Idol update: Just send everybody but Melinda and LaTisha home tonight.
And that's all they need to do. But, more importantly, I hope that they get rid of Sanjaya tonight. He has GOT to go. Along with all the guys. And a majority of the girls too. Hell, while you're at it, please please please get rid of Paula! Holy Christ, you look up Paula Abdul in the dictionary and this is what you get:
Main Entry: an·noy·ing Pronunciation: \-iŋ\ Function: adjective Date: 14th century : causing vexation : irritating — an·noy·ing·ly \-iŋ-lē\ adverb
And there you have it.
The boss is out today and tomorrow so when the cat is away the little mice will play. Too bad I'm not a mouse. And I'm out tomorrow - have my appointment with the neurologist. My appointment is at 10:30 and I couldn't have planned that better - middle of the day. Too early to come in and then leave at 9:15, and probably too late after the appointment is over around noon to catch a train to come back into work. But, seeing how I got it all figured out how I can access our stuff from my home computer, I'm sure I'll wind up working from home most of the day. Which is good and bad.
So, I'll see you all on Friday and you guys better wish me a happy fucking birthday on Friday or I'm going to bad mouth all of you Fuckers on Monday's blog!
Hey Sue,
It has been a while since I have read your blogs so I just did a marathon read of the last 2 weeks or so.
You are so hysterically funny! I haven't laughed in so long and now I'm laughing all alone at my desk at work! Maybe they will decide since I was quiet and withdrawn for the last few weeks and now I'm laughing all alone at my desk, that I need a vaca.
You are great! Thanks in advance for the vaca! :)