Well, at least I'm back at work today. And that's about all I can say about that. Ok, not really. You know I'll have a lot more to say about it than that.
So, I get into work this morning and I'm all thinking like, wow and shit because I actually feel pretty good. I'm raring to start up the day and get everything that I need to get done that I missed out on because I was, more or less, out for two days. Then BAM!! It hits me like a ton of bricks. A fucking migraine headache. Oh, for those of you out there that are familiar with this little peach of a fucking thing you know exactly what I'm talking about. The only thing noticeable at first is little holes in your vision. You know what I mean - it's like you're looking at this:
fucking migraines
but you see this:
fu ng migrai s
And you're all - what the fuck is this about? I can't see anything right. Oh, then come the joys of the aura things where the holes were before. These auras are these lightening bolt looking things that jut around your eyeballs and all you want to do is sit in complete darkness until it goes away. And it will - but it usually takes about 20 minutes. Then you get the mother fucker of all mother fucking headaches. Which is where I'm at right now.
So much fucking fun I can't stand it. So, the flu is over but why the fuck does this have to happen today? Christ. I can't get a break.
It's Monday and I actually made it into work despite that I'm sicker than a fucking dog. I have crap coming out both ends and I'm not entirely sure which end to stick in the toilet. Not fun!!
Look what Dennis did for me yesterday! Finally got the garage cleared enough to get my car in it. Of course, a whole lot more will need to come out of that garage to get a second car in, but I'm glad I finally got my snow covered beast in where it's somewhat warm. We had to warm it up for about an hour before we could get the ice off the windshield. That's how long it's been since the car has been started - there was still an inch of ice on the windshield from the ice storm a few weeks ago. Then it snowed on top of it, and, well, it was a pain in the ass to get it all off enough to even get it in the garage. But, it's finally done and this morning there wasn't much of a trace of snow or ice on it at all.
This completely made my weekend nice and peachy and made being sick today worth it.
We didn't do much this weekend. We were going to go and see some of Dennis' high school buddies band on Saturday, but decided instead to just stay in and rent a few movies. After working on the garage all day Saturday his back wasn't feeling all that great - especially when the place we would have gone to is, for them most part, standing room only. So, we rented The Illusionist and Idiocracy. I fell asleep, naturally, about a quarter of the way into the Illusionist at my usual time around 9:00pm and still haven't watched the fucking thing. Maybe I should go home sick today and lay on my ass with a puke bucket beside me and just watch this movie again - until, of course, I pass out from the lack of interest. I shouldn't say that, what I saw of this movie looked pretty fucking good. But, then again, I'm a huge Ed Norton fan and absolutely love him in everything I've seen him in. I think my lack of interest had more to do with not feeling good than the actual movie itself. And we haven't watched Idiocracy yet so we'll have to see what that's all about.
I hope that everybody had a better weekend than I did. Not that it was horrible, just not the best since I felt like shit. Although, I'm glad to get the feeling like shit thing over with this past weekend because that means I'll be feeling pretty fucking good next weekend when the Bears play the Colts in the Superbowl!
It's Friday, finally. I'm so glad this week is almost over. We've been extremely busy at work, preparing for the move. The office is almost done but there's still a lot to do before we can move in. Which should be in the next couple weeks. And when that happens I probably won't be around the net much.
There's a pic of part of the new office, ladder and all. They were installing the overhead lighting and just finished up building our desks when we got there. We'll have so much more fucking room it'll be amazing! And, with the new office across the street from the train station, I won't have to drive into work anymore. Just take the 2 minute ride to the train station by my house, park, get on, ride for 30 minutes and I'm at the front door to work. The only problem is the train schedule to the new office sucks major ass. The train gets there right at 7:25 so that's good, but the days I work 8:30 to 4:30 aren't going to work out so hot since the next train after the 7:25 doesn't come in until 9:25 and the train that leaves at 3:50, the next train out isn't until 5:30. And there's no way in hell I'm going to work from 7:30 to 5:30! So, we need to hire our new person as soon as possible - and that person will be responsible for staying until 4:30 every night.
Can't blog much today - got into work late by 1/2 an hour and the boss is already here. He wasn't pissed or anything, but he did give me a mountain of work to do that all has to be done before he leaves for his appointment in 2 hours.
So, I guess the wise thing for me to do would be get my ass off blogger.com and get to it. We're also going over to see the new office today. I might have to take some pics to post - unless it looks like shit.
