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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Cell Phone Etiquette
What is it with people that they forget that everybody can hear their cell phone conversations in public?

This morning, on the train, this woman sitting in front of me had a very loud, very heated conversation with, I believe, her daughter's child's father. She yelled, acted like a total bitch, and everybody on the train looked irritated. Me? I don't even like to talk on my phone on the train at all because I don't think anybody around me needs to hear it. And why is it that people tend to talk really loudly when they are on a cell phone? Yes, the person isn't actually sitting next to you - they are generally far away from you but that doesn't mean you have to talk loud enough that they could hear you even without the phone.

This woman went on and on with this person (and I know it was a male because I could hear him yelling on the other end) about how she knows her daughter is worthless and won't get a job. And how it's ridiculous that the person she was talking to thinks she could get an office job where he works. And how this woman feels that her daughter is incompetent to get off her lazy ass to actually go to work every day. And I know this male she was speaking to is threatening to come take his daughter from her daughter if she doesn't get a fucking job and quit sitting around all day eating and watching Oprah and Phil. I know all this about these people I've never met, never spoken to, and never set eyes on before this morning.

I sat, trying to read my book but I couldn't because of the shouting going on from this stupid ass rude nasty woman. Fuck lady! Keep your private conversations private - I don't give a shit about your lazy ass family.

Anyway, it's only Tuesday which means, from the looks of it, it's going to be a long week. And an even longer day since I left my lunch sitting on the kitchen counter when I left this morning. I guess I'll just go next door and get a salad or something. Great start to the day.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:40 AM  
  • At Tuesday, June 26, 2007 8:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm surprised you didn't say something to her or that somebody else didn't say something to her. I agree, it's so annoying when people talk loudly on a cell phone. How rude! Ugh. It still beats sitting in traffic though! Look on the bright side :) At least the woman wasn't haven't that kind of angry conversation while sitting behind the wheel of her car. That's an accident waiting to happen.

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