Ahhhh, Friday. Glorious, beautiful, happily Friday. As of 3:30 today I have a three day weekend. Doesn't get any better than that! Well, it could but you've already heard all those angles so I'm going to just leave it at that.
It's going to be a busy weekend too. Immediately after I get home from work I have to go take the Mustang in to have the oil changed - because a) it's about 300 miles overdue and b) because I'm going to be driving about 600 miles this weekend (at least). Then I have to do some cleaning around the house and get my laundry done. And I still have to find time to go grocery shopping. Then I have to find a cure for procrastination. Tomorrow morning, as early as I can stand it, I'm going to drive down to mid-Illinois to see my dad and pick up my Texas sister to bring her back to my house. Of course, middle sister is going to come back to my house too but I won't bore you anymore with that because, frankly, I'm sick of hearing myself bitch about it as much as you are!
Sunday, I plan to shop. Yes, I'm going to shop until I can't shop anymore. As if that's even a possibility. I need new clothes. Of course, my husband just doesn't understand that concept. He just looks at my closet (actually, my two closets - three if you count the crap in the guest bedroom that is in boxes in that closet) and says - why the fuck do you need MORE clothes? Well, sweetheart, it's because clothes don't last that long. Either they go out of style, or they lose their shape after a million washings - or they just wear out. Of course, I probably don't wear anything often enough to wear them out but that's hardly the point. It's just what we DO. We shop. It's genetically coded in women DNA. No use trying to deny it. And, well, I think my boss is having second thoughts about the whole "it's okay to wear jeans to work" decision. Because, well, that's all I wear anymore. So, I would like to find some casual pants that aren't denim and some nice tops to go with 'em. And I can always use more shoes and bras. Oh, and of course bags to go with those shoes.
Now, I have to figure out a way to pay for all this shopping I plan to do....
Heya blog readers. I'm fucking tiiiiiiiiired this morning. But, then again, it's only 7:30am. I used to not ever get up before noon. I guess that's my sign that I'm really getting too old for all this shit. By shit, I mean life in general.
So, yesterday, I'm wearing this black turtleneck sweater that has these stupid sparkly threads running through it. It looks good enough, but, fuck if that thing doesn't start making me itch like crazy after wearing it for a few hours. But, I was wearing a black camisole thingy under it so while I was waiting for the train to take me home last night I decided I just couldn't take it anymore and I would duck into the bathroom and take the sweater from hell off. I'm in the middle of taking the thing off and just get it over my head when I glance down from the toilet and start laughing hysterically. It seems that somebody had way too much of a good time in there at some point during the day because there's a used condom sitting on the toilet seat. I laugh because I can't decide if it's funny to me or just plain disgusting! And they also jammed something down into the toilet so that if some dumb fuck decides to flush it the whole system will stop up.
I quickly grabbed by bag from off the hook on the door and just got the hell out of there. God knows what kind of germs were lurking in those semen infested waters. And I really didn't want to find out!
American Idol last night. Sanjaya stays - not even one of the bottom three (which is pretty funny if you think about it) and Chris Sleightermesiterson (whatever his name is - you know, the big curly haired dude?) is out. So much for America's taste in music.
Lost was pretty good last night. However, do we really care about the two survivors that didn't have a name before last night and what happened to them? What does it have to do with ANYTHING? The only thing that gave me pleasure was every now and then Sawyer saying, "Who ARE you?" because that's what I thought. I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the story, maybe it doesn't but who cares? I did find it mildly amusing, however, that they weren't actually dead but paralyzed from the spider bites and they buried them thinking they were dead. Buried alive - that has to be a real sucky way to go.
Well, as usual since we moved into this new office, I have a ton of work staring me in the face that I better get to. One more day - Friday - and I have a three day weekend. That's right, fucktards. I'm off Monday *neeeener neeeeener neeeeeeeneeeeeer*
Or, really, I should say two D's? Wait, could Wednesday be Double D Day?
Happy Hump Day Fuckers!!
Ok, I got that out of my system. But, I'm very very worried about myself. I think I've totally lost my brain - but I know that isn't true - the MRI last week and having the results confirmed that I do have a brain. What I'm saying is that I'm actually starting to enjoy Sanjaya on American Idol. Now, before you guys totally think I've lost it, I still think his singing sucks but, you know, he was kinda fun to watch last night. And at least he takes risks. And he's not afraid to look really really stupid. And he gets out there each week knowing that asstrouts like me are going to write about him and how horrible he is. That takes some major balls! It's not something I could do - I think even if I COULD sing. We, as people, are so brutal on others that we don't even know simply because they're on our TV sets, magazines, movie screens and porn tapes (what?). Does it give us the right to totally make complete fun of them until we piss our pants?
Damn right it does!