It was a whole lotta fun getting into work today. Traffic wasn't bad at all - but, then again, when I come in at 7:30 it's usually just fine. Except when I finally got to the street I work on. And there's a huge fire truck, firemen, and police cars blocking the entire street so I can't turn onto the street I work on.
Unfortunately, that didn't mean I could turn around and go back home. Hell no. It could never work out that cool. I just had to go up another block (after waiting in traffic for twenty minutes) and cut through the Dunkin' Donuts drive thru. I left early this morning, so, actually, I was right on time for work. And it's a good thing. My boss was already here - and he'll be here all day. Which sucks major ass because it's really hard to totally goof off while he's in the office. I would have actually been about 20 minutes early had the road not been blocked.
Nice huh? That is where I'm supposed to turn right, then get immediately in the left lane to turn into work. I still think I should have called to tell work I can't get into the parking lot, but, right now I don't think losing my job is an option. And 43 is way too early to retire.
At what age can you start collecting social security anyway? I'm fucking ready. I'm still hopeful that GW Bush can get us the tax cuts for those of us paying extortion to health insurance companies. I know that between me and my husband we pay out about $400 a month for our health insurance. And the insurance sucks. I'm betting that congress and the house will poo-poo that idea. Oh well, we'll see what happens.
I was so freakin' tired last night I fell asleep at about 9pm. Yea, lame, I know. I just couldn't help it! I fought it, and it was a gallant fight, however my eyelids won the battle and that's all I remember. This has been happening a lot lately. It happens around 9 o'clock. I start to get a little tired and before I know it - wham! I'm fast asleep. Sometimes, I catch myself and I'll get up and walk around a little bit. When I do that, I'm up until about midnight. Maybe it's just me getting old. You know, the older you get the earlier you go to bed. You get up around 4am to have breakfast, lunch winds up being around 10am, dinner around 3. Then you're in bed before 7 so you can get up at 4 the next morning and the cycle repeats. So, I figure I still have lunch around 11:30, had dinner last night at about 7:45 so I figure I still have a little ways to go before I have to find somebody to change my Depends undergarments.
Well, Dennis is back to work today. So, hopefully, he won't be in excruciating pain tonight when he gets home. He seemed pretty good this morning, but this will be the first full day that he hasn't been icing up his back all day so we'll see.
Traffic just blew this morning. I left my house at 6:45 and got to work just at 8:00. And all because some asstrout had to speed down Route 12 and get pulled over. Of course, said asstrout couldn't pull over onto the shoulder so traffic could route around the fucktard, he had to stop right in the lane of traffic thus making everybody have to merge into the other lane to get around his stupid ass. What is wrong with people? Do they not possess a brain? Seriously. If you're going to get pulled over, don't make it impossible for everybody else to get around you. If I was that cop, I woulda given him a ticket just for being a moron.
They did it! They beat New Orleans 39-14 and are headed for Miami! Which, nobody will be shocked by this, makes me very very happy! I had my doubts about the game yesterday. Mostly because I listened to all the experts that picked the Bears to lose. It's been 21 years in the making, but I'll take it!! The big D of Chicago showed up and looked like they did at the beginning of the season and Grossman made the plays he needed to take the Bears to the Superbowl. And he made no mistakes. Which is the most shocking part of the whole thing. And only one penalty (from what I saw - could be more, if so correct me). So, will the Bears finally get the respect they deserve? Probably not, since they're already picking Indianapolis to win the Superbowl. But, that's okay. The Bears seem to play a whole lot better when they are being counted out so we'll see in two weeks...
I totally pigged out yesterday due to being nervous about the game. I had three pieces of french toast, then I ate a million crackers with port wine cheese and a couple bowls of homemade taco soup before the game even started. So I'm feeling a little nauseous this morning. Or it could be all the Captain Morgan and Diet Coke I drank yesterday. Take your pick.
So, it's Monday. And I hate Monday's. But, today is an exception because the Bears season isn't over yet.
Ok, NOW you can tell me it's Friday! And it's pretty nice so far.
