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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, September 28, 2007
Happy Anniversary Dennis!
So, today is our six year anniversary. Actually, five years if you don't count the first year that we weren't even together. Yes, we lived together for five years, got married, split up 3 months after the wedding, and it took us until a few weeks after our first anniversary to get back together. They say the first year is the hardest so we decided to just skip that first year and pick back up during the second! Silly, I know. But, I think if we wouldn't have split up then we wouldn't be together now so it as all for the best.

He's a great guy. Well, most of the time! Except for when he's being mean to me. And I say mean because he's the biggest tease out there. For example, two nights ago he gave me nothing but grief all night long - messing with me. Tickling, grabbing, wouldn't give me a minutes peace. At that point I told him if he wanted to make it to six years he better stop messing with me! And I meant business! But, since today is our anniversary he has an obligation to be nice to me today. And take me out for a nice steak and seafood dinner at the Stage Stop. I don't care about presents, just give me a night out with good food, good drinks, and some good sex and I'm a happy little camper.

Grey's Anatomy last night. Okay, Izzy still annoys the shit out of me. Can't help it, I just would rather slap her than watch her on TV. And, that's ironic considering she's the one winning the Emmy's. I'm just sick of her going after George, a married man, just because he own life sucks. She doesn't really want him, she just doesn't want anybody else to have him and as soon as he's free and she does have him she'll no doubt dump him. And the new interns? Gag. Who need's 'em? There's way too many people in the cast as it is. Trying to remember what else happened....I got nothing.

So, Happy Friday bloggers! Hope everybody has a great weekend!

Go Bears! Go Brian Griese!!

Update: New Co-worker is out again today. Said she was in a car accident. I hope she's okay. But, come ON! What is WITH this girl?
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:42 AM   2 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I Love Quiet Time
Wow, I get into work today and it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Or would that be a pen? Not sure, but I know this - I just dropped my pen and I could hear it. So there.

I'm all alone in the office right now. But I'm sure that won't last long. Within the next hour the phone will be ringing, the boss will show up, co-workers will file in and my nice, quiet sanctity will be all but forgotten.

Dennis is home sick today. He woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. Gross. At least he knows how to hit the toilet. And, if he doesn't, he's home today to clean up the mess! No, I'm not heartless, just realistic. I hope he feels better soon. When I left he was snoozing in the bed and looked pretty content. I hated to leave him there all alone but, unfortunately, I took a day off on Tuesday so I'm pretty much stuck here the rest of the week.

Our anniversary is tomorrow. And he wants to know what I want for an anniversary present. He's not big on surprising me - mostly because I'm so fucking picky that he's afraid he'll fuck it up. The problem is I have no idea what the hell I want. I already shopped last weekend and got everything I need so I'm at a loss. Which, by the way, never happens. There's always something I want or need. What I really want is a laptop computer but I think that's a tad out of his price range. I could use a new monitor, though. Mine is very old and the colors are fading and shit. I guess my next stop is the Best Buy website to see what those suckers cost.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:37 AM   7 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I Love Me a Day Off
Wow, it sure was nice having the day off yesterday! On the down side - now I have to work on Friday. Oh well. It would have been boring having a day off alone anyway.

We didn't do anything special - just went to lunch and hung out all day. Took Leo for a walk. That sort of thing. Boring things.

Well, I guess we'll find out today what good ole Lovie Smith is going to do with the Bears offense. It's a tough call. Do you ground Grossman and put in Greise or do you just let Grossman kill his career slowly? And what about the rest of the offensive line that lived up to it's name last Sunday - offensive? Dropped passes, wrongly run routes? Should be interesting to find out. At any rate, any changes they make will make Detroit completely insane on Sunday. They have no tapes to go by if it's Greise - unless you consider pre-season film anything to go by.

Didn't watch anything new on TV last night. I recorded Cane but haven't watched any of it yet. I don't know. I get real bent on new TV shows because this is what always happens when I get involved in a new show: they are cancelled as soon as I show interest. What the fuck is that all about? I guess it's the nature of the beast. I have no idea what to follow this year and what to just not bother with. I guess time will tell.

