It's Friday, finally. I'm so glad this week is almost over. We've been extremely busy at work, preparing for the move. The office is almost done but there's still a lot to do before we can move in. Which should be in the next couple weeks. And when that happens I probably won't be around the net much.

There's a pic of part of the new office, ladder and all. They were installing the overhead lighting and just finished up building our desks when we got there. We'll have so much more fucking room it'll be amazing! And, with the new office across the street from the train station, I won't have to drive into work anymore. Just take the 2 minute ride to the train station by my house, park, get on, ride for 30 minutes and I'm at the front door to work. The only problem is the train schedule to the new office sucks major ass. The train gets there right at 7:25 so that's good, but the days I work 8:30 to 4:30 aren't going to work out so hot since the next train after the 7:25 doesn't come in until 9:25 and the train that leaves at 3:50, the next train out isn't until 5:30. And there's no way in hell I'm going to work from 7:30 to 5:30! So, we need to hire our new person as soon as possible - and that person will be responsible for staying until 4:30 every night. Know anybody in my area looking for a job? |
Have fun moving girl. When it is all done you will love it I am sure. See ya around.