My boss isn't here yet, his wife isn't here yet (maybe they're home gettin' their funk on), and the co-worker is still on vacation. So, it's nice and quiet. The phone hasn't rung once yet - which I'm sure will change very shortly. I love it like this - it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
But, on the other hand, it's freezing in here, as usual. And I broke my little heater. Which I'm sure my boss is going to be completely thrilled about. Seriously, he'll be very happy because he keeps wanting to get rid of it anyway. Nevermind how cold I am, he's worried about me forgetting to turn it off and the place burns down. Which never happens. He also told me that when we move into the new office he won't allow me to have a little heater. All I can say is that this office better be warm enough otherwise I'm going to be the biggest little bitch he's ever met. And you can take that to the bank.
Also, I know you've all heard me bitch about mini-van drivers. Now, I realize (before I get screamed at yet once again) that not all mini-drivers are inconsiderate, crazy, multi-tasking, idiot drivers. Although I do believe that this area is a big exception. This morning, on my way to work, this dumb bitch in a mini-van pulls out in front of me - literally pulls out in front of me to where I have to slam on the brakes to not hit her stupid ass - and she has, like, 4 kids in the fucking van. Now, I have to ask you, why the fuck would you drive like a moron when you have 4 kids in your car? Seriously? Are you hoping that somebody is going to clock you and take you out of your misery? Anyway, she's also a car makeup artist. You know the type - puts on her makeup while she's driving. So, at every fucking stop light she's putting on her eye shadow, and her mascara, and whatever the fuck kind of shit that requires a putty knife to remove at night, and you know it. When the light turns green she's still sitting there, stopped, putting on her mask requiring me to honk and her stupid inconsiderate ass to move it along. I mean, Christ!! I know you don't care about other drivers on the road, that's pretty much obvious, but what about the four kids in the car that depend on you to not get killed getting to school?
I can't wait for next week when I go back to regular hours and these fucks aren't on the road as early as I am.
Would somebody please tell me it's Friday? I'll pay you if you can make it so.
This week is moving so fucking slow I can't stand it. I want the weekend to be here already and be getting ready to watch the Bears versus the Saints on Sunday. I'm not real confident about this game at all. Personally, I'm guessing that the Bears will get beat, but, then again, any given Sunday anything at all can and usually does happen. It would be extremely cool to see them in a Superbowl, but, I'm not holding my breath.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened yesterday so I really don't have much to tell you. I haven't heard back from our idiot landlords so that's actually a pretty good thing. I'm sure it's not over because idiots don't usually stop being idiots because, basically, that's what makes them idiots.
Our office is getting ready to move pretty soon. Probably in the next few weeks so that'll be interesting. We're not sure of the exact date, since he still needs to get the final occupancy permit, once all the work is done (which, from what I'm told, is almost complete). I'm betting that my boss will expect me to work on a Saturday to get the move done, which is going to suck, but what can I do? He mentioned this little bit of info to me yesterday. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, since I'm really not going to be doing much heavy stuff. Or, I should say, I refuse to do any heavy stuff. He's got money. Hire movers! I already went through this whole moving thing too recently to do it all again. One nice thing is we're getting all new furniture so it's not like any of that has to be moved. Basically, I'll probably just have to clean out my desk and box all my shit to take over there.
Ok, I'll accept that it's Thursday and not Friday because I have to, not because I want to. So, there's only two more days of this bullshit and we're done. Thank God!!
Yesterday I got the call I've been dreading because I knew it would be coming. My old landlord called. Complaining about how we left the house.
Now, as any of my faithful blog readers knows, we killed ourselves on this move. Making sure everything was done, the house was clean, and we left it the way we found it. But, of course, it doesn't ever just end there now does it?
I'm using this blog today more as a tool to trace all the events that occurred from the time we moved in to the time we moved out. Mostly because I know in a few months we'll be getting a call from a lawyer and I want to make sure I have all my facts straight. The only way to do that is to document it some how - so I'm going to do this right now, today. This is going to be extremely boring for all you readers so I won't be offended if you simply leave this post now and stop reading. I really don't want to write it, as much as you don't want to read it. But, I feel I have to.
Move in Date:August, 2003 Move out Date:January 1st, 2007 Lease Periods:August 2003 thru August 2004, August 2004 thru August 2006 No lease since August, 2006 Amount Paid to Move In: $1200 in rent, $1200 in deposit, $500 in pet deposit
Security deposit used for December rent.
