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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, December 29, 2006
Last Entry of 2006
Today is the last blog entry for 2006. The next time I post, it'll be 2007.

It's been a very strange year. It started out with a boob job (well, almost 1/2 way into 2006) and ended with moving. Actually, the boob job was way less painful than the moving, which is pretty surprising. It had it's ups and it had it's downs. But, all in all, it wasn't a bad year. And I've had my share of bad years - starting with the first day of the new millennium, January 1st, 2000. That's the day my mother died. And it all went downhill from there. It didn't get better until the end of 2004 when I finally decided to get rid of all the extra fat I had been carrying around with me since 1998. In 2005 I met my weight goal, bought my dream car as a goal present, and started really living again - which is something I hadn't done in this millennium. Then, at the end of 2005, tragedy struck again with the death of my father-in-law, whom I absolutely adored. It was so hard on Dennis, and still is. Dennis is Dennis Jr - and he's junior in every sense of the word. And, that's pretty amazing considering he wasn't the first born son. He wasn't even the second born son - but the third. And there was one other son after him. How his mother knew that he should be the junior still amazes me - considering he and his father are so much alike - more so than any other son in the family. Dennis asked me the other day if it gets easier. I told him no, it never does. I just think you get more used to it.

I'm not much into new years resolutions, simply because I believe that a new years resolution is something that is meant to be broken. I've made them in the past, and I've always blown them in the past. So, I'm going to not make any at all this year but make little changes throughout the year and not pressure myself into making it a resolution.

2006. It's almost over. With it comes the move being almost over. And a bright, shiny, brand new year begins. What will 2007 bring? I have no idea! But one thing's for sure - I hope everybody has a great year and all your dreams for 2007 come true.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM  
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