I better get started here at work. There's a few messes I need to clean up.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:49 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What's Up with Chuck?
Well, the new TV season has started and I did check out one new show and recorded another.

I watched Chuck, more out of morbid curiosity than anything. Now, the entire time I'm watching this show I couldn't get past one thing - the uncanny resemblance of Chuck to Greg Brady. Now, if this wasn't bad enough the chick in the show looks just like Marsha Brady. So, here we have Greg and Marcia Brady pretending to be spies. Kinda strange. It was an okay show, pretty silly at times which will be the only thing that saves it. I recorded Journeyman and started to watch it but passed out about 10 minutes into it so I can't report anything about that. I also recorded the new first episode of Heros but, again, haven't watched it yet so....

I was really tempted to take the day off today. Friday is our anniversary and I've already requested Friday off but I'll probably wind up working it anyway. Dennis will more than likely have to work on Friday so what's the point in taking our anniversary off if he has to work? But, he's off today since it's supposed to rain and I would have loved to have taken today off instead so we could spend it together. Unfortunately, since I don't know if the new co-worker will be in today I couldn't just call and say I switched the day. So, here I am. Wondering if she'll be in today or not. Who knows. It's a crap shoot at this point.

Okay, on to the pictures I promised yesterday of the dresses Kim bought:

Hot Animal Print! Rawr!!

The Lady in Red

She looks schmokin'!

posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:44 AM   3 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Where Have My Bears Gone Wrong?
Okay, I gotta ask this. How bad does the Bears offense have to suck before they'll do something about it?

Wrecks Grossman just isn't the guy. As much as they want him to be, and as much as I would like him to be he just isn't the leader they need in that position. There, I said it. I've thought this for a long time, like every other Bears fan in the Chicago area has thought. I guess they should just finish out this crappy season with Rex and then get old lady McCaskety to get out her big ass check book and buy a new quarterback. And, I say this with it being only the third game of the season. But, it's pretty obvious that they aren't going to do much this year.

But, I still bought some cool Bears stuff yesterday. A cute t-shirt and lightweight jacket. I still love 'em. Even though they suck.

Shopping on Saturday with Kim totally drained my ass for the rest of the weekend. And, as usual, I spent way too much. But, I don't feel so bad because Kim spent waaaaaay more than I did! And I bought a lot of stuff for Dennis that he really really needed so it wasn't so bad. About the only splurge item I bought was a new winter coat. And it's a really cool coat and was actually on sale! It's a long dark brown suede with fur trim on the collar and on the cuffs. It was normally $350 on sale for $119. Dennis, bless his heart, said to me - didn't you get a new coat last year? Well, honey, yes I did. A white coat. That needs to be washed about ever other time I wear it because you know me and white. Then he says, why do you buy a white coat when you know you can't keep a white coat clean? To which I replied, if I knew that I could solve world peace while I'm at it - I don't fucking know why I do stuff like that! But, the good news is now that I have a new coat I can still wear the one I wore last year but will have something else to wear while I wait for my old one to hang dry (yes, it's actually washable but not dryable). It's just one of the mysteries of the universe!

And, it has to be said for all you board mongers who were involved in a certain discussion last week - Kim got a dress and you won't believe it - it's a....

Get ready for it...

Animal print! And it looks absolutely fabulous on her. I took pictures but stupid ass me didn't download them over the weekend so you'll have to wait until tomorrow. And, for the record, animal print is really hot right now. We saw so much animal print I thought that we were in a zoo for a while. And some really cute stuff too so for all you that state animal print is out, you're wrong!