Anyway, I loved Melinda (no big surprise there - she's a pro and always chooses songs she knows she can sing) and there are a lot of improvements going on with people that I still wouldn't ever think about buying their music if they get the chance to actually make music. LaTisha, however, is kind of losing it for me. She's become rather boring in her song choices and I have to agree with Simon. That outfit last night? She should never ever wear that again - not that she would.
LOST is on tonight. Of course I'll have my ass parked in front of the TV at precisely nine pm. That is after I start getting the housework I need to get done before Saturday when I go to pick up my sister. I'm always so fucking anal when it comes to guests in my house. I freak out if it's not totally spotless.
I better get to work. I've got a ton of stuff to get done today and my sinuses are still fucked up and I still feel like shit. Yea, I know. Boooo fucking hooooo.
God, I feel like shit today! I have a cold or a sinus allergy thing going on - I don't know. All I know for sure is that I've been doing nothing but sneezing and blowing my nose. And it's getting old already. I'm sure I got it from Dennis since he had it last week and I had to go and have sex with him this weekend. Bastard.
Anyway, I'm so glad it's not raining....yet. Dennis got to go into work since it hadn't rained yet so he gets some work in today. And that's good because the forecast is calling for rain all the rest of the week. Which means if that happens Dennis gets another two day work week. That's hot. Not. Sorry. I lost my head there.
I finally talked to my dopey sister yesterday. Yes, I broke down and called her because I knew if I waited for her to call me I'll be waiting until the day I die. And here's a sample of our conversation:
Me: Hey. How are ya? Dumbfuck: I'm okay. Me: I'm just calling to find out what you decided you were going to do this weekend. Dumbfuck: Oh, I'm so glad you called! I've been waiting for you to call me all week so I can tell you my plans. Me: Ummmm...you are aware that those little buttons on the phone means that you can actually call somebody. The phone does work two ways. Dumbfuck: Really? I didn't know that! (okay, I made that part up. But nothing would surprise me with her). Me: Well..... Dumbfuck: I'm going to drive down Thursday night if I'm not too tired after work and teaching my aerobics class. If I'm too tired I'm going to drive down Friday morning. Me: Well, that's all sweet and shit, but what I mean is what are you going to do this weekend? Dumbfuck: Ooooooh. Well, I don't know. Me: Okay, let me spell it out for you. I'm going to drive down Saturday morning so I can see dad since I haven't seen him since your birthday party last November (burn!!) then me and Debbie will drive back Saturday afternoon. Dumbfuck: Oh, that's good. I'll follow you back and we can stop at my house and visit for a while. Me: Well, that's really not going to work out. I've already made plans for Saturday night so I just won't have time. Dumbfuck: You made plans? Why didn't you tell me (seriously, is she this dense? yes, yes she is) Me: I didn't tell you because I haven't heard from you (thud) Dumbfuck: Oh, I really wanted Debbie to see my new house. Can't we just stop by for a little while? Me: Dumbfuck, time is limited as it is. It's over a four hour drive from dad's to my house. It would take me another hour out of my way to drive to your house, then another couple hours to visit there, then another hour to drive back to my house. Where do you think this time is going to materialize? Dumbfuck: Oh, I didn't think about that (classic!) Me: I didn't figure. Dumbfuck: Well, what are your plans for Saturday night then? Me: Well, seeing how I really haven't done anything for my birthday I want to go out and have some fun Saturday night. Dumbfuck: Oh, that'll be fun! I could use a night out. Me: So what are you saying? Dumbfuck: That it'll be fun to go out. Me: No, I mean does this mean that you're coming back to my house on Saturday and spending the night then? Dumbfuck: Yes. I thought you knew that? I have to leave by noon on Sunday though. Me: Now how the fuck would I know this since I haven't talked to you since you made your own plans?
See how frustrating that is? I had to drag it out of her that she assumes that it's okay that she comes back with us and goes out on Saturday. I really wanted to tell her that I already made reservations someplace and, well, sorry - they don't have the room to add another person at the table. But, I didn't. Because, really, it doesn't matter to me if she's there or not. Now, Dennis on the other hand, is going to have a cow. He doesn't like dumbfuck sister. She always manages to say something rude to him that really pisses him off. And I get the task of telling him tonight that she's going to be staying overnight Saturday.
If I don't have a post tomorrow that means that I didn't survive telling him.
So, it's Monday again. But, it's okay because the weather is gorgeous today! I would rather not be working, but I guess it could be worse. Could be snowing and shitty out - like it was just a short couple of weeks ago.
Yesterday was absolutely the perfect day. It was warm, sunny, and just stunningly beautiful outside. All of the windows were opened and the house aired out. I even got up early, showered, and went to church with Dennis, his mom, his sister, and his brother - and the church didn't collapse when I entered it! So that was good. Then we all went to breakfast and to Dennis' mom's house for a while. Then left around noon and went for a drive with the top down. After we got home and opened up the house I just had to find more excuses to get out of there and go for a drive. So, we wound up going to Walmart to exchange something and went for another short drive. Later, we even took the dog for a walk around the neighborhood. He pulled and yanked to go in the direction he wanted to go in for about 6 minutes then the old fart ran out of steam and just decided to go with the flow. He was one tired little puppy by the time we got back to the house. He drank a whole bowl full of water and passed out by the window so he could catch the breeze.