Here's the phone call I received from landlord today:
Slumlord: I'm calling to let you know that we need to talk about the damages to the house you rented. Me: Damages? What damages? Slumlord: Well, my daughter tells me that there's around $2000 in damages that we want you to pay immediately. Me: Do you have a detailed listing of these damages? Slumlord: I would have to get with my daughter about that. Me: So, no, you don't, is that correct? Slumlord: Not at this time. Me: Okay, well, give me an idea of what kind of damages we're talking about. Slumlord: Well, one thing is that my daughter told me that there are wires hanging out of the stove and it's unusable. Me: Funny, I used that stove until the day I moved out and never noticed any wires hanging out of it. Slumlord: I'm just telling you what my daughter told me. Me: Alright, let's suppose for a second that the stove IS damaged. How would that be our responsibility to begin with? Aren't you responsible for appliances? Slumlord: Well, you broke it so it's up to you to replace it. Me: Look, the stove and the clothes washer were both broken when we moved in. We tried to get the washer repaired, but the repair guy told us it couldn't be fixed. So we used our own washer - you knew this but did nothing to fix your own washer. The stove we fixed and deducted it from the rent because that's your responsibility. If it wasn't your responsibility, why did you pay to have it fixed? Slumlord: We just wanted it to work for our new tenants. Me: Okay, that makes no sense, but whatever. What else is broken? Slumlord: We also had to replace the refrigerator. Me: Oh, you mean the refrigerator that your daughter told us she was surprise lasted as long as it did since it's about 15 years old and the previous tenants complained about how fucking loud it is? Slumlord: Nobody told me that it wasn't working properly. Me: Yes, I did, several times. But, as usual, you didn't think it was necessary to respond to my request to have it repaired or replaced. Anything else? Slumlord: We need to have the last month's rent as soon as possible. When can you pay me that money? Me: Well, as I see it, if I pay you the $1,250 in rent you will still owe us $1,700 in deposits. It appears that you are making out better on this deal than we are. Slumlord: It's against your contract to use the security deposit for the last month's rent. Me: What contract? We haven't' been on a contract since August of last year. We could have moved out then and when no mention of a new lease came up after I asked about it in a note I attached to August 2006's rent, we decided to move. Slumlord: My daughter told me you signed a new lease. Me: No, absolutely not! I never saw a lease. The last lease I signed was in August of 2004 and that was for a duration of two years. If we were on a lease, why did you think it was acceptable to raise our rent last November by fifty dollars? Slumlord: I'll have to look into my records, but I know we have a signed lease for you until August 2007. Me: Well, if you have a signed lease for that duration then it's a forged lease since I haven't signed anything at all. Slumlord: Well, you caused us great hardship in making our December mortgage by not paying us our rent. Me: You have $1,700 dollars worth of deposits. You should have held that money in escrow or trust for us when we moved out, ready to pay it back to us anyway. What did you do with that money? Slumlord: I'll need to check my records. We'll be back in April and we'll do a walk through then and determine what damages you are liable for. Me: You're concerned about not making your December mortgage payment but you're going to wait until April to walk through? Won't you need to rent it out soon, if you're so concerned about the money? Slumlord: Well, I have been in contact with a lawyer and he told me that you are liable for this and if I have to sue you, I will do that. Me: You go right ahead. I also have two lawyers in my family that told me I'm well within my rights to do what we did. We also steam cleaned the carpets, replaced the broken screen door in the back, and made sure that the place was as clean when we left as when we moved in. If somebody wanted to rent it today, it would be ready to move in. And if it's not ready to move in, then it's due to you not getting the things you need fixed done in time. Slumlord: We spent all summer the year you moved in cleaning and fixing up that house to rent it. There's no way it's as good as when you moved in. Me: So, you're just assuming then that it has to be in bad shape because we didn't spend months cleaning it up? Slumlord: Well, we drove by that house last summer and the yard needed mowing. Me: And that has what to do with this? Slumlord: You didn't keep up with the yard and now there's damages from that. Me: Lady, there was 4 inches of snow on the ground when we moved out. How the hell do you expect us to mow the fucking lawn? Let's get reasonable here. Slumlord: I still want to know why you used your security for your last month's rent. I wouldn't have ever withheld your security deposit. Me: THIS is why I used our security for our last month's rent! Obviously, you wouldn't have given it back to us otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation about damages. You know as well as I do that you wouldn't have given us back our deposit, then called us up asking us to pay you for damages. We would be hounding you at this point for our money. Slumlord: I'll have our lawyer contact you. Me: You do that.
