Today is the last blog entry for 2006. The next time I post, it'll be 2007.
It's been a very strange year. It started out with a boob job (well, almost 1/2 way into 2006) and ended with moving. Actually, the boob job was way less painful than the moving, which is pretty surprising. It had it's ups and it had it's downs. But, all in all, it wasn't a bad year. And I've had my share of bad years - starting with the first day of the new millennium, January 1st, 2000. That's the day my mother died. And it all went downhill from there. It didn't get better until the end of 2004 when I finally decided to get rid of all the extra fat I had been carrying around with me since 1998. In 2005 I met my weight goal, bought my dream car as a goal present, and started really living again - which is something I hadn't done in this millennium. Then, at the end of 2005, tragedy struck again with the death of my father-in-law, whom I absolutely adored. It was so hard on Dennis, and still is. Dennis is Dennis Jr - and he's junior in every sense of the word. And, that's pretty amazing considering he wasn't the first born son. He wasn't even the second born son - but the third. And there was one other son after him. How his mother knew that he should be the junior still amazes me - considering he and his father are so much alike - more so than any other son in the family. Dennis asked me the other day if it gets easier. I told him no, it never does. I just think you get more used to it.
I'm not much into new years resolutions, simply because I believe that a new years resolution is something that is meant to be broken. I've made them in the past, and I've always blown them in the past. So, I'm going to not make any at all this year but make little changes throughout the year and not pressure myself into making it a resolution.
2006. It's almost over. With it comes the move being almost over. And a bright, shiny, brand new year begins. What will 2007 bring? I have no idea! But one thing's for sure - I hope everybody has a great year and all your dreams for 2007 come true.
I'm a tad depressed. But not really. We decided, after starting the old Blazer and hearing how horrible it's running, that we're going to junk it. It makes me sad because I only had the thing paid off for a few weeks when it went kaput. And I intended on fixing it, however was too afraid of the price tag to do so. I could probably buy another used one for what it would cost to fix this one up so, really, it's not worth it to keep it. Not counting I have no idea where I would keep the thing considering we already have 3 other cars.
Then, this morning, I get into work and there's a note on my desk from my co-worker. It reads something like this:
Sue, I'm an inconsiderate bitch and I forgot to tell you that I won't be in today (Thursday). I'm going to play with my kids. See you Friday Sucker. Sincerely, Fucktard Co-worker
Sweet. Nice notice on that one. So, I already made plans for one guy to come over and look at the Blazer at 4:00 and made an appointment to meet my old landlord at the old house at 4:15. So, now I'm fucked on both accounts due to the fact I have to work until 4:30 because my fucking co-worker doesn't tell me she won't be in today until TODAY. Christ. Thanks a lot - this is information that would have been useful to me YESTERDAY.
Oh well. Looks like I get fucked again. Time to seriously consider my options.
We're so close to being done it's not even funny. And I mean that literally - it's not even funny. Everything is out of the old house. All that's left is to clean it up. Which I will be starting tonight. This morning in my fury to get ready for work I also had to pack a bag with some clothes to clean in as well as cleaning supplies. I'm so not looking forward to this stage of the game, but it must be done.
I'm still extremely tired. I didn't do anything last night but make dinner and sat on my ass and watched some TV. I couldn't tell you what I watched because I wasn't really paying attention much. I was much more interested in what the back of my eyelids look like. You would think after 7.5 hours of sleep (the most I've had in a night in a month) I would wake up refreshed, invigorated, and ready to face the day. Fuck no. I still didn't want to get up and I still had that nagging headache when my eyes opened to the sound of the most annoying noise on the planet (an alarm clock). So, here I am, at work, ready to approach a day that will, no doubt, wind up being the most boring work day so far. It's been dead at work - which probably makes it worse because, at least when you're busy you don't have time to realize how fucking tired you really are.
