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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Humpity Bumpity Day
Happy Hump Day Blog Fuckers!! Now go out and hump something!

Ok, probably not a good idea. Unless, of course, the object of your humpiness is somebody who wants to be humped. Which, if it's a man, more than likely he does. So, go ahead. Hump away.

So, we're almost half way through this long ass week. That's accomplishing something, right? Wrong. I've felt like I haven't done a fucking thing since making friends with all the newbs. And getting on myspace. I think I've actually avoided work more than I've actually worked. Which is bad, considering that my boss wouldn't have such a sense of humor about such things.

I asked Dennis to return a movie we rented almost two weeks ago that we never watched - Night at the Museum. We've been doing that a lot lately - going and renting movies that we don't wind up watching. I don't understand why we do that - because it's insanely stupid. But, we do it anyway.

Today, the co-worker is back in the office. Not that it really matters that much to me. We tend to work well together because neither of us really wants to interact much with the other. I don't mean that in a personal way, because I get alone with her just fine. She just has her own space, her own things to do in the office and she likes me because I don't mess with her and let her have her thing. She's a bit of a control freak, which is fine because I am to. But, I don't mess with her territory and she doesn't mess with mine. So, it works out fine. Until she gets in today and there's several things that I didn't do while she was out because, well, it's HER thing and I know not to get involved in those things. It's always about a thing, you notice that? If only I knew what that thing was half the time I probably would be a lot better off. Actually, probably not. I think the only thing keeping me sane is not knowing or caring what any of those things are.

Okay, now that I've made absolutely no sense whatsoever, I should probably now begin my work day and get some stuff done. Who am I kidding? I'll work a little bit, play a little bit, work a little bit and be done working and play the rest of the day.

I wouldn't ever hire myself for anything.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:40 AM  
  • At Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jim and I kept getting our movies from Netflix and not watching them or it felt like a chore to watch them.
    We cancelled the membership for the summer, and now I am missing seeing a movie on the weekend.
    Can't win.

  • At Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:48:00 PM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat at Helen! We get movies from Netflix and either we watch them right away and forget to return them or don't have time to watch them and wind up returning them weeks later for new ones because we've lost interest in the ones we got! I'm thinking of switching over to redbox.com They have those boxes at local grocery stores and you can go pick them up for a $1 per night. That way if I want to rent a movie I can go right now get it, return it tomorrow and be done with it. The only thing that stinks is having to actually get in the car and drive to Jewel! lol! Blockbuster is actually a pretty sweet deal because you can return the movies to blockbuster for new ones.. so either you can wait for the mail or exchange the same day depending on what your needs are for that week/day.

  • At Wednesday, June 06, 2007 4:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have the Blockbuster service. I had the same 3 movies at home for months and I finally watched them on Sunday and sent them back. I should probably cancel the service since it's really a waste if I'm spending $17.99 a month for it. But, like Helen, I want to be able to watch a movie on the weekend I haven't seen before without having go to the movie store to get one. Oh well, I guess I will keep the service and try to watch the movies faster!

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