I even cooked a lot this weekend. We went grocery shopping on Saturday and they still had crab legs on sale so I bought a little over a pound of 'em and a couple filets (that were also on sale). So, Saturday we had filets and crab legs then on Sunday I made a roast with beef egg noodles (Dennis' favorite). So, I ate and ate and ate this weekend. So, the scale is back up a pound, which is good because I needed for it to do a little crawling up since it was so low at the end of last week. Never thought I would ever hear myself say that!
We watched a few movies over the weekend - one being the Will Farrel movie - can't remember the name of it - where the author is narrating over his life? Anyway, it was okay. I much prefer to see Will Farrel acting silly in a movie than being serious (like Old School and Anchorman) but I guess I'll get that when his new movie comes out on DVD - the one where he's a figure skater with Napoleon Dynamite (can't remember his name either - oh well).
The boss just got into the office so I guess I better get my ass to work before I get fired. And it's much too nice a day to get fired.
I'm so happy it's Friday. I need a coupla days off work. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm completely sick of working. I'm ready to retire. As if.
So, I asked Dennis out on a date yesterday. Yes, I asked my own husband out on a date. Is there something strange about that? Perhaps. We've been doing absolutely nothing at all for the past two months. No going out to dinner, no buying anything that isn't completely 100 percent necessary, no having any fun. It's a futile existence - especially when you go into work every single day (except, of course, Saturdays, Sundays, and doctor days) to not be able to afford to enjoy it every once in a while. And he said yes! So, it looks like I have a hot date for tonight. And I fully intend on taking complete advantage of it too. And, if I know my husband, he'll be hoping I'll take advantage of him. If you can't take advantage of your husband, who can you take advantage of? And, he'll be getting a check today! Yes, a PAY CHECK. And, well, he doesn't know it yet but I AM going to take advantage of him tonight - by making him pay! Poor guy.
Greys Anatomy last night. Have I ever mentioned how much I despise Izzy? I mean, she didn't want George until George was unavailable. And how stupid is she to tell Allyson (or is it Addison? I can never remember her name) she slept with the wrong guy? It's only a matter of time before Addison says something to Alex and Alex puts two and two together - seeing how he was there when George came out of Izzy's bedroom. Oh, I love the drama, don't get me wrong. But how stupid are these people?
Speaking of Grey's Anatomy, I had a request a few days ago asking to replay the time I wrote an episode of Grey's Anatomy. So, back my popular demand, is my episode: Cut to Meredith sitting at a bar, drunk as usual, looking to screw anything in her path after being rejected, once again, by our own Dr. McDreamy:
Meredith:Oh, McSteamy, I'm so drunk. And so easy. Let's go to your place. McSteamy:Meredith, I'm sorry. I can't do that. I don't fuck bad actresses. Meredith:Well, what do you call your affair with Addison then? McSteamy:Meredith, she starred with Will Farrell in Kicking and Screaming. She was robbed out of that Academy Award. Meredith:Well, I was in Old School with Will Farrell so I fail to see your point. McSteamy:She was also on the very first episode of ER, so as pretend doctors go she has you beat by about 12 years. Meredith:Fuck. Rejected again. Maybe I should just screw George again. Oh, damn, he's gay. I forgot.
Cut to Meredith leaving with some random guy she just met 10 minutes ago. In walks McDreamy and sits next to McSteamy:
McDreamy:Hello Dr. McSteamy. You're looking so hot tonight. Do these scrubs make my ass look fat? McSteamy:Ummmm....ok, Dr. McDumbass. What do you want? McDreamy:Well, I got to thinking about why I keep screwing up with women and I've come to a very startling conclusion. McSteamy:And what's that Dr. McAsstrout? McDreamy:That all the woman find you incredibly sexy, and so do I! I'm really in love with you. I can't help it. It's just the way your skin glistens in the moonlight. McSteamy:Oh, Jesus, Dr. McSucksdick. First of all, it's 4 o'clock and there's no moonlight. Secondly, I'm not gay. I coulda had Meredith just now but I don't fuck bad actresses, or bad actors. I remember you from Can't Buy Me Love. McDreamy:You couldn't get Meredith? Everybody's had her. You must be gay. McSteamy:No, I just have taste.
Cut to George walking into the bar, longingly gazing at Callie from a far. McDreamy walks up to George.
McDreamy:Hey, George, why are you staring at Callie. You know you're gay, right? George:I know that. But, I'm an actor and I'm playing my role. As disturbing as it may be. Disgusting Breeders! McDreamy:George, why don't we quit lying to each other. Take me home and make love to me you sexy beast.