I'm going to cut out of work at 11:00 and get a haircut. And I dare anybody in this office to give me grief over it. It needs to be done and taking an hour at lunch is the only possible way to do it. Evenings and Saturday's are still way too tied up in house shit to even think I could make an appointment and keep it. Still not sure what I'm going to have him do with it, but it's getting on my last fucking nerve and it must be done NOW.
Bah Humbug. I hope everybody had a nice Christmas and is getting ready for the new year.
I realized this morning, driving into work, and later this feeling was verified as soon as my boss got into work 5 minutes after I did that I really hate my job. It never used to be like this, but over the past two weeks I've really realized how much I really do hate it. There's way too many reasons (and too many people can read this) for me to express the exact nature of why I hate this job. I just do.
On to Christmas. It was okay. Just worked on the house and unpacked mostly. Went out Saturday to Walmart and started then finished our Christmas shopping. I did get a few things for myself - or I should say that Dennis bought me a few things I wanted for the house. Like a coat rack for the front entry way, a new sauce pan (since I only have one big one) and a DVD player that does HDMI and upconverts. As well as a new mat for right outside the front door. We did go to church on Sunday at 11:30 am with his mother, brother, and sisters. Which, if you know how I feel about church, is a big thing for me. And this is one of the reasons that I feel the way I do about church: we were in the parking lot after church talking to my mother-in-law and she says she'll see us back here at 5:30. I'm like, "What is she talking about?" and Dennis told her that we won't be at the 5:30 service. And she got upset. I shot Dennis a look saying under no circumstances tell her I'll be there. If you want to go, fine, but I think going to church once on Christmas Eve is enough. And, thank God, he told her we had way too much to do before the Christmas Eve celebration at her house later that night.
So, here I am, back at work and really wishing I wasn't here. I hate Christmas on Monday's because you inevitably get fucked and only get the one day off. Same with New Years. If both these holidays fell on a Tuesday we would get 2 days off instead of one.
It's almost done. The upstairs of the old house is now completely moved. Of course, there's still a bunch of stuff in the basement and garage, but fortunately for me that is Dennis' department! And our bedroom furniture is still sitting in the moving truck in front of our house this morning unpacked, but, hopefully, Dennis will have that done before I get home from work tonight.
And this all happened not a moment too soon. I'll try to make this a short story, but I'm not good at that so bear with me. At the end of November when I told my landlord we would be moving out by January 1st, I followed it up with a letter letting them know we will be using our security deposit as our last month's rent. Two lawyers in mine and Dennis' families had told us to do this simply because our landlords live out of state and it would cost us more than what we would gain if we have to sue them for our $1,800 in deposits. And, technically, we aren't on a lease right now since our lease was up in July. This is the only way I feel and history has shown us that we would stand a chance in hell of getting our money back. We will clean and make sure that the house is in as good if not better condition than when we moved in.
So, last night after we brought the final truck home and we're sitting down to have our first home cooked meal in our new house the phone rings. It's our landlord's daughter (she lives in the area and sometimes we have to deal with her). I'm eating dinner so I blow off the call. She leaves a message that she's going to be there tomorrow (tonight) to drop off a new refrigerator in the garage. (side note - nevermind the fact they wouldn't replace it while we were actually living there, but that's a whole other can of worms). And then she mentioned that they never got my last month's rent and expects it to be at the house when she drops off the fridge. So, either they are pretending they didn't get my letter, or they actually didn't get it - that's neither here nor there. Then I start to get paranoid. The only thing of value still at the house is my Mustang. In the garage. And wouldn't it be a pity if the car got "accidentally" swiped by a refrigerator and got banged up. And I wasn't about to call her until I get my Mustang out of that house - you just never know how spiteful people can be.
So, last night, at 10:00, we drive over to the old house and I get my car. And today I'm going to have to deal with calling her and explaining how we're not going to be giving her any more rent, to use our security deposit and listen to her bitch about that. Oh well, not my problem. I had to give it to her to move in (it was a $1,200 deposit, then she added another $500 for a pet deposit) so now they have to cough it back up and this time it's not going to be ME that gets fucked in the end.
