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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I've Gotta Cold
God, I feel like shit today! I have a cold or a sinus allergy thing going on - I don't know. All I know for sure is that I've been doing nothing but sneezing and blowing my nose. And it's getting old already. I'm sure I got it from Dennis since he had it last week and I had to go and have sex with him this weekend. Bastard.

Anyway, I'm so glad it's not raining....yet. Dennis got to go into work since it hadn't rained yet so he gets some work in today. And that's good because the forecast is calling for rain all the rest of the week. Which means if that happens Dennis gets another two day work week. That's hot. Not. Sorry. I lost my head there.

I finally talked to my dopey sister yesterday. Yes, I broke down and called her because I knew if I waited for her to call me I'll be waiting until the day I die. And here's a sample of our conversation:

Me: Hey. How are ya?
Dumbfuck: I'm okay.
Me: I'm just calling to find out what you decided you were going to do this weekend.
Dumbfuck: Oh, I'm so glad you called! I've been waiting for you to call me all week so I can tell you my plans.
Me: Ummmm...you are aware that those little buttons on the phone means that you can actually call somebody. The phone does work two ways.
Dumbfuck: Really? I didn't know that! (okay, I made that part up. But nothing would surprise me with her).
Me: Well.....
Dumbfuck: I'm going to drive down Thursday night if I'm not too tired after work and teaching my aerobics class. If I'm too tired I'm going to drive down Friday morning.
Me: Well, that's all sweet and shit, but what I mean is what are you going to do this weekend?
Dumbfuck: Ooooooh. Well, I don't know.
Me: Okay, let me spell it out for you. I'm going to drive down Saturday morning so I can see dad since I haven't seen him since your birthday party last November (burn!!) then me and Debbie will drive back Saturday afternoon.
Dumbfuck: Oh, that's good. I'll follow you back and we can stop at my house and visit for a while.
Me: Well, that's really not going to work out. I've already made plans for Saturday night so I just won't have time.
Dumbfuck: You made plans? Why didn't you tell me (seriously, is she this dense? yes, yes she is)
Me: I didn't tell you because I haven't heard from you (thud)
Dumbfuck: Oh, I really wanted Debbie to see my new house. Can't we just stop by for a little while?
Me: Dumbfuck, time is limited as it is. It's over a four hour drive from dad's to my house. It would take me another hour out of my way to drive to your house, then another couple hours to visit there, then another hour to drive back to my house. Where do you think this time is going to materialize?
Dumbfuck: Oh, I didn't think about that (classic!)
Me: I didn't figure.
Dumbfuck: Well, what are your plans for Saturday night then?
Me: Well, seeing how I really haven't done anything for my birthday I want to go out and have some fun Saturday night.
Dumbfuck: Oh, that'll be fun! I could use a night out.
Me: So what are you saying?
Dumbfuck: That it'll be fun to go out.
Me: No, I mean does this mean that you're coming back to my house on Saturday and spending the night then?
Dumbfuck: Yes. I thought you knew that? I have to leave by noon on Sunday though.
Me: Now how the fuck would I know this since I haven't talked to you since you made your own plans?

See how frustrating that is? I had to drag it out of her that she assumes that it's okay that she comes back with us and goes out on Saturday. I really wanted to tell her that I already made reservations someplace and, well, sorry - they don't have the room to add another person at the table. But, I didn't. Because, really, it doesn't matter to me if she's there or not. Now, Dennis on the other hand, is going to have a cow. He doesn't like dumbfuck sister. She always manages to say something rude to him that really pisses him off. And I get the task of telling him tonight that she's going to be staying overnight Saturday.

If I don't have a post tomorrow that means that I didn't survive telling him.

Wish me luck!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:40 AM  
  • At Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:22:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    Heyy... we got jipped out of your Friday night hot date story!

    good luck tonight with Dennis..

    ughh I've been sick since before I went on vacation on Feb 13th.. I'm sick of being sick.. I go 2-3 days feeling okay, then 2-4 days feeling cr@ppy and it's always something different!

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