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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, June 29, 2007
Have I Ever Mentioned...
That I love Friday's? In case I haven't:

Yay!! It's Friday, it's Friday, it's Friday!! It's time to do the fuck everything it's Friday dance!

Okay, now that I've gotten that off my chest I'm just hoping that today is a better day at work than yesterday. I told this to everybody yesterday, but in case you missed it yesterday was the strangest day at work ever.

It started out that I had some nimrod call me up in the middle of their home closing to say they needed insurance on the home they're closing on. Okay, so what the fuck? Did you wake up yesterday and suddenly feel the urge to buy a house and found some fly by night mortgage company to get the closing done within the house? Fuck no. You just pissed around and didn't get your shit done and get your paperwork together until the closing hour.

So, here I am frantically trying to get this dickhead's paperwork ready for his house when a woman hobbles into our office and collapses on our floor asking for an ambulance. So, I call 911 and request one. She told us she has had nine back surgeries and as she was getting off the train across the street she turned wrong and her back went out. I ask her if she needs anything - water, a blanket, whatever. She wants a mint. So, I find her one and give her some water and take care of her since my co-worker was with a client. Then the phone rings and it's the dickhead in his closing giving me shit asking where the fuck his paperwork is. I'm like, dude, I have a woman here that is in trouble and we're waiting for an ambulance to come get her. As soon as this is over I'll get you your fucking paperwork asshole.

The ambulance comes to get the woman but they have a hard time getting in the door because she collapsed as soon as she walked in and she's blocking the door. They finally get in, three guys lift her onto a stretcher, and off they go. I get back to work on the dickheads insurance papers for his closing.

I call the dickhead back and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Mr. Dickhead, I have a price for the house you're purchasing today.

Now, keep in mind this isn't some idiot who has never bought a house before, or closed on property before. Quite to the contrary. This is a slumlord that has about five properties that he rents out and is always needing insurance at the last minute.

Mr Dickhead: Okay, how much is it?
Me: $629.43 for the year
Mr Dickhead: Oh good. Okay, can you fax me over a declarations of coverage?
Me: Sure. Just give me the mortgagee information and I'll get it taken care of. I also need you to sign an application for property insurance but that'll take me a little longer to do. So, I can send that to you later if you like.
Mr Dickhead: Oh, that's okay. I paid cash for the house, there's no mortgagee. You can send it all to me later.
Me: So, you don't need papers for the closing then?
Mr Dickhead: No. I just remembered I needed to get it insured.
Me: Asshole

So, he could have called after his closing and we could have taken our time on doing this. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out how to get him what he needs while taking care of a woman who needed help in the office.

People are assholes. I've come to that conclusion that most people (not all) only think about themselves and never give a rats ass what goes on with anybody else. It's all ME ME ME ME ME ME ME.


Okay, I hope everybody has a great weekend - don't party too much, drink too much, but if you do make sure that you have plenty of time the next day to nurse your raging hangovers!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:55 AM  
  • At Friday, June 29, 2007 8:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Thank God I don't have to deal with clients.

    What an Asscow.

  • At Friday, June 29, 2007 1:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We have a saying here at my office... "WE HATE PEOPLE". You can borrow it any time you need to.

    (I work for a CPA firm, so we have people at the last minute on April 15, wondering why they can't file their tax returns by the deadline. Because, you just handed us your stuff, 10 seconds ago.)

    Have a nice weekend.


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