then band practice while I try to get more stuff done around the house. Shit. What a fucking rut we've gotten into! We need to do something different before I go completely insane.
But, really, as long as I have two days off I usually don't care how I spent it - as long as it's away from the office! And it's also a pay day Friday, which is always the best!