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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, December 22, 2006
It's almost over!!!
It's almost done. The upstairs of the old house is now completely moved. Of course, there's still a bunch of stuff in the basement and garage, but fortunately for me that is Dennis' department! And our bedroom furniture is still sitting in the moving truck in front of our house this morning unpacked, but, hopefully, Dennis will have that done before I get home from work tonight.

And this all happened not a moment too soon. I'll try to make this a short story, but I'm not good at that so bear with me. At the end of November when I told my landlord we would be moving out by January 1st, I followed it up with a letter letting them know we will be using our security deposit as our last month's rent. Two lawyers in mine and Dennis' families had told us to do this simply because our landlords live out of state and it would cost us more than what we would gain if we have to sue them for our $1,800 in deposits. And, technically, we aren't on a lease right now since our lease was up in July. This is the only way I feel and history has shown us that we would stand a chance in hell of getting our money back. We will clean and make sure that the house is in as good if not better condition than when we moved in.

So, last night after we brought the final truck home and we're sitting down to have our first home cooked meal in our new house the phone rings. It's our landlord's daughter (she lives in the area and sometimes we have to deal with her). I'm eating dinner so I blow off the call. She leaves a message that she's going to be there tomorrow (tonight) to drop off a new refrigerator in the garage. (side note - nevermind the fact they wouldn't replace it while we were actually living there, but that's a whole other can of worms). And then she mentioned that they never got my last month's rent and expects it to be at the house when she drops off the fridge. So, either they are pretending they didn't get my letter, or they actually didn't get it - that's neither here nor there. Then I start to get paranoid. The only thing of value still at the house is my Mustang. In the garage. And wouldn't it be a pity if the car got "accidentally" swiped by a refrigerator and got banged up. And I wasn't about to call her until I get my Mustang out of that house - you just never know how spiteful people can be.

So, last night, at 10:00, we drive over to the old house and I get my car. And today I'm going to have to deal with calling her and explaining how we're not going to be giving her any more rent, to use our security deposit and listen to her bitch about that. Oh well, not my problem. I had to give it to her to move in (it was a $1,200 deposit, then she added another $500 for a pet deposit) so now they have to cough it back up and this time it's not going to be ME that gets fucked in the end.

Do you think I did the right thing? My gut tells me that, yes, I did because I would never see that money again, but then I'm also feeling a little guilty because....you know, I'm not sure why!

Oh well, I'm just relieved beyond belief that it's almost over! All that's left is a few odds and ends in the garage and basement, my patio furniture, a grill outside, and to clean the place out.

We just might make it out of this yet....

And, I want to take this opportunity to wish everybody a safe and happy Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Festiva for the Rest of Us, or whatever Deity you believe in, if any at all. Oh, fuck it, just have fun!!

And GO BEARS Sunday against the Lions
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:57 AM  
  • At Friday, December 22, 2006 9:32:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Jamaica? I'm so freakin' jealous!! *S*

    Have a great time!!

  • At Friday, December 22, 2006 10:23:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Sue! I miss you on the Newbies board! You are the only one with enough balls to be honest...that's a good quality. I hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas!!!!


  • At Friday, December 22, 2006 10:54:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You were smart to get your car out for sure. It is sad, but I don't trust too many people to do the right thing anymore.

    Merrry Christmas to you and Dennis.


  • At Tuesday, December 26, 2006 2:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree, glad you got your car out of there.

    Honestly, what you did with having them use the deposit as last month's rent would not FLY here in California.

    Hopefully you won't have any issues with them.


  • At Wednesday, December 27, 2006 7:46:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    it might not fly in California, but here in Illinois if you're not on a lease there's nothing they can do about it.

    Sure, they could sue me, but the court would only agree that they owe it to me anyway - because they would still have to give me back my deposit. And they still have $500 bucks of mine in deposits without us paying them rent this month. I'm already writing that one off, but if they want to get nasty and take me to court I will wind up getting money from THEM. And I don't think they want to go thru all that (they live way out of state) just to lose.

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