And they leave. In walks Izzy and sits at the bar.
McSteamy:Izzy. Just the woman I've been waiting for. Izzy:You've only been here 5 minutes. I'm the only woman besides Meredith here. And you've already screwed Callie so there isn't many challenges here besides me. McSteamy:5 minutes is all it takes. How about you and me - we'll go out, get some dinner, have some sex, you know - see what happens. Izzy:That is the rumor Dr. 5MinuteMan. Didn't you just hit on Meredith? McSteamy:Naw. I turned her down. Her acting chops are no match for your performance in My Father, The Hero. Besides, you're hot, she's not. Izzy:I don't know. How much money do you have? McSteamy:Is five bucks enough? Izzy:How about ten? McSteamy:It's a deal.
And they leave. Cut to Christina sitting next to Dr. Burke.
Christina:What the fuck was I thinking. I'm the best actress in this joint. I was in Sideways, you know? Dr. Burke:Yea, screw you bitch. I was stuck doing Wild Things 2. Christina:Hey, it could be worse. You could have been like McDreamy - you know, doing Fast Times - not even the movie version but the TV version. Dr. Burke:You know, you're right. And I think I'm going to go kick his ass for acting in that worthless piece of shit 80's TV show. Christina:Don't break your hand Dr. Fucktard. Dr. Burke:You know that's all acting, right? And if I break my hand I can still pretend to do surgery. Christina:I'm not a fucking idiot Burke. I just mean you'll need it later to spank your spicket because you've been in nothing impressive. Nobody here is going to have sex with you. Dr. Burke:Damn.
And that's the conclusion of tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy. Stay tuned next week when Meredith sleeps with yet another stranger in a bar, McSteamy gets the clap, and McDreamy and George move to another country where they can legally be man and man. I hope everybody has a GREAT weekend!
Well, here I am at work, just waiting for my boss to come in and ream me out for something that is, really, my fault so I can't really blame him for that.
Let me explain. So, yesterday I had my MRI on my brain and, yes, I do have one. Unfortunately, however, it gave me a major headache and I didn't think it was wise for me to drive at all afterwards. I did intend on taking a later train, but when I spoke to my boss he said to just stay home. Then he asked me about something that I was actually supposed to do over a week ago but, well, you know how it is. You get busy with the day to day work and, something, some things just slip through the cracks. And it is my fault because I should have done it.
Then I felt so guilty about it that I wound up working from home all day long and got another project that he's been hot on completed. So, hopefully, when he does come in today he'll have mercy on my poor pathetic soul and take that into account. But, I wouldn't count on it.
My co-worker has a new sign on her desk:
Gee, you think that maybe she actually does know everything? Could be.
Update: Boss just called. Didn't sound pissed at all. But, then again, I'm sure he'll say something about it later when he's here. He called to let me know that he's going to be in meeting this morning and to let me know what's going on. *ha* I know something my co-worker doesn't! Perhaps I should move that sign to MY desk for the day.
Wow, I'm so fucking tired and worn out this morning. I can't stop yawning! And it's not from a lack of sleep - if anything I've been sleeping too much. I fell asleep around 9:30 again last night from a headache so I got, like, almost 8 hours sleep. Maybe I'm just really bored with life lately. But, I'm not sure.
I have my MRI on my brain scheduled for tomorrow at 7:00am. But I'm thinking about calling to change that appointment to an hour later, if at all possible. I would have to leave my house at around 6:00am to get there at 7:00. Which means I'll have to get up around 4:45 to actually make sure my butt is out the door by 6:00. And, sorry, that's way too early. I didn't think it through when I said, sure, I'll be there at 7:00. And I'm on the phone with them now....what will they say?
They said Fuck You. Tomorrow at 7:00 or wait until next week.
Bastards. Oh well, looks like I'm going to be getting up at the butt crack of dawn and driving to the fucking hospital then driving my ass into work. Fuck! It's supposed to be rainy and crappy too. But, I'm thinking I'll drive home after the MRI and hop the train into work and be at work by 11:30 - just so I don't have to drive to work. I dunno. I'll make up my mind on that tomorrow.
I believe, more than ever, that my middle sister was never actually born from my mother. I am of the steadfast belief that she had to have been switched at birth and there is no way she is actually blood related to anybody that has been born to my family. But, then again, I might have been reading too many dramatic novels recently, but more about that later.
So, my birthday came and went, uneventful. My train was late 45 minutes getting to the station to pick me up to take me home on Friday so I didn't actually get home until almost 5:30. Which is two hours after I actually got off work. I would have been better off actually driving to work - I would have been home sooner. Dennis got home about 6:30 and walked in with a card, some Diet Pepsi, and some Weight Watchers ice cream treats and asks me where I want to go out to dinner. Honestly, by the time I got home from work I was in a full blown migraine headache and, really, just didn't feel like going out and I could tell he felt like shit and, really, only would go out to make me happy. So, we got Chinese food and a couple movies and had a nice quiet evening at home. I did wind up making some kick ass fillets and king crab legs at home Saturday - at about 1/4 of what that meal would have cost had we gone out the night before.