Do you think I did the right thing? My gut tells me that, yes, I did because I would never see that money again, but then I'm also feeling a little guilty know, I'm not sure why!
Oh well, I'm just relieved beyond belief that it's almost over! All that's left is a few odds and ends in the garage and basement, my patio furniture, a grill outside, and to clean the place out.
We just might make it out of this yet....
And, I want to take this opportunity to wish everybody a safe and happy Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Festiva for the Rest of Us, or whatever Deity you believe in, if any at all. Oh, fuck it, just have fun!!
Dear God is it Friday yet? Ok, so it's Thursday - one more day.
Dennis is off work today so I'm praying he'll use this day off to get the truck and go get our bed. Sleeping on a couch sucks so much ass I can't even begin to express it. I wake up every morning with a kink in my neck and shoulder and I sleep like shit.
Has this ever happened to you? I'm sure it has, as it has probably happened to everybody - more than once, but it still tends to really freak me out. You sleep on your arm, thus cutting off the circulation to said arm. Then you wake up and your arm is flopping around like a wet fucking noodle? You can't feel it, or move it, then all of a sudden blood starts rushing to it and it tingles and hurts like a mother fucker? Yea, that happened to me last night too. And I think it still feels kinda funny. But, I can use it and it's not flopping around like a limp dick so I guess everything is okay with it.
I can't believe that Christmas is, what, 5 days away now? Shit!! Where did this year go? It just zoomed by. We're headed into 2007 and I'm still not sure what the hell I'm doing with my life. Other than just living it and I suppose that's more than some people do. And I'm looking forward to January 1st, 2007 because that means that, for sure, all the moving is done. And I can get back to living a normal life without packing boxes, moving trucks and fast food. Although, I did finally get to go grocery shopping last night. I spent way too fucking much money though. The total bill was around $175 dollars!! Of course, I did buy Dennis 2 pairs of work jeans and I bought a door mirror for the bedroom - and tons of food. So, I guess it wasn't that bad. But it sure felt like it sliding my debit card through the slot from hell.
It's almost Christmas. And I haven't shopped for one Christmas present. Not one. I haven't had any time for it. Good thing I only have a few people to shop for. Looks like they just might get a gift certificate for someplace. I'm seriously not in the mood for Christmas this year.
And why do people pull out in front of you and go really really slow? People, if you must pull out into traffic please do the people that are behind your slow moving ass the courtesy of at least doing the speed limit! A fuckwad pulled out in front of me this morning on a two lane road and decided to ignore the 45 mile an hour speed limit sign and go barely 30 miles an hour. And the kicker is that there were no cars behind me. So, if he would have just waited until I passed his sorry ass then he could have gone as slow as he fucking wanted to without inconveniencing anybody. But, no, that would be just way too considerate, now wouldn't it?
We went to a wake last night - of some old hag I've never met before. It's bad enough when you have to go to one of these things and it's somebody you know, and even worse if it's somebody you cared about. But what about when you knew nothing about the person and only met them while they are dead in a box? It's difficult to figure out what to say to the family. You can't say, "Oh, she was such a wonderful woman. She surely will be missed.", and you can't say, "I never met the old bitch, but I'm sure she had some redeeming qualities - what they were I'll never know.". So, I guess you go with the old standby that everybody says anytime anything you care about dies, "I'm so sorry for your loss.". Yes, it lacks originality, but it works - which is probably why it's a cliche.
Tonight I have to go grocery shopping. I've been eating like shit now for two weeks. Fast food, restaurant food - you know the crap. Since Dennis finally got the stove hooked up night before last I suppose now I can finally cook a meal in the new house. Of course, we still don't have the microwave - it's still at the old house. We keep forgetting the fucking thing. We still have a bunch of stuff at the old house that must be moved by Sunday morning. Then the real fun starts - cleaning the old house. I think I would rather stick a red hot kielbasa up my ass than clean the old house, but it must be done. The cleaning, not the kielbasa up the ass dear reader.
