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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Craptastic Week
I'm having kind of a bad day already. Coupled with the bad day I had yesterday, it makes for a pretty craptastic week.

Flash to yesterday. I have a slow leak in my rear passenger side tire on the Mustang. I've had to air it up twice this week. Dennis is all over my ass to get it fixed so, yesterday, I take it over to the Firestone that is right across the street from work. I drop it off around noon. They call me at 2:30 asking me where the rim key is. Here's how it went:

Fucktard Mechanic: We can fix the tire, but we need to know where the rim key thingamashit is.
Me: What the fuck is a rim key thingamashit?
Fucktard Mechanic: You know, the key that looks like a lug nut that unlocks your locking rims.
Me: I have locking rims?
Fucktard Mechanic: Are you retarded?
Me: Sometimes
Fucktard Mechanic: Well, we can break the lock but we would more than likely fuck up your rim. You want us to do that?
Me: Fuck you. What do you think?
Fucktard Mechanic: Then we can't do anything without the key.
Me: Well, walk on my back with spiked heeled shoes on, I don't even know what the fuck you're taking about.
Fucktard Mechanic: We aired up the tire and that's about all we can do.
Me: Fuck. Ok.

I go and pick up my car and about the only positive thing I can say is at least they didn't charge me for nothing. You know how mechanics are. I called the dealership I bought the car from and ask them why the fuck I didn't get a key for the rims. They don't know (big surprise there) but told me to call a Ford dealership. I call a Ford dealership and now I have to take it there so they can figure out what rim key I need. Then I have to take it back in and have the tire fixed. Great.

So, fast forward to today. I'm driving into work and I notice I can't read the guy in front of me's license plate number. It's like I have this hole in my vision that is nothing but a big black fucking dot. Then the aura's start. Great - now I'm starting to have a migrane headache. I pull over and close my eyes for about 10 minutes until it stops enough for me to be able to drive. As soon as I get into work I take one of these Excedrine Migrane pills. And I know what that's going to do to me. It's going to take away the auras for a while, but leave me with a nagging headache - but better than a migrane headache. And I'm supposed to go to this stupid ass meeting today that I really don't want to go to. But, I think that between taking my car in to get the fucked up key and this insanely annoying migrane I might just have found my excuse. I'll call it my "get out of hell free card" and I'll use it so I don't have to sit in some boring ass fucking meeting where all they'll ever serve for lunch is greasy, disgusting, tasteless pizza.

Well, I better stop bitching now because I don't think my head can take another minute of it. Yes, even I annoy myself some days.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:55 AM  
  • At Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Sue,

    Just wanted to say, I hope you feel better and they take care of the thing with your tire.

    Also, you are so freakin funny!!!

    Very entertaining! :)


  • At Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG, I know exactly how you feel with the aura and vision problems when a migraine is coming on. Last week I got one after I did some fitness classes with my sisters. We went to Panera Bread afterwards and I had to have my sister read me what soups were on the menu because my eyesight was too distorted. When I start getting the aura I usually take 4 ibuprofen (800 mg) right away and it usually helps make the resulting migraine less severe or even non-existent.

    Never heard of locking rims. I guess that is so no one can steal them from you, being a sports car with fancy, expensive rims and all. I don't understand why the dealership wouldn't have provided the key to you or why Firestone wouldn't have a key to unlock them.

    Hope you have a better day tomorrow. At least you are halfway through the week. After today, it's only 2 more days.

  • At Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:46:00 PM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Toad, I think that's only with the GT's that have the locking rims. Not sure tho, I could be wrong (that's what the Ford dealership told me today - but they're pretty much fucktards that like to ass rape their clients so who knows).

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