UPDATE: New Co-Worker just called in. Her son is sick. I won't say what I'm thinking because you all already know what I'm thinking.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:41 AM   5 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday, Sweet Friday
So, I'm reading this morning that there's this politician chick in Bavaria that wants to make Marriages in Bavaria last only seven years. At that time, the couple can either a) extend their marriage or b) the marriage automatically dissolves. Interesting. But stupid. I can understand where she's coming from - she's been divorced twice. But isn't this taking the seven year itch to extremes? Imagine if they did that here, in America. I would probably be automatically divorced next year! I wonder how many couples would just sit and wait for their seven year anniversary rather than paying for a costly divorce. But, what if it was automatically dissolved? How would they divide the assets? How would they decide on child custody? It still would be expensive since you would still need a fucking lawyer. I guess I just don't understand this. Why bother getting married going in knowing that it's a short time commitment? Could you imagine those wedding vows? Instead of "til death do you part" it would be "til seven years do you part". ♪ dumb dumb dumb dumb duuuuuumb ♪

So, anyway, yesterday Dennis got his first union check. But he was still kind of pissy last night when he got home. He had a really bad day on the job. The bossman was being a dick and jumped his shit first thing saying this job had to be X amount within what it's supposed to be (paraphrasing because I don't understand a word of it when he starts talking about his job - it might as well be in Chinese). But, the machine he's running doesn't work right and the bucket's teethy thingys are all messed up making it impossible to be within X of what they want it. And that's what I got out of our conversation. So, he was extremely grumpy for the first part of the evening. We had a bunch of running around to do - he had to get to the bank, pay the water bill at the village hall (due to the fact he forgot to pay it two weeks ago), pay the electric bill, and go buy some booze. We finally came to the discussion that he just needs to develop (get this) a thicker skin and not let it get to him. The problem is he hates what he does. So, it probably wouldn't matter who he works for. But, he did talk to one of his buddies that owns a guitar shop about teaching guitar this winter in his store and his buddy was thrilled that he's considering it. Dennis is a great player and a very good teacher so maybe this is something he can think about. Will it pay enough to pay all the bills? That's the bill question.

Well, it's Friday, thank God! I hope everybody has a great weekend and doesn't drink too much!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:42 AM   0 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Deja Vu or Boredom?
I had an incredible sense of deja vu this morning. Then I realized that it wasn't deja vu - my life has become so utterly boring that it doesn't just seem like I've done this before - I actually do it every day. What the fuck do you mean you ask? Just that I'm strictly a creature of habit. Get up every day at the same time, get in the shower at the same time, put on my makeup, do my hair, get dressed, walk out the door - all at the same time every single day.

Then I felt a sense that something was amiss. Something today feels different and I can't explain it. You know how it feels when you just know something is going to happen but you don't know what - you don't even know if it's good or bad just "something" is different? Kind of like on edge waiting for it to happen? No? It's just me? Okay. Maybe I'm having some kind of a breakdown then or something. I'll let you know tomorrow if anything unusual happens today.

Speaking of things that you do or see every day I saw this woman boarding the train today that I see every day. So, yea, I see lots of people board the train every day but what set this woman apart is that every day I get the fantastic treat of seeing her nipples every morning. And she doesn't have the tiny cute little nipples either - these suckers are about as long as a cocktail weenie and about as round as a silver dollar. Either this chick needs to buy some new bras or she needs to start evaluating her sense of decency. And she's not an attractive woman by any means. She's not tragic, mind you, but at the same time she could really give Rosie O'Donnell a run for her money in the ugly department. Yea, I know, that's not nice. But, if you insist upon showcasing your gigantic nipples every morning you're opening yourself up for this kind of criticism. Well, maybe not but I have to find something stupid to blog about.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:46 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Shake Shake Shake
You know what I just don't like to do? Shake hands with somebody. And it's hard to not throw up a little bit in my mouth when I do. And it's not like you can be rude and say - ummm, no thanks. I don't know where the hell your hand has been. And, especially in business, everybody extends their hand for you to shake. And why is this unnecessary bodily contact even still practiced anyway? And where did the origins of the handshake even begin?

So, I used my good friend Google and here's what I found:

"The actual beginning of the handshake is as difficult to specifically determine as most events that happened before written history. However, there are many accounts that provide both comedy and insight. One origin offered by Herbert Spencer, in his book The Principles of Sociology, is that of two Arabs meting in a desert. They each reach for the others hand to kiss it in greeting. However, it is an insult to have your hand kissed by another individual, so both men try to withdraw from the lips of the other man. The end result of this meeting is the acceptance by both men that they wouldn't kiss the others hand, and thus they ended up only clasping the hand of the other, and the handshake was born. The mutual acceptance by the two men that the hands wouldn't be kissed shows the equality between the two individuals."

