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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, December 18, 2006
Dipshit Cableguys
I'm in pain this Monday morning. My legs are so fucking sore I feel like a whore at midnight on nickle night. And, not from whoring myself but from lifting stuff like a couch, a TV, etc. Things my body were just not meant to lift. Because if it was, I don't think I would hurt this much.

Finally got Dennis to agree to my puppy dog eyes approach that we can indeed still afford to buy a new TV. This finally happened on Friday night, after he had a drink and some herbage in him - and a Vicodin didn't hurt (his back is totally messed up and the Vicodin helped - it's not like he takes them all the time assholes). It's amazing the things that he can be persuaded to do while he's feeling no pain. But that's a story for a different day. Moving along....

We went out and bought the Sony 50" LCD projection High Def TV. And, I must say watching the Bears game yesterday on that sucker with the high def cable box was very sweet indeed. But getting the cable guy to actually get the high def cable box was not. The cable guys came out Saturday at about 11:00 and spent a good 2 hours working on the internet and the cable. The first hi-def box he put in didn't work right - only got up to channel 23 and that was it. So, he put in a second box, said it worked, and left. I took his word for it because I'm knee deep in boxes and shit and, really, didn't have time to go hold his hand and make sure he's doing his job right. So, after he leaves I notice two problems. One, he told me about, the other he did not. The problem, he says, with the channels only going up to 23 would be resolved in about an hour due to the fact the cable company needed to "send the box a signal" to update it. 4 hours later it's still the same. The second problem was due to the fact he plugged the sound into the phono jack on the receiver - and you never plug anything but an analog turntable into that sucker. So, I had to fix that myself. Then they had to come back out on Sunday to replace the hi-def box and, of course, showed up right at the same time as my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law - and guess what time that was? 12:05!!! The Bears game just started people!! Dayum!!

So, to make a very long story short I almost didn't get the hi-def box at all because the dipshit cable guys didn't have any clue what the hell they were doing. The second cable guy told me that all three boxes were broken. I told him it's very unlikely that three boxes all do exactly the same thing, and my regular digital cable box works fine. It's not the box dude!! So, he finally got to the right person at tech support and got the right signal sent to it and it works like a charm!! So, I did get to see the last half, plus a bonus overtime all in hi-def!! Life is good!!

Go Bears!! Home Field Advantage Throughout the Playoffs!!!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:20 AM  
  • At Monday, December 18, 2006 2:43:00 PM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    yea, it does!! And I love my Sony 50" high def.

    Still upset that the Tivo HD boxes are still so high. I think I'm going to get a DVR from the cable company in the mean time.

    It'll be done soon - then we have to really clean the old house. it's a never ending battle.

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