I did go Saturday to see Kim at the Woodstock Harley Davidson open house where she was working for Save a Pet. She's so sweet! She got me some flowers and three boxes of Hershey's Chocolate Sticks - Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, and Mint Chocolate. And they're all only one point a piece! So, I had to try all of them, right then and there, and they are probably the most awesome thing I've had in, well, forever! They're a whole lot better and more satisfying than the Hostess 100 Cal Pack cupcakes - did I say cupcakes? They're more like the size of the mole I have on my ass. But oh well. I did buy two more boxes of those at the store as well. Anyway, I digress - while we were walking around this precious little puppy named Larry (and, well, Larry is a girl - go figure) a woman fell in love with Larry and decided to adopt her right then and there. I'll have to check with Kim to see if they made it out to Grayslake to actually take possession of Larry. Anyway, she's a sweetheart for doing that and I thank you immensely.
Now, getting back to my sister. This is the same sister that everybody had to go through hell and high water to get her the birthday party she told everybody she wanted and her daughter couldn't afford. You remember that? If not, check back to last Novembers blog postings.
About two weeks ago I told her that my sister would be here the first week of April. She tells me that would be a great weekend to celebrate my birthday since we'll all be together, yada yada yada. I said yea, that would be great. Well, break to last Thursday. I remind her, again, that our other sister would be in town the first week of April and I'm taking Monday off (my Texas sister flies back to Texas on Monday night) and would be driving to my dad's Saturday morning. Now, you would think that since April 1st is on a Sunday that she would have figured out that this is the first weekend in April right? Wrong. She just can't figure that one out. She did the same thing last year - couldn't figure out when the first week of April is. Anyway, she told me that she had plans for that Sunday (the 1st) but she would call my other sister and work something out so she could be there. In case you're as confused as I suspect you are, I'll explain how and why and stuff. My dad spends the winter months at my sisters in Texas and he refused to fly or drive by himself. My sister every fall flies to Chicago and I drive her to Peoria so she can ride down to Texas with my Dad. And every year, the first week in April, she drives back with my dad and I drive down to Peoria to pick her up to take her to the airport and we spend a few days together.
So, Saturday I talk to my sister in Texas and she tells me that she talked to my middle sister. And my middle sister said she's still not sure about her plans for Sunday so she'll take Friday off and drive down to Peoria on Thursday night and come back Saturday! Well, that's all fine and good except that I still have to drive down on Saturday! Christ. So, because she refuses to cancel her plans (that she doesn't even know if it's happening or not) we BOTH have to drive to Peoria and, once again, I have to drive my oldest sister to the airport on Monday. I mean, shit! Couldn't the inconsiderate bitch have taken MONDAY off instead and offered to ONCE take my sister to the airport? Or at least offer to ride with me? Let alone that now I guess she won't be doing shit with me for my birthday after I helped pay for her fucking birthday party last November? She's a fucking idiot, my middle sister. And, actually, I'm kind of glad that I won't have to listen to her go on and on about how perfect, beautiful, thoughtful, considerate her fucking daughter (who scammed everybody else to pay for her moms birthday party) is. So, actually, it is the best birthday present she could have given me.
And another March 16th. Another fucking birthday. I've had forty four of 'em now. Christ. I feel old.
And a tad on the depressed side on this one. Not so much because of the gargantuous number of this birthday but that it's really become just another day. And you know you're getting old when it starts to feel like that.
I doubt we'll do anything - I'll probably just make a nice dinner and just watch a movie or something. Dennis didn't feel very good last night and this morning - and he had to work today so that's going to make it really hard for him. It's not like he can call in sick - being the first week back so I doubt he's going to be up for anything tonight.
You guys I'm sure already heard me talk about this, but the neurologist put me on Topamax hoping to prevent the migraines. And I have to have an MRI done on my brain. If there is one in there. I admit, I haven't started taking the Topamax yet - mostly because I've heard a lot of people that have taken it mention that they have some funky side effects. And I didn't figure I wanted to deal with any unwanted side affects today so I'm going to wait until tomorrow to start taking it.
Anyway, I hope everybody has a nice weekend and has a lot of fun.
Idol update: Just send everybody but Melinda and LaTisha home tonight.
And that's all they need to do. But, more importantly, I hope that they get rid of Sanjaya tonight. He has GOT to go. Along with all the guys. And a majority of the girls too. Hell, while you're at it, please please please get rid of Paula! Holy Christ, you look up Paula Abdul in the dictionary and this is what you get:
Main Entry: an·noy·ing Pronunciation: \-iŋ\ Function: adjective Date: 14th century : causing vexation : irritating — an·noy·ing·ly \-iŋ-lē\ adverb
And there you have it.