Sick and tired. Why does tired always follow sick? Can you be sick and not be tired? Unfortunately, I am both today so I guess I answered that question.
I'm so tired and feel so nasty today I could puke. I'm sitting here at work struggling to keep my eyes open.
And I have to go to a friggin' wake tonight. My new landlord, who is also a friend of Dennis' family, his mother died over the weekend. So, I don't get off work until 4:30. I won't get home until about 5:45, we have to pick up Dennis' mom then go to the wake.
God help me get through this day because I don't think I'll make it without getting some sleep.
I'm in pain this Monday morning. My legs are so fucking sore I feel like a whore at midnight on nickle night. And, not from whoring myself but from lifting stuff like a couch, a TV, etc. Things my body were just not meant to lift. Because if it was, I don't think I would hurt this much.
Finally got Dennis to agree to my puppy dog eyes approach that we can indeed still afford to buy a new TV. This finally happened on Friday night, after he had a drink and some herbage in him - and a Vicodin didn't hurt (his back is totally messed up and the Vicodin helped - it's not like he takes them all the time assholes). It's amazing the things that he can be persuaded to do while he's feeling no pain. But that's a story for a different day. Moving along....
We went out and bought the Sony 50" LCD projection High Def TV. And, I must say watching the Bears game yesterday on that sucker with the high def cable box was very sweet indeed. But getting the cable guy to actually get the high def cable box was not. The cable guys came out Saturday at about 11:00 and spent a good 2 hours working on the internet and the cable. The first hi-def box he put in didn't work right - only got up to channel 23 and that was it. So, he put in a second box, said it worked, and left. I took his word for it because I'm knee deep in boxes and shit and, really, didn't have time to go hold his hand and make sure he's doing his job right. So, after he leaves I notice two problems. One, he told me about, the other he did not. The problem, he says, with the channels only going up to 23 would be resolved in about an hour due to the fact the cable company needed to "send the box a signal" to update it. 4 hours later it's still the same. The second problem was due to the fact he plugged the sound into the phono jack on the receiver - and you never plug anything but an analog turntable into that sucker. So, I had to fix that myself. Then they had to come back out on Sunday to replace the hi-def box and, of course, showed up right at the same time as my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law - and guess what time that was? 12:05!!! The Bears game just started people!! Dayum!!
So, to make a very long story short I almost didn't get the hi-def box at all because the dipshit cable guys didn't have any clue what the hell they were doing. The second cable guy told me that all three boxes were broken. I told him it's very unlikely that three boxes all do exactly the same thing, and my regular digital cable box works fine. It's not the box dude!! So, he finally got to the right person at tech support and got the right signal sent to it and it works like a charm!! So, I did get to see the last half, plus a bonus overtime all in hi-def!! Life is good!!
Go Bears!! Home Field Advantage Throughout the Playoffs!!!
But, I'm already over it. No, I didn't get what I expected - by about half. But, at the same time, I did get something so it'll all be okay. It sucks, but then again when doesn't life suck? I just have some major thinking to do about my direction in the upcoming new year.
So, this weekend is it - the big move. And I'm already tired and it hasn't even started yet! I do get to leave at 12:30 this afternoon so that'll be nice. I have a zillion things to do, which isn't so nice. I think we're going to go ahead and buy the fucking TV as planned - it's really needed and it'll all work out in the end. Just not as easily. Which I'm pretty used to by now.
Oh, the Bears. They are their own worst enemy sometimes. We might lose another fucking defensive player - Tank Johnson. Of course, he was arrested on misdemeanor weapons charges yesterday, however he was on probation for a previous charge so that'll make things real interesting for the remainder of the season and the post season.
So, I hope everybody has a better weekend than mine!
By early this afternoon either I'm going to be very very happy, or very very pissed off. Today's the day that I find out if I make more this year than last. I'm not going to get into details on this thing, because God knows who reads this. And I don't want to jinx what could be a very good day indeed.
