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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring Forward?
Fuck, am I tired this morning! I'm sure it has everything to do with the fact that, although it says it's 7:47am, it's actually 6:47 am and I've been up since what feels like 4:15am. It couldn't have anything to do with the 4 shots of Jagermeister and the 4 Captain Morgan and Diet Cokes I had last night. No, it's definitely the time change I think. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

We did actually go out to dinner on Friday night. Yes, I actually went out of the house and had a meal. We went to a place that Dennis likes and has fond memories of since childhood. And it was okay. Well, the service sucked. Our waitress was a cranky bitch, actually. We sat down and it took a good 20 minutes before the dipshit finally came over to see if we needed drinks. Hell yea, after waiting here for 20 minutes I sure as hell want a drink! I thought about the all you can eat crab legs for 24 bucks, but decided against it because:

A) it was 24 bucks
B) it was all you can eat - and I can't eat THAT much
C) the chicken sandwich at $8.95 looked way more appealing
D) my birthday is Friday and I would save up my points for this Friday

But, I regretted it soon after I received it. The chicken breast was more like a 1/2 a breast, if even. It was tiny - and when I say tiny, I mean tiny! They serve it on a bun that isn't even a regular size bun and the chicken didn't even cover the bottom of the bun. I told the bitch NO ONION and what the fuck is all wrapped up in the lettuce and tomato? Fucking ONIONS. A bunch of 'em too - not just a ring or two but I think they put half the fucking thing on this sandwich. But waiting for the waitress to reappear so I can complain was an exercise in futility that I just didn't have the patience for so I peeled them off. But, fuck if you still can't taste the mother fucking onions on the lettuce and tomato so I had to peel them off too. At least the french fries were decent. Otherwise I would have starved to death.

But, all in all, we had a good time and I did give the bitch a five dollar tip. Which was about $4.99 more than what she deserved.

We did watch a few movies over the weekend. We watched Borat, which I found extremely funny and couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole thing. Stupid humor is where it's at for me. But, on the down side, I had to listen to Dennis talking like he's from Khasikstan (sp?) all weekend. And hear him telling everybody that I'm his sister - the number four prostitute in all of Khasikstan. You know how it goes.

We also watched The Departed last night. Sorry, but this movie is:

A) way too fucking long
B) way too drawn out
C) way too fucking boring
D) I couldn't give a rats ass 3/4 of the way into this thing if they all got killed, which, they pretty much all did
E) 3.5 hours of my day that I'll never get back (is it really that long? It sure seemed like it)

So, all in all, it was a pretty uneventful weekend - which is nice. I just wanted to relax anyway.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:47 AM  
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