The boss is out today and tomorrow so when the cat is away the little mice will play. Too bad I'm not a mouse. And I'm out tomorrow - have my appointment with the neurologist. My appointment is at 10:30 and I couldn't have planned that better - middle of the day. Too early to come in and then leave at 9:15, and probably too late after the appointment is over around noon to catch a train to come back into work. But, seeing how I got it all figured out how I can access our stuff from my home computer, I'm sure I'll wind up working from home most of the day. Which is good and bad.
So, I'll see you all on Friday and you guys better wish me a happy fucking birthday on Friday or I'm going to bad mouth all of you Fuckers on Monday's blog!
Tuesday, again? Christ. It seems like it was just Tuesday a week ago.
Anyway, I drove to work today since the co-worker is leaving early to take a kid to the doctor. But, that's okay. If I had to hand pick a day to drive in, today would be it. It's supposed to be waaaaaarm - like in the lower 70's!! And I drove the 'Stang today so I'm hoping it'll be warm enough for a top down drive on the way home. I'm not holding my breath though.
So, over the weekend, I'm flipping through the channels on the TV and, of course, there's, like, a million channels and nothing on so I paused at some show with Bill Mahr (I think is his name?). Anyway, it was a Bush/Republican bashing session (of course) with Roseanne and the Dixie Twits. I think everybody is entitled to an opinion, unless said opinion is just a bunch of bull shit. When did it become so popular for celebrities to have to voice their opinions on things that they are so obviously not educated in? Now, I'm not for one party - I think the two party system in this country just stinks, however, that doesn't mean that every idiot with an opinion should get on TV and voice their opinion. I mean, what is written on their FAG Card (Film Actor's Guild - or is it SAG - Screen Actors Guild? I always get them confused) that:
A) You must at all times bash whatever political party is in office at the time unless: B) They are democrats, in which case invite me to the White House for a party and keep your mouth shut
Really, I can't wait for a democratic president. It'll be refreshing to see how bad they can screw the country up - since they have all the answers you know.
Fuck, am I tired this morning! I'm sure it has everything to do with the fact that, although it says it's 7:47am, it's actually 6:47 am and I've been up since what feels like 4:15am. It couldn't have anything to do with the 4 shots of Jagermeister and the 4 Captain Morgan and Diet Cokes I had last night. No, it's definitely the time change I think. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
We did actually go out to dinner on Friday night. Yes, I actually went out of the house and had a meal. We went to a place that Dennis likes and has fond memories of since childhood. And it was okay. Well, the service sucked. Our waitress was a cranky bitch, actually. We sat down and it took a good 20 minutes before the dipshit finally came over to see if we needed drinks. Hell yea, after waiting here for 20 minutes I sure as hell want a drink! I thought about the all you can eat crab legs for 24 bucks, but decided against it because:
A) it was 24 bucks B) it was all you can eat - and I can't eat THAT much C) the chicken sandwich at $8.95 looked way more appealing D) my birthday is Friday and I would save up my points for this Friday
But, I regretted it soon after I received it. The chicken breast was more like a 1/2 a breast, if even. It was tiny - and when I say tiny, I mean tiny! They serve it on a bun that isn't even a regular size bun and the chicken didn't even cover the bottom of the bun. I told the bitch NO ONION and what the fuck is all wrapped up in the lettuce and tomato? Fucking ONIONS. A bunch of 'em too - not just a ring or two but I think they put half the fucking thing on this sandwich. But waiting for the waitress to reappear so I can complain was an exercise in futility that I just didn't have the patience for so I peeled them off. But, fuck if you still can't taste the mother fucking onions on the lettuce and tomato so I had to peel them off too. At least the french fries were decent. Otherwise I would have starved to death.
But, all in all, we had a good time and I did give the bitch a five dollar tip. Which was about $4.99 more than what she deserved.
We did watch a few movies over the weekend. We watched Borat, which I found extremely funny and couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole thing. Stupid humor is where it's at for me. But, on the down side, I had to listen to Dennis talking like he's from Khasikstan (sp?) all weekend. And hear him telling everybody that I'm his sister - the number four prostitute in all of Khasikstan. You know how it goes.
We also watched The Departed last night. Sorry, but this movie is:
A) way too fucking long B) way too drawn out C) way too fucking boring D) I couldn't give a rats ass 3/4 of the way into this thing if they all got killed, which, they pretty much all did E) 3.5 hours of my day that I'll never get back (is it really that long? It sure seemed like it)
So, all in all, it was a pretty uneventful weekend - which is nice. I just wanted to relax anyway.
Please, for the love of Christ and all that is holy, keep your silly, brain dead, tone deaf daughters hands away from the telephone on Tuesday nights. Please! Because they keep voting for that little, light in the loafers, untalented little Sanjaya simply because he's cute.