This weekend will be nuts. I mean insanely nuts. The big heavy stuff will be moved. And, God willing, it will be made much easier due to a (hopefully) better financial situation.
I'll keep you posted. I'll post later to say I'm so happy I peed my pants, or it could be that I'm so pissed off I shit my shorts.
Fuck, this week is dragging on. Probably because there's so much to do this weekend that I just want to start it off now and get it done.
My co-worker is out today, which means that I'll be doubling up at work to cover her. Of course, it's Wednesday which means that I would normally leave at 3:30, but since she's out it'll be 4:30. And, of course, it has to be the week we're moving.
I've been so boring lately - all I've been able to concentrate on is getting this fucking move over with so I apologize for making you fall asleep reading this for the past two weeks. Hopefully, next week will be better reading material for this thing. But, I wouldn't count on it.
Dennis was in a real grumpy mood last night, but got better towards the end of the evening. Probably because he got some - that always seems to cheer him up!
Okay, I better get to work since I have a stack of papers to the ceiling and no backup.
We finally took a break last night and didn't do anything even remotely involved with moving. Came home from work, went and looked at some TV's at Circuit City, went to the grocery store, made grilled chicken sandwiches, and watched the Bears kick ass.
The game was good, although the defense didn't really play up to their normal kick assidness. They allowed way too many points but stopped them when it really counted. Oh, and Rex Grossman actually showed up for the game and played pretty fucking good. By good, I mean he actually had offensive touchdowns and didn't turn the ball over - not even once. But, the highlight of the game came from Hester. He returned two punts for touchdowns setting an NFL record of 6 returns in one season- and he's a rookie! And the season isn't over yet - not by a long shot. I just hope that the Bears wise up and start paying these guys what other teams would be willing to pay them - especially Lovie Smith.
And here's something that made me very very happy last night - I got a call from my doctor. Yes, he actually called me himself and didn't have one of his bitchy nurses call me. He told me that my blood tests came back and my thyroid levels are now in the normal range. Great!! I don't have to go back for more follow up blood work for three whole months! This means I'm done with doctors, done with blood tests, done with all that bull shit until March. Then in May I have my one year followup with my boobie doctor. I'm free and clear! My mammo came out great, my pap came out great. Wow, I'm feeling pretty fucking healthy today! Thank you God, for giving me the best Christmas present a person could ever ask for - me being healthy and Dennis being healthy. It doesn't get any better than that!
But I'm exhausted. I could have slept until at least noon today. But, no, I had to get up at 5:30 this morning to get ready for work. I wish I didn't have so long to wait before I can retire. Because if I could, I would starting today.
Well, the Christmas tree is down, packed back in it's boxes, and moved to the new place. I won't be putting it back up. By the time we get everything else done in the new house I won't have time to dick with putting up the tree, trimming the tree, and then taking it back down a week later. Too much of a hassle. But, it's looking like we'll be actually living there by this weekend. Then the real fun begins - unpacking, organizing, going back to thoroughly clean the old house so we might get some of our deposit back. Poor Dennis worked his ass off this weekend. We still have all the heavy stuff to move due to the fact that when friends hear you're moving they scatter like cockroaches when you turn the light on. He did have one friend offer to help him this weekend, but by Sunday his back was a wreck and he decided to hold off until this weekend. Not to mention that the truck his brother was kind enough to allow us to use is now in the shop due to it leaking gas, no brake lights, and a check engine light that wouldn't go out. But, he does have another truck we can use if we need to.
I'm taking the night off tonight from moving and am going to sit my butt down in front of the TV to watch the Bears VS. the Rams. Of course, I'll probably still be packing stuff up until kick off - if I can find stuff to pack up. The house is pretty much deserted except for the bed, couch, chair, tv stand, tv's and a few other scatter items here and there. I'm so over this and want it done - and it's getting there. Just takes too fucking long!!
Ahhhh....I love Friday's. It immediately precedes two whole days off. And that's never a bad thing.