Or this:

"Perhaps a more practical origin of the handshake comes from medieval Europe, where kings and knights would extend their hands to each other, and grasp the others hand as a demonstration that each did not possess concealed weapons and intended no harm to the other."

Okay, now how stupid is that?

The problem with the handshake and my uneasiness about it has nothing at all to do with kissing my hand or the possibility that the other party has some kind of concealed weapon - it has more to do with the obvious - hygiene. There's a new study that says that only 66 percent of men were seen washing their hands in a public restroom. 66 percent! That's only a little more than half. But, they claim that 77 percent of more than 6,000 men and women washed their hands in public restrooms - a 6 percent decline compared with a similar study in 2005. So, 6 percent. Think about that. If I have to shake the hands of ten people in a day that means that at least a quarter of them probably took a shit and didn't wash their hands afterwards. Great.

Would people get offended if I first put on rubber gloves before reaching for their hand? Probably. So, I guess the only solution to this nasty problem is to buy a little bottle of that hand sanitizing shit and every time I have to touch somebody immediately offend them by sanitizing myself. Or wait until they leave - which means their nasty ass germs can gestate on my skin for that much longer. Gross.

The best possible solution is I can cut off my right hand which would leave them with embarrassment when they go to reach for it to shake it and see a stump. Of course, I always did tend to think in extremes.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM   3 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I Just Don't Get It
Ok, where to begin today. I'm really fucking irritated. The co-worker strikes again.

I looked at the certificates she did yesterday and there are two, yes TWO certificates that she re-did and didn't void the old one. I've told her she had to do this at least 20 times since she's been here but she just doesn't get it! And I don't know what to do to get it through her thick fucking skull that it's just as important as anything else she does. Why the fuck can't she get this simple two second task into her fucking head? I just don't get it.

Anyway, is it Friday yet? No? I hate you.

At least the weather is going to be beautiful today. In the 80's, which is nice for September around here. And considering that it was really chilly over the weekend it was nice to be able to drive home from the station last night with the top down. I really need to move someplace where it's warm all year round.

UPDATE: OMG what a suck up! She called at 8:35 to see if the other co-worker wanted her to pick up some orange juice because the other co-worker has a cold. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:44 AM   2 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
My Uterus Hurts
The weekend is over. Shit, they go by way too fast. Especially when you're a bum, like me. I didn't do much at all due to my fucking womb deciding to do it's bleeding thing and making me feel like shit through most of it.

I did get some housecleaning done on Saturday morning before the curse hit. Then it was all over. All I wanted to do was lay around under my blanket and wait for the next three days to be finished.

I did watch a fascinating episode of 20/20 on Saturday. Well, it aired on Friday but I watched it on Saturday due to the amazing invention called the DVR. It was all about healthcare, why the government managing healthcare is a horrible idea, and what a lame ass idiot Michael Moore really is - if there were any doubts left. It was interesting because I thought about this a lot last year when I was going around getting consults and prices for my boob job. I wouldn't go around on consults and asking prices if I needed to get my tonsils taken out, for example. I mean, when's the last time you had any idea at all about what your doctor will actually charge you for an office visit? Chances are they would probably not be able to tell you what it would cost even if you did ask. But imagine if you could? If it was your money being spent would you shop around? Which is exactly why managed healthcare will never work. Think about it - if the grocery store was giving away free steak, for example, could you imagine how long the lines would be at the grocery store to get those free steaks? It's the same thing with healthcare. Which is why Canada has free healthcare, sure, but it'll take you three to six months to get an MRI. And good luck finding a general practitioner for a family doctor. In some areas of Canada they give away a spot for a family doctor in lotteries. I imagine if people actually shopped when it came to healthcare the price of healthcare would very likely go down for the routine office visit stuff. Competition is what makes things cheaper and better. Very interesting segment - if you have the chance to watch it, I would highly recommend it.