And, please, sit them down and explain to them that American Idol is a singing competition and not a "Like, ohmygod, Stacy, did you see Sanjaya Tuesday night with his hair all blown straight with those dreamy eyes that I could just melt into sing last night?" competition. Cut of their arms if you have to. Just keep 'em away from the fucking phone, okay?
Thanks. It's very much appreciated.
I mean, what the fuck is that all about? Seriously. I'm not Sundance Head's biggest fan, that's for sure but he's a fuck of a lot better than Sanjaya. And what was with Haley beating out Sabrina (is that her name?)? Maybe that's the problem. Maybe I'm not alone in not remembering her name.
Anyway, it's Friday, it's supposed to get up to 50 degrees today (I'll believe that when I see it) and it's a payday. It doesn't get any better than this! Well, it could, I'm not going to lie. But, I must accept that I can't only deal with that shit which I can control, and say, "Fuck you!" the the shit I can't.
Nothing really planned for this weekend (now there's a big shock) except grocery shopping, smokin' and drinkin' and a nice Sunday recovery.
I'm freezing. But, then again, because I'm the first person in the office the heat is off when I get here. I have it turned up to 72 degrees, but it's just hit the 60 degree mark. So, I sit here, still in my coat, day dreaming for the day when it's warmer outside than it is inside.
American Idol last night. All I can say is Melinda, Melinda, Melinda. If she doesn't totally win this whole thing then next thing you know cats will be sleeping with dogs, world wide pandemonium I tell you! And I also like LaKisha, although I don't think she's quite as good as Melinda. I usually like Stephanie, but, man, last night her voice just seemed to go in and out - like she didn't have any control over it. And, obviously, the slut bag just sucked. And Haley? Please. She's just a tad too Kathie Lee Gifford for my taste. I totally expected her to break out in a bad rendition of "If my friends could see me now" with a big fucking picture of a cruise ship behind her.
I was a little confused by Lost last night. I didn't quite get this pirate eye patch guy. But, I suppose that's to be expected. I can't remember the last time something actually made sense on this show. Then again I don't think it's supposed to. It was nice to see an episode that featured Sayid because he's been largely ignored this season. Still, even though I watched it last night funny how right now I can't remember much about it. Except that Sayid tortured some woman and her husband is damned pissed off at him. I guess I'll have to watch it again this weekend since I was pretty fucking tired when I watched it last night.
Dennis just totally made me laugh out loud. Seriously. I sent him a text message letting him know I'm at work (he always wants me to text him - he worries about me awwwww) and he sends me a text message back saying:
Good. Now make some money and quit fucking around! I try to set a good example (blah blah fucking blah).
I think I've figured it out what has gone awry at American Idol.
First of all, I don't think Antonella should still be involved in this competition. She did the same thing that Frenchy did years ago and they kicked Frenchy off for it. But, I think that they actually were worried because of the following differences between the two:
A.) Frenchy could actually sing and had a shot at winning the top Idol spot. Antonella can't sing a note and they know her days are numbered anyway
B.) Antonella is a hot white girl that is easy on the eyes. Frenchy wasn't as typically All American as Antonella and we all know this is as much a beauty competition as a singing one.
C.) Antonella actually thought her photos would lead her to her audition on American Pole Dancer - she just showed up at the wrong hotel. Frenchy showed up to actually audition for American Idol.
They both did the same thing, however Frenchy had to leave and Antonella gets to stay. I think this is a real shame for all of the contestants on American Idol - and especially all of the contestants that were kicked off over the years due to one thing or another that weren't any worse than Antonella's audition photos for Girls Gone Wild.
Well, hopefully this week the voters will actually hear the fact that the girl sounds like she's the third place contestant at the Karaoke bar instead of an actual singer. But, that won't happen since, obviously, more than half of all Americans are totally tone deaf. How else can we explain Britney Spears and Sanjaya?
Well, aren't I quite the fucking little idiot today. I forgot to blog. I guess I actually had *cough* important work to do today and totally spaced it out.
But, I'm sure you've already figured out that you haven't missed anything by my entry not being here first thing this morning.
I will say I was a tad dismayed at the fact that the Bears traded Thomas Jones to the Jets. Of course, I'm still pissed off that they traded Willy Gault way back when too so I guess you could say I still hold a grudge. And what's with Lance Briggs wanting out of playing for the Bears? I guess it all boils down to the fact that it is indeed not a game but a business.
Oh well. That the way the football bounces. Never in a straight line.
Yes, it's me, Miss Cheerful this morning. Christ. The only thing that would make me truly happy is if it would get up to about 65 degrees today. And that ain't gonna happen so you're stuck with my grumpy ass this morning.