Unless you're moving. I think I would rather be at work.
Unless you have to go back to the doc in a few hours to have the vampire bitch draw more blood to check your thyroid levels.
Unless your boss is going to be in the office all day.
That's a lot of variables. But, it still precedes two whole days off so I'm not going to bitch about it. And it's supposed to warm up to a balmy 40 degrees this weekend. Which will feel like 60 considering the past few days of below zero wind chill factors. And will make moving stuff this weekend a whole lot less craptastic.
We moved a lot of shit yesterday. Or, I should say Dennis moved a lot of shit yesterday. He spent all day going through the basement, boxing stuff and loading stuff onto the truck. We took it all over to the new house last night at about 8:00pm (after ordering a pizza because the kitchen is in totally disarray). Of course, by the time we unloaded all the shit and got home, it was about 10:45pm. Just in time for bed. So we can get up and do it all over again today.
So, I'm sure you're all sick to death of hearing about it, but not nearly as sick to death as I am of living it. And I'm looking over my entries this week and realizing that, while I'm moving, I'm a completely boring individual. Okay, I'm mostly boring all the time, but this week has been exceptional.
I'm over winter. It's only been here a few weeks, but I'm done with it. Can't we just cut through this cold shit and get straight to Spring? I hate wearing a million layers of clothes and still being cold.
I didn't do jack last night. I laid on my ass, watched some TV, and fell asleep in the middle of Medium - a show I never watch. Maybe that's why I fell asleep. I feel kind of guilty today, though, because I didn't get anything done last night at all. I shouldn't - Dennis didn't do anything yesterday either. He worked, went to band practice, came home, and went to bed. At least, that's his story and he's sticking to it.
He's getting his brother's box truck this morning and is going to be moving shit today since it's too cold for him to work. And there better be a lot done before I get home or there'll be hell to pay!
Ok, not really. It's so fucking cold outside I wouldn't blame him if he just stayed home and packed up some of the basement or garage. You wouldn't catch me loading and unloading a truck all day in this shit. Today, I'm kinda happy I'm at work. Well, at least for right now anyway. In an hour, who knows.
So, work is slowing down for Dennis. He won't be working much now due to the weather. Which is good and bad. Good - he'll get a lot of moving done while I'm working. Bad - he won't be having much of a paycheck for a while. Good - well, I can't think of anything else good about it. Bad - we're going to be really broke and Christmas is going to suck, as usual. That's the bad thing about working construction. You get fucked at Christmas. Work slows down, paychecks deminish. I don't care if he gets me something or not, really. I'm more concerned that I won't be able to get him anything if we have to save every penny right now. Crap. Why did we have to move over Christmas?
Ok, I'm done whining now. Is there anything you want to whine about? I would much rather hear somebody else complain about something than hear myself one more time.
I have only one thing to say about today - everyday is better than the next.
It's warmer today - like around 33 degrees. And it feel so much better!! However, tomorrow is going to suck some major ass because the high temperature for tomorrow (yes, I said HIGH temperature) is supposed to be in the teens. Great. I'm already so over winter it's not even funny. And we still have a long way to go. At least 4 more months of this shit.
And how did I spend my night last night? You guessed it. Moving a car load of crap and putting up curtains and blinds. I got all the way thru putting up the curtains and opened the last package of a valance and guess what? There wasn't a valance in there. It was one part of a swag. Not even the whole swag, mind you. Just a part of a swag. And I know that it was the last package at the fucking Bed Bath and Beyond of a valance - and it didn't even contain a friggin' valance. So, I have one window without a valance. So I'm going to have to stop there (again) tonight to return the fucking thing and see if there's anything to replace it. And if there isn't I'm going to have to either a) drive all over hell to find another Bed Bath and Beyond that has one in stock, b) try to order one over the internet, or c) return them all and find something there that they actually HAVE all the pieces to. Why can't this be fucking easy? Just for once?
