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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, June 04, 2007
Monday Blues
I can't fucking believe it's Monday again. Already. Why do the two days off seems to go so much faster than the five you have to work? Yet, another great mystery of the universe.

The weekend was good. We went out to dinner on Friday night. And, some of my weight watchers friends will get a good laugh out of this one: the restaurant that we went to was in Wisconsin and, if you know anything about Wisconsin their roads are all letters. Like, there's C, A, AB, CBD, whatever. Well, the restaurant we went to was on road AH. Yes, that's right. Road AH. Some friends of ours own it so we decided to go check it out. These are the people who were next door neighbors of Dave Mustane (Megadeth) when they lived in Arizona. And, we heard some really good stories about Dave!

Anyway, Saturday we basically did nothing. I think we were still in recovery mode from Friday night. Sunday, we went shopping! And, I bought 3 pairs of shorts (yes, shorts! Me!) and 2 tops. And here's the best part - Dennis bought 'em for me!! Awwwww. I know. He can be so sweet. So, when I got home I decided to put on a pair of shorts and we went out for a while. I felt pretty naked and my legs are stark white - but, it was still pretty nice.

Sunday night - another story. At about 1:45 this morning I wake up to hear our doorbell ringing and Leo barking up a fucking storm. So, I throw on some clothes (yes, I was sleeping in my undies) and go to the door. Who's standing there but a cop. I'm like, well, I don't have kids so I don't have a kid in trouble. I know we don't have any warrants or anything out for our arrest so that really didn't worry me. The cop tells me that some kids have been breaking into cars in the neighborhood and ours was on the list and would I please step outside to take a look to see if there's any damage. He had said he already looked and it appeared our car doors are locked. Great. So, I put on shoes and a jacket and go outside. The cars are locked, I don't see any damage, now can I please go back inside and get some fucking sleep? Shit. No, he has to take my name, address, phone number, ask me a million questions - have you had any problems with kids in the neighborhood? Have we pissed off any of the kids in the neighborhood? Would we like to beat the shit out of any of the kids in the neighborhood (yes!). You know, the standard questions. After about 45 minutes of this shit I tell the cop, look, I have to get up in 3 hours and I really want to get back to bed. If I notice anything, I'll let you know.

I finally got back to sleep at about 3:30 - just in time to get an hour and a half sleep in before getting up for work. Bastards.

Oh, by the way, if you're interested I can't do myspace at work. Our IT bastards from hell have blocked it. But, I do have one computer that I can get to it from. So, if you leave me something I probably won't see it for a while.

Hope everybody has a great Monday! (as if)
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:46 AM  
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