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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
They Should All Be Short Weeks
Why do the weeks actually seem longer when they are shorter? Is it, like, some unknown physics of the universe that can't be explained?

I so didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I could have very easily moved to the couch with my blanket, huddled under the covers and just watched TV all day long without doing a friggin' thing - other than getting up occasionally to go to the bathroom. And, with modern technological advances such as the Depends Undergarments, you don't even need to do that anymore. But, that would be the pinnacle of laziness one would think. I may be very lazy at times, but never lazy enough to go that route.

I've decided I'm taking off work next Monday to do that very thing - except for the Depends part. I intend to be very lazy indeed - but also would like to do something with the day off. I decided this yesterday when my co-worker announced that she is going to be out the entire following week to take the kids to Disneyland. Nevermind the fact that they so obviously need help in school that she takes off an extra two hours a week due to their struggles, but I guess it can't be that bad if she's willing to yank them out of school for an entire week to go visit Mickey Mouse. But, I don't have kids so what the fuck do I know?

So, we're finally getting settled in and getting unpacked. It's actually starting to look pretty damned cool in the new house, if I must say so myself. And, I will have to say so myself since we haven't had any visitors over to the new house yet so my opinion is the only one I have. Besides Dennis', of course. But, we all know the man of the house is not entitled to an opinion on such matters. Ok, just kidding honey. You know your opinion on all things decorative mean everything to me *cough*

I'm thinking we need to schedule some kind of party or something. And seeing how the playoffs are coming, maybe a nice little football party would be in order. Unless, of course, our friends have a problem with watching a football game on a 50" high def TV. Something to thing about...
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:44 AM  
  • At Wednesday, January 03, 2007 10:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know what you mean about not wanting to get up this morning. I almost thought I was dreaming when the alarm was going off this morning. I worked out last night. 2 classes - Boot Camp and Pilates. I was way done for the day well before I started the Pilates class, but I had to go since they already punched my card for it and didn't want to waste my money. Ugh. My muscles are screaming today. The Boot Camp really kicked my ass. Not as much cardio as I was expecting, but pretty hard core strength training.

    But, I have to torture myself the rest of this week and all of next week because I will be going on my cruise and wearing a bathing suit! I am so excited. So I am dedicted to being a good little WW girl until then.

    I am going to miss some of the playoffs because of my cruise. If the Bears can make it to their 2nd playoff game, I'll miss their 1st and 2nd one. Oh well, they seem to do better when I'm not watching so maybe that's a good thing!

    So, who's blog is this anyway? LOL! I like to ramble on. Sorry. :) I hope you have a great day off next week. I know you will be working on the house and not lounging on the couch all day!

  • At Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:19:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Cind!! Take me with you on your cruise PLEASE!!!!

    How long is it? Sounds like it's extensive from the sounds of it.

    I'm so jealous!!!!

    Ramble on when you feel like it.

  • At Thursday, January 04, 2007 1:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sure! You're nice and small. I'm sure I can fit you in a suit case (like Eva Longoria on DH). It might be a rocky ride in the cargo area on the plane though if you don't get knocked unconscious from being thrown in there first! I've seen how they handle the luggage and it ain't pretty. :)

    It's 7 nights to the Western Caribbean on Royal Caribbean. Our ports of call are Miami, Belize City (Belize), Costa Maya and Cozumel (Mexico), and George Town (Grand Cayman). After we get back we're driving up to Orlando and going to Disney World. We'll be there for 3 nights.

    This is my first cruise and my first trip to Disney World. I am so excited. The last time I was on a big vacation where I flew somewhere and stayed for a long period of time was summer 2000.

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Name: suebiedoobie
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