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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wake and Bake
It's almost Christmas. And I haven't shopped for one Christmas present. Not one. I haven't had any time for it. Good thing I only have a few people to shop for. Looks like they just might get a gift certificate for someplace. I'm seriously not in the mood for Christmas this year.

And why do people pull out in front of you and go really really slow? People, if you must pull out into traffic please do the people that are behind your slow moving ass the courtesy of at least doing the speed limit! A fuckwad pulled out in front of me this morning on a two lane road and decided to ignore the 45 mile an hour speed limit sign and go barely 30 miles an hour. And the kicker is that there were no cars behind me. So, if he would have just waited until I passed his sorry ass then he could have gone as slow as he fucking wanted to without inconveniencing anybody. But, no, that would be just way too considerate, now wouldn't it?

We went to a wake last night - of some old hag I've never met before. It's bad enough when you have to go to one of these things and it's somebody you know, and even worse if it's somebody you cared about. But what about when you knew nothing about the person and only met them while they are dead in a box? It's difficult to figure out what to say to the family. You can't say, "Oh, she was such a wonderful woman. She surely will be missed.", and you can't say, "I never met the old bitch, but I'm sure she had some redeeming qualities - what they were I'll never know.". So, I guess you go with the old standby that everybody says anytime anything you care about dies, "I'm so sorry for your loss.". Yes, it lacks originality, but it works - which is probably why it's a cliche.

Tonight I have to go grocery shopping. I've been eating like shit now for two weeks. Fast food, restaurant food - you know the crap. Since Dennis finally got the stove hooked up night before last I suppose now I can finally cook a meal in the new house. Of course, we still don't have the microwave - it's still at the old house. We keep forgetting the fucking thing. We still have a bunch of stuff at the old house that must be moved by Sunday morning. Then the real fun starts - cleaning the old house. I think I would rather stick a red hot kielbasa up my ass than clean the old house, but it must be done. The cleaning, not the kielbasa up the ass dear reader.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:37 AM  
  • At Wednesday, December 20, 2006 7:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are tooooo funny! I'm a new reader to your blog, but look forward to it every morning. I'm glad you get into work early, because I'm on EST, so you've normally posted by the time I get to work!! :)

    Moving is horrible! The last time my husband and I moved was a year ago October and I NEVER want to do it again...of course we did everything ourselves, also. Too stressful!! And for you at Xmas time? Ouch!

    Have a good day and do that grocery shopping! I'm a WW'er, too, but I've been able to keep my piehold shut this week for some strange reason.

  • At Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sue, one thing that people often say at funerals that might work is "They did a good job" speaking of the body preparation in general. And who knows, maybe since you don't know the family, you might accidently say it to the funeral director and "encourage" him and therefore lend a true purpose to your attending. :)

    I think cleaning the old place after you move out is exactly the same as sticking a red hot kielbasa up your ass. If you look up "cleaning old house after moving" they actually have a picture of someone getting the kielbasa!

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