Thankfully, I had the insight to take photo's of every room in the house on our final walk through showing a perfectly clean and well taken care of house. And what really pisses me off is that we paid our rent for 3.5 years, every month, on time, took very good care of their house and left it in incredible shape and they still are trying to fuck me out of money. I started asking around to all of my friends that have rented at one time or another and, shockingly, not a single one of them has ever gotten their deposit back.
The moral of the story - ALWAYS use your security deposit for your last month's rent otherwise they will fuck you right up the ass.
I just realized something today. And I thought about it last night, as I sat, bored out of my mind, watching the Golden Globes, that at night, I always think about a million things to blog about. Then, morning comes, and I totally forget what I remembered to blog about. So, either I'm getting really old and my short term memory is shot (which could be from the weed and not old age) or I'm just a complete idiot that can't remember my own name most of the time.
Believe it or not, at one point and time asking me my name was the most confusing question you could have asked me. Well, besides asking me questions about the meaning of life, what position do I prefer, how many times I take a shit a week, and multiplying 40 times 1. The reason for this, if you have the time and the interest to actually give a shit, is due to getting married. Yes, I know, it shouldn't be that confusing - you get married and before you walk the plank you have already contemplated taking his name or not. And I did. However, three months into the marriage we split up. So, what is my last name? The ink isn't even dry on the marriage license, I haven't changed the name on my drivers license, and I probably won't keep the last name considering we were all but divorced. So, I get pulled over and the cop was very confused - I had one last name on my insurance card (it was changed after I got married) and another on my drivers license (my maiden name). And then I had to explain why. Which sucked because, as you can already tell, that's a long ass fucking story.
I digress. I was actually hoping to remember what I was going to blog about by wasting time telling a stupid story about my almost divorce. Oh well. I think it's time to lay off the weed for a while.
What a crappy Monday. It snowed overnight, which meant I had to unbury myself to get to work this morning. Or, I should say, Dennis had to unbury me. He's out there shoveling, with a horrible back, and I'm telling him to stop! He's doing better now, still very sore and very slow to move, but he's moving a whole lot better and can now dress himself - which is a very good thing! This week at work is going to totally suck major ass. My co-worker is out, in Florida, took the kids to Disney World. Bitch. I wish I was anyplace other than work today. I so wanted to just stay home today and sit around on my ass doing nothing. But, alas, that isn't in the cards and I can't even call in sick even if I was sick with the co-worker out. And that also means I have to work until 4:30 every night. Which really sucks ass. But, I told my boss to not count on me being in at 7:30 every morning if I'm working until 4:30 every night. Fuck that. Raise or no raise, I'm not about to work 9 hours everyday without any type of compensation. I'll probably come in at 7:30 a few days this week, but not every day.
And what about those BEARS yesterday? What a squeaker. Getting the field goal in overtime *whew*. I didn't know if they could pull that one off or not. But, they did, and it's a win which means they advance to the NFC championship game next Sunday against New Orleans. I'm not going to even think about predicting this one - the only saving grace is that it will be in Chicago - no dome to protect the Saints. Which could go to our advantage. But, we'll see what happens. Are the Bears Superbowl bound? I certainly hope so!
Friday, glorious Friday. I love Fridays. Fridays are the best.
But, yesterday was a very strange day. It started off bizarre and ended just as bizarre.
If you actually read my nonsense bullshit, you know the trouble I've had getting a tire fixed. And on Wednesday, I got the fucking idiotic lug lock thingy ordered - which means I still can't get the tire off the car until I get the damned thing. But, the fucktards at the Ford dealership told me on Wednesday they could fix the tire while I wait. But, I didn't have that kind of time so I told the bastards I would bring it in tomorrow (Thursday). Which I did. And this is how that went down:
Fucktard Mechanic: Weren't you in here yesterday? Me: Yea. You should be a fucking detective as observant as you are. Fucktard Mechanic: So, why are you in today? Me: (pointing to the bald fat guy behind the counter) I talked to that guy yesterday about fixing my tire. Fucktard Mechanic: Which tire? Me: I take the observant comment back fucktard. It's the one that's low on air in the rear? Fucktard Mechanic: Oh, that one. Ok.