At least it's supposed to warm up over the weekend - which means I won't be totally freezing my ass off moving. It's supposed to actually be in the 40's this weekend and, after what it's supposed to be like tomorrow, will probably feel like 70 degrees.
I'll just be happy when this whole thing is done and over with so I can get back to blogging about how many stupid drivers I run across on my way to work.
That's how I feel about this today. I'm exhausted. My arms hurt, my back hurts, my wrists are shot. And we're not even a quarter of the way done. I wouldn't even say a quarter. More like an 1/8th. I just want it OVER WITH ALREADY for the Love of Christ.
So, this morning I had to balance my checkbook. I hate balancing my checkbook. It's pretty simple, tho, because I do it once a week. I just hate doing it because then I'm faced with how much money I spent and how much money I don't have. And it's even worse this month because we're moving. I spent almost a hundred dollars yesterday on kitchen curtains. And that covers one window. It's a big ass widow for a dining room window. I did try to get something cheaper - I went to Kohls (who doesn't even sell curtains), I went to Target (sucky selection - I don't want roosters on my fucking curtains in my dining room), I went to Meijer (bought what I thought was a valance and panels to find out it's just panels and shit quality), I went to Walmart (again, same selection as Target - except instead of roosters it was apples - not my thing). So, I finally broke down and went to Bed Bath and Beyond. I got some really pretty curtains that are almost the exact same color as our counter tops. They're kind of a beigy color, solid, with some lacy kinda thing at the bottom. Very pretty. I liked the neutral color without having to have a white or a creme.
Here they are. But, I got the straight across valance and not the swag as shown. We went over to the new house last night with a truck load and a car load of crap so I got to see if I liked them before I went out and blew more money for the second dining room window. And, since I really do like them I guess I'll have to stop by Bed Bath & Beyond tonight after work and get another one before they run out and I'm stuck with mismatched curtains. Christ, is this all bull shit or what?
So, I guess I'm keeping myself pretty fucking busy with this move, packing and shit. But, here's the downer. I'm thinking about taking my tree down this week. It's getting ridiculous looking. My dining room and kitchen are broke down, the living room has been packed up with the exception of the Christmas decorations. We already took one chair out of the living room. So, it's looking pretty empty. I just don't have the heart to do it yet, even though I know it will help with getting things packed up. And, there won't be time to put it back up once we're moved in somewhat. So, it's looking like we'll be spending Christmas day at the new house without a tree. But, who knows. Maybe if we get the rest of the furniture in by the week before Christmas I just might put it up again.
It's so freakin' cold outside I don't even know how to describe it. Except maybe to say I think that when it gets this cold out, I don't think anybody who doesn't want to go out in it should have to. And if that was the case, I wouldn't be sitting here at work right now - I would be at home, nice and warm, blogging from underneath a warm blanket. Of course, not that I could probably find a blanket - I probably packed them all up and will find them once boxes are unloaded at the new house.
Speaking of which - moving in the dead of winter when there's snow on the ground and single digit temperatures really really sucks ass. We haven't really moved a lot of things - it's been far too cold. Instead, up until today, we've only been boxing shit up and moving a few boxes at a time. It's moving too slowly for my liking but I guess given the weather there's not a whole lot that can be done. I'm not sure if Dennis is working today or not, but if he isn't I hope he gets some stuff done around the house.
The Bears clinched the NFC North Division
Yesterday. No help from Grossman, again. It's getting a little aggravating the way he's playing - or not playing I should say. If it wasn't for the defense and special teams we would have probably lost a whole lot more games than we won. But, they will go to the playoffs so we'll have to see what happens there.
So, I should probably get my butt on some of this work that I wasn't here to do last Friday. Have fun blog readers.
Wow, the first blizzard of this winter season, on December 1st no less.
I decided to not attempt a drive into work. And my boss was cool with that, thank God!! So, I'll be spending the day packing stuff up. Here's some pictures of the first winter storm:
Oh well, the dog enjoys it!!
Have a nice, safe, happy weekend. Go Bears!! Beat the Vikings on Sunday!