On to Football. So the Bears finally won one. Of course, if it wasn't for the incredible feet of Devin Hester they probably wouldn't have won it, but, hey, a win is a win right? I love that guy. He can't put a coherent sentence together but he sure can return those balls! Grossman, as usual, wasn't spectacular at all. And he threw a few interceptions. Luckily, the Bears have such an incredible defense - otherwise I would be screaming my ass off right now about how they suck. Next Sunday, it's Chicago VS. Dallas. Which will be interesting in my family - since most of them are Cowboys fans.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:12 AM   1 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
Layout is Better Now
Okay, the layout isn't exactly what it was....but it's an improvement to this morning!!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 9:47 AM   0 comments
I'm Britney Bitch
Fuck me it's finally Friday!!

Which really doesn't mean a whole lot - other than I don't have to come into work for two days. And another football Sunday. Bears have their home opener against Kansas City - and if they lose this one, I officially become a Cowboys fan. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. But not really since my number two team that I root for is the Cowboys. Mostly because my older sister - whom I completely adore is a huge Cowboys fan. But, that may all change a week from Sunday when the Bears play the Cowboys in Chicago.

Nothing big or fun planned this weekend - other than grocery shopping. So, like I said, nothing fun planned this weekend.

You know, if I had any kind of balls at all I would totally go out and find a sequined bra and boy short panty set and wear that for Halloween - along with a really bad bright blonde bobbed wig, a fake margarita in my hand, and a tape recorder to play back everything I say and then lip sync very poorly with my responses - oh, and write "I'm Britney Bitch" on my tummy. Gee, I wonder who I would be dressed up as? Fuck it. I would never have the balls to wear that kind of outfit out in public, even on Halloween.

Have a great weekend blogsters!

Note: Does my blog page look strange to you? I just hit "view blog" and it's like the template is fucked up or something. Or maybe I'm just fucked up. Let me know.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM   4 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Windows Sucks
Good Morning Blogsters.

It took me almost a half an hour to log into my computer at work. It kept just sitting there, blinking, Windows not loading up. Of course, it IS a MicroSoft operating system so I'm sure there isn't really any big surprise there. I had to turn it off and turn it back on about three times and, finally, here I am.

Dennis was actually a pretty happy camper last night. Some of you may recall I was a tad worried that he was going to be grouchy, bitching, PMSy, and generally in a nasty disposition after getting a single text message yesterday saying, "This sucks". But, when he got off work he called me and I asked him about it and he just said it was a nasty job, but the job got done and his boss complimented his work. So, that made him happy as well as having band practice last night. That always makes him happy.

So, this morning the boss is going to have a talk with the new co-worker about the problems yesterday. Of course, I came into work this morning and there were flowers on her desk and I'm like, what the hell? He then told me it's her birthday tomorrow and he won't be here. Which is really nice. But, he also told me he feels bad because, hey, look, here's some flowers for you but now you have to step into the dungeon and we need to have a talk. She'll be pissing her pants, I'm sure. She got all uptight because he corrected her a few weeks ago so I'm sure she won't be none too happy when he gets done with her today. Of course, his bark is way worse than his bite and he won't actually be freaky on her like he probably should. As long as she gets the message and stops messing up, she'll be okay.

Now I have to get to work. I had to blow off everything I needed to get done yesterday for my own job to cover and repair the shit she does so I have a stack of shit sitting here screaming, "Do me. Oh, you know you want to."
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:03 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Co-Workers Suck My Balls
I'm really starting to get frustrated and fed up with the new co-worker.

She doesn't listen to me at all and doesn't do what I ask her to do. And it pisses me off! It started yesterday, as I was leaving for the day and say to both my co-workers that I'll see them tomorrow - like I always do. Then the new girl pipes in and says, no, I'll see you on Thursday. I'm out tomorrow. The other co-worker says, I'll be here. So, obviously the other co-worker knew. Why does this piss me off you ask? Because I have to do the new girl's work while she's out and it would have been nice to know this so I wouldn't have planned on getting other things done today!