He looks at it for a minute and says:
Fucktard Mechanic: We can't fix that. Me: Why the fuck not? Is it too much for a mechanic of your meager skills to handle? Fucktard Mechanic: These are speed rated tires. All tired on Mustang GT's are speed rated. Me: So. What the fuck does that mean? Fucktard Mechanic: It means, dear gullible woman, that we can't patch the tire. Me: Ok, so are you saying you can't fix the tire or you won't fix the tire? Fucktard Mechanic: Is there a difference? Me: Big difference dipshit. Fucktard Mechanic: We won't fix the tire. Ford won't allow us to. But I have a brand new tire here I would be willing to sell you for $3,599.99 plus mounting. Me: Are you fucking insane? What you're telling me is that every time I have the tiniest of leaks in a tire I have to buy a new tire? Fucktard Mechanic: You finally get it. See, that wasn't hard to figure out was it? I would suggest replacing all the tires on your car just to be sure. You know, 28,000 miles is a lot of miles to not replace all your tires. Me: Go fuck yourself. I'm not buying a tire from you.
And I leave. What the fuck was that all about? So, I go back to work and I got to thinking about warranties and what the fuck and check my glovebox to see what kind of warranties I bought with the car. And, lo and behold, a miracle occurred. I have a road service plan with tire coverage! I swear I heard an angel sing at that point, but it might have been gas. Anyway, I call the people at the road service place and they confirm that, yes, it should be covered under their warranty, as long as the problem occurred with a road hazard situation. Well, there's a screw in the tire and, unless I'm a real asshole and decided to screw a picture or something into my tire then I should have picked it up on the road. And, if the tire is unrepairable, they buy me a new tire! So, the next thing I do is call the Ford dealership back and tell them about my warranty. They don't give a fuck. They aren't familiar with that road service company (surprise!!). But, that's okay because I call the dealership that sold me the car and the road service plan and they said they'll take care of it. Just bring the car in. And the sweet part is that I bought the car almost two years ago in the town I just moved into. But, there's still a catch. I have to wait for the fucking lug lock thingy because they're a Chevy dealership and wouldn't have such a creature. So, I'm back to waiting to get my tire fixed.
Dennis back is still shit. I don't know what to do with him - shoot him or baby him. I did make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon for next Tuesday, but I think he needs to get to an ER and get something for the pain. He can barely move. Poor guy.
Oh, and I got a raise yesterday! Yes, it's true. I finally feel somewhat appreciated. Not fully, mind you, but a little more than 2 days ago. Hey, every little bit helps!
I decided to come into work an hour later than usual today. I figure I have to be here until 4:30 anyway to cover asstrout co-worker, so why should I work an extra hour for that? What do I get out of it? Absolutely nothing. So, I'm going to start coming in an hour later every day that I have to stay an hour late and see if anybody notices. My boss and his wife were both here this morning when I got here and I think, but I'm not sure, that I did get a glance out of them.
I got another migrane headache last night. I'm thinking it's from these way overly priced eye drops I've been taking. So, I stopped taking them and I'm taking bets - which one is going to happen first? A) My eyes swell up to the size of baseballs since I'm off the drops or B) I get another headache by noon since it wasn't the drops at all, or C) Both because I'm the most unlucky bitch on the planet.
On Saturday I have my mother in law coming over for dinner. Which is cool, because I like my mother in law, but sucks because I have no idea what the fuck to make for dinner. Any suggestions?
I'm having kind of a bad day already. Coupled with the bad day I had yesterday, it makes for a pretty craptastic week.
Flash to yesterday. I have a slow leak in my rear passenger side tire on the Mustang. I've had to air it up twice this week. Dennis is all over my ass to get it fixed so, yesterday, I take it over to the Firestone that is right across the street from work. I drop it off around noon. They call me at 2:30 asking me where the rim key is. Here's how it went:
Fucktard Mechanic: We can fix the tire, but we need to know where the rim key thingamashit is. Me: What the fuck is a rim key thingamashit? Fucktard Mechanic: You know, the key that looks like a lug nut that unlocks your locking rims. Me: I have locking rims? Fucktard Mechanic: Are you retarded? Me: Sometimes Fucktard Mechanic: Well, we can break the lock but we would more than likely fuck up your rim. You want us to do that? Me: Fuck you. What do you think? Fucktard Mechanic: Then we can't do anything without the key. Me: Well, walk on my back with spiked heeled shoes on, I don't even know what the fuck you're taking about. Fucktard Mechanic: We aired up the tire and that's about all we can do. Me: Fuck. Ok.