I did something this morning that I knew was inevitable. It was only a matter of time before I did this, but I guess I couldn't have picked a better day to fuck up. See, since I've been taking the train to work I no longer keep track of my keys. And, since I'm the first one in the office in the mornings, I have to unlock the doors to get into the office. And, well, you guessed it. My dumb ass forgot my fucking keys. So, I had to wait at the train station for somebody to get into work before I could get in. I picked up my phone to call Dennis to let him know I was still at the station and got totally spooked out by a "special" (and I mean special in a Special Olympics kind of way) guy waiting for his next train. And the reason I say freaked out is because he kept talking to me, telling me how pretty I am and if I have a boyfriend and shit. Any other time I would have probably been amused at the thought of a "special" guy hitting on me, but sitting in an empty train station just didn't quite have that same amusal factor. But, luckily, I only had to wait five minutes before my boss showed up. Which is good, if he was coming in later I would have had to wait for my co-worker to get here - which means I would have had to wait about an hour and 20 minutes or so. So, it could have been a whole lot worse. And Dennis just texted me a picture of my keys sitting on the table.
Didn't do much this weekend. Very boring weekend. Dennis got home about 5:00 on Friday night and it was so crappy outside we decided to just stay in and go out to dinner on Saturday instead. Saturday, we decided that we really couldn't afford to go out to eat (my decision) after spending a buck twenty five at the grocery store. But, we had a good dinner at home Saturday and just spent Sunday lounging around doing not much of anything. Yea, fucking broke shit sucks majorly.
Dennis comes home today. Although, I'll probably still get home before he does tonight. I just hope the roads stay clear for him to get home and everybody stays safe. And, we're finally going to go out tonight. Yea, we know we probably shouldn't. Money's very tight but you still gotta get out every now and then because if you don't you'll wind up wanting to torture people. And that's never a good thing. We'll probably just go out for dinner someplace cheap then just come home and watch a movie or something. But, it's a start!
I've got to get my ass in gear and make an appointment with a neurologist for these mother fucking headaches. And, yes, I will use the term mother fucking because that's the best way to describe them. They're coming on more frequently and more often so it's something that I better get looked at. I don't know when they're going to hit, and, luckily, they don't last that long but I will try to explain to you what is happening with these - if you care to read about it. Anyway, it just starts out I'll be looking at something. Anything. Maybe the TV, maybe a magazine, maybe my own reflection in the mirror. Whatever. And all I notice is a little black spot right in the middle of whatever I'm looking at. Then, the black spot becomes a fireworks show. You know, fuck this. Why am I explaining it when I know I did in another post? Yea, I'm fucking losing it. I can't remember what I've already talked about and what I haven't. Maybe the headaches are just a sign that my brain is slowly losing it's will to live. I don't fucking know. Maybe it's hormonal.
Ahhhhh, I so didn't want to get out of bed this morning. It was nice and warm in there. And it's cold, snowy, and extremely windy outside. Fucking winter. It's March 2nd for the love of Christ and it's still like January out there. I know, I just need to be a little more patient. But, patience is a virtue that I just never could get the hang of.
Anyway, I hope everybody has a great weekend filled with all sorts of fun stuff to do. You know, like housework, running errands, cleaning the toilet - fun stuff.
God, the weather sucked this morning! I woke up at 3:30 when Dennis was leaving and it was thundering and raining then. But, by the time I got to the train station it was really raining and so fucking windy my umbrella turned inside out. Once I got to work, however, it had slowed down and I didn't need my umbrella to walk to work. Yea, I know. So what. Just another day that I didn't really want to get out of bed.
Dennis is on his way to Tomahawk, Wisconsin to test drive a bunch of heavy equipment at Case and, obviously, to eat a lot of crap and drink a lot of beer. He went with his brother so I know he won't get too carried away. And I hope he has a good time, because the guy sorely needs it. And he'll be home tomorrow so it won't be that bad. The biggest downside to this is I shouldn't have watched the weather reports this morning. They are getting hit hard with snow and blizzard like conditions where he's going. And he's getting there in a bus. So, I'm a little edgy today - worried about him getting there safely and all. He promised to call as soon as he gets there so I won't be wondering all day long. Yea, right. If the weather is as bad as what they showed on the news then there's a chance they won't get there until hell freezes over - which by the way the weather front has been going lately might just be today after all. We'll see.
Lost was pretty good last night. But, then again, any episode where they feature Hugo scores big brownie points with me. Lost always manages to confuse me in the beginning. I always think that I'm on the wrong channel or something because they usually start it off with a backstory off the island. And last night was no exception. It began with Hugo as a child. But it took a little while to realize it was Hugo because, well, he was so thin. And then you realize why Hugo has a problem with his weight. It just made me want to reach out and grab his cheeks and hug him. Lost was pretty uneventful last night, with the exception of Kate telling the French woman that she met her daughter. We'll just have to wait to see how that one pans out.
Well, I should probably get work started - seeing that I'm being paid to work and not blog. Bastards.