Then, to top it off, I've told her a thousand times when she has to re-do a certificate of insurance that she needs to void the one she's replacing. Because when it comes time for policy renewals and certificate renewals the client isn't scratching his ass going - why do I have two certificates for the same job that are slightly different on my certificate list? Which one do I renew? And they get charged per additional insured so it costs the clients MONEY when they have duplicates. I remind her every single fucking day to do this - and she never does it! And, when she does a bond I have told her a thousand times that she needs to scan the bond and attach it to the bond record. Does she do this? Fuck no. Unless my co-worker tells her to do something a specific way she doesn't do it. And I'm plum getting suck and fucking tired of it!

Okay, I feel better now, to have gotten this off my chest. But I'm not sure what to do about it. I think I need to have a talk with my boss to let him know what's going on. That I wrote the fucking system and if I tell her she needs to handle something a certain way she needs to fucking listen to me. Christ. What's so fucking hard about that?

I guess it's a good thing she's out today because I would have to walk over to her at some point in the day and bitch slap the fuck out of her.

UPDATE: So, one of our insureds just called - they were pulled off the job because the co-worker didn't get the updated certificate to them by the end of the day yesterday after I told her to! So, I just fixed it all and got them what they needed so their guys can get back on the job. No, this isn't important at all! She doesn't need to listen to me when I tell her to do something - not at all!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:45 AM   3 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
September 11th.
Another September 11th. The date that has already gone down in infamy.

And I guess it's really hitting home since I got sucked into and watched World Trade Center last night. And, damn that movie! It made me cry like a little baby. I do believe that Oliver Stone did a great job with that movie. But, it was very hard to watch.

Dennis did real good with his new job yesterday. They want him back today so that says something! And, for anybody who is thinking about coming out to see his band the show is on Friday, October 5th. They are going on first and playing for probably a little over an hour so its an early start and an early finish. I'm not sure who they are opening for, but as soon as I know I'll let you all know.

Hope to see some of you there!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:50 AM   0 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Where to Start?
Well, the weekend started out good on Saturday - Dennis got a call from the union hall to work a union gig Saturday morning. And that was completely insanely awesome! But, he spent most of the weekend nervous about the whole thing. I haven't heard from him yet today, but I hope it's going well.

Then yesterday, it just got bad. Starting with the fucking Bears blowing the game. You know, if they had any kind of an offense at all they would have won that game because the defense showed up. And I don't understand a running team such as the Bears getting rid of the best runner they have - Thomas Jones. I think they desperately needed Thomas yesterday. I mean, Pederson (I don't know if I spelled that right, and right now I don't care) is good enough, but what the fuck dude? Fumbling the ball in the Chargers red zone? What is this, high school football? Oh well. It happens. I didn't really expect them to win anyway but I still had hopes. And what makes it worse is every other team in our division won making the Bears in last place. After the first week!!!! Bastards.

And now, an open letter to Britney Spears:

I had to laugh so hard when I saw the repeat of you opening the MTV Awards last night. Now, I don't normally even watch the shit on MTV because 90 percent of what they play in MTV doesn't even classify as music. Even when they do play occasional music. That being said, you looked just fucking terrible Britney. I mean, who told her you that you look good in short shorts and a fucking bikini top anyway? Even if you were in the prime shape of her life, put some clothes on for the love of Christ. You could have worn any number of outfits that would have been more flattering for you but shit! Woman, you have two children and you're not a teeny bopper anymore. It's time to cover that shit up.

And, what the fuck? Did you actually forget how to lip sync or something? I mean, shit! Nobody is expecting you to be able to actually sing - we knew a long time ago you weren't capable of that but to totally forget how to lip sync? How the fuck does that happen? And, apparently, you haven't been doing much dancing either because you looked about as graceful as an elephant in a china shop. It's over babe. Give it up, quit being such a nasty skanky whore and take care of your kids. Jesus.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:51 AM   2 comments
Friday, September 07, 2007
Back at Work
Well, I'm back at work today which is about all I can say about that. I don't really feel much better and probably should have stayed home again today but that's the way it goes I guess.

At least it's Friday. And I do love Friday's. I just wish this Friday were over already.

Well, my head is pounding so I'm going to see if I can fix that by getting some work done. Wow, now there's irony at it's best, huh?
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:41 AM   0 comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Home Sick
Well, I'm home sick today and I