I go and pick up my car and about the only positive thing I can say is at least they didn't charge me for nothing. You know how mechanics are. I called the dealership I bought the car from and ask them why the fuck I didn't get a key for the rims. They don't know (big surprise there) but told me to call a Ford dealership. I call a Ford dealership and now I have to take it there so they can figure out what rim key I need. Then I have to take it back in and have the tire fixed. Great.
So, fast forward to today. I'm driving into work and I notice I can't read the guy in front of me's license plate number. It's like I have this hole in my vision that is nothing but a big black fucking dot. Then the aura's start. Great - now I'm starting to have a migrane headache. I pull over and close my eyes for about 10 minutes until it stops enough for me to be able to drive. As soon as I get into work I take one of these Excedrine Migrane pills. And I know what that's going to do to me. It's going to take away the auras for a while, but leave me with a nagging headache - but better than a migrane headache. And I'm supposed to go to this stupid ass meeting today that I really don't want to go to. But, I think that between taking my car in to get the fucked up key and this insanely annoying migrane I might just have found my excuse. I'll call it my "get out of hell free card" and I'll use it so I don't have to sit in some boring ass fucking meeting where all they'll ever serve for lunch is greasy, disgusting, tasteless pizza.
Well, I better stop bitching now because I don't think my head can take another minute of it. Yes, even I annoy myself some days.
I'm late today. By about 2.5 hours. I usually have this stupid thing posted by 8am. Not today!! As soon as I stepped into work I had to work on an emergency situation. The emergency you ask? The fax services on the server stopped working. While I was out yesterday. Which means I got called in the middle of the afternoon to try to fix over the phone. And couldn't do it. I hate my life. And the spell checker doesn't seem to be working on this site today. So, if I spelled shit wrong, fuck you.
So, the day off was a bunch of shit. I might as well have gone into work for all the day off did for me. I did manage to save $150 bucks yesterday, though, so that's cool. I picked up my three month samples of birth control pills - which is about $49 bucks a month. I also got my grocery shopping done. Yippee!! A Day Off!! Going to the gyno and grocery shopping. Whoo hooo!!
I'm bitter, can't you tell? I'm tired, and my head also hurts. I think I need some chocolate. It's a chocolate kind of day I'm thinking. Maybe a Hershey's Bar. Or, a Reeces cup. Right now, I would settle for a stale Easter Bunny with the ears already bitten off from 10 years ago. Chocolate keeps, right?
I'm going to get chocolate. I must do it. I must, I must, I must....
Thank God it's finally Friday. I love Fridays. Because I know I don't have to get up early on Saturday. I wish every day was Saturday. I gave this a lot of thought. Do you remember the movie Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray when he was covering the stupid groundhog seeing his shadow and he woke up every morning to it being that day? Wouldn't it be cool if, for like 2 weeks, that would happen to you? But it happens on a Saturday? Sweet.
Side Note: That movie, Ground Hog Day, was filmed primarily in the town square in Woodstock, Illinois which is right by where I live. I've been to the square and it still looks exactly like it did in that movie. Like you give a shit.
Last night I told Dennis how much the fucking prescription for birth control pills is a month - $49.00. He looked at me for a minute and announced that he could just use condoms and save us some money. Then a light bulb went off in his head. He stated that condoms are about .50 cents a piece so he figures it would save us about $48.00 bucks a month. He's such a smart ass. Which is probably why I love him. I did have to laugh at his stupid joke, not so much because it was funny but because I did take an oath when I married the idiot that I would laugh at his jokes, no matter how stupid they might be. I do laugh a lot, I must say.
Lately, I've been feeling so fucking old. It's like when I went to school, history wasn't even a subject yet. And I must admit that the theme of our high school prom was just Fire. And I did leave my purse on the Arc. Oh, here's a good one, my birth certificate is on stone. Okay, those are all pretty fucking lame, I'll admit. But, they made me chuckle this morning when I heard them all on the radio.
Yesterday, my co-worker did it to me again. It was about 3:45 and I look over and I say - it's Thursday, aren't you leaving early? She casually says, "No, I think I'll stay until 4:30 today." Ok, how about letting me in on this please? It's not like I'm still here because you have to leave. Bitch. I doubt anything exciting will happen this weekend - except that it's an extended weekend for me. I'm off Monday! So, to all you working on Monday you won't see a post from me because I'll still be in bed at this time. Suckers!!!
I broke last night. I shopped. And it was good. There's something about shopping that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside the next day. Maybe it's just the feeling of wearing new clothes. That's something I'll never tire of!! But, expensive to do as often as I wish I could.
Got lots of good deals. Dennis is very happy since one of the sales was at Victoria's Secret. I bought a regularly priced $45 bra for $22 bucks. And this cheesy but pretty, sexy little babydoll nighty thingy that he hasn't seen yet. But, knows it's there and probably driving him nuts. And I bought a pair of camouflage cargo pants for $18 bucks at JC Pennys, which I'm wearing today. Yankee Candle had a lot of stuff on sale too but I only bought 6 tarts for a buck a piece. The only thing I didn't get on sale was a pair of Silver jeans from the Buckle. Those bastards never have anything on sale, which sucks.
I still need to get some cheap tops someplace, since I'm slowly running out. Maybe at lunch today I'll run over to Old Navy and see what they have.
I wound up meeting Dennis at the antique store that he rehearses in - just as they were finishing up. I did get to hear the new song they wrote, which is pretty killer. More mellow than what I'm used to hearing from them, but good nonetheless.
And I definitely decided that I'm taking next Monday off work. I really need a three day weekend that doesn't involve moving or cleaning a house I no longer live in.
Why do the weeks actually seem longer when they are shorter? Is it, like, some unknown physics of the universe that can't be explained?
I so didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I could have very easily moved to the couch with my blanket, huddled under the covers and just watched TV all day long without doing a friggin' thing - other than getting up occasionally to go to the bathroom. And, with modern technological advances such as the Depends Undergarments, you don't even need to do that anymore. But, that would be the pinnacle of laziness one would think. I may be very lazy at times, but never lazy enough to go that route.
I've decided I'm taking off work next Monday to do that very thing - except for the Depends part. I intend to be very lazy indeed - but also would like to do something with the day off. I decided this yesterday when my co-worker announced that she is going to be out the entire following week to take the kids to Disneyland. Nevermind the fact that they so obviously need help in school that she takes off an extra two hours a week due to their struggles, but I guess it can't be that bad if she's willing to yank them out of school for an entire week to go visit Mickey Mouse. But, I don't have kids so what the fuck do I know?
So, we're finally getting settled in and getting unpacked. It's actually starting to look pretty damned cool in the new house, if I must say so myself. And, I will have to say so myself since we haven't had any visitors over to the new house yet so my opinion is the only one I have. Besides Dennis', of course. But, we all know the man of the house is not entitled to an opinion on such matters. Ok, just kidding honey. You know your opinion on all things decorative mean everything to me *cough*
I'm thinking we need to schedule some kind of party or something. And seeing how the playoffs are coming, maybe a nice little football party would be in order. Unless, of course, our friends have a problem with watching a football game on a 50" high def TV. Something to thing about...
Well, the holidays are over. It's back to work. Can't you sense my enthusiasm over that one?
The move is finally OVER!! Yes, that's right. It's done. We finished off the very last thing we had to do yesterday - which wasn't much. We just had to go over to the old place, put the trash on the curb, and I just had to mop the entryway floor. We put the keys and garage door openers on the kitchen counter and two minutes after we left I called the old bitch landlord and told her everything is done, everything is clean, that I left the keys, and leave me the fuck alone. We wound up spending from about 4:00 Friday until about 9:00 Friday cleaning up. I did the upstairs, Dennis handled the basement and garage. We rented a carpet cleaner Friday night and went over Saturday morning and started shampooing the carpets. We finished up around 6:00pm Saturday night and took Sunday off. I'm so fucking stoked that it's finished I could just shit myself. But, I didn't bring any clean undies to work with me so maybe that's not a very good idea.
We spent New Years Eve like the old people that we are. We went to an early dinner with some friends then went to the bowling alley and watched the first half of the fiasco that is known as the Bears Packers football game. We left at halftime, went home, watched the second half of the game, and were passed out by 10:30. Whoohooo!! Happy New Year!! Yea, us being the party animals that we are. Lame, I know.
Now all that's left is organizing the new house, and our office is moving at the beginning of February. Fuck. Another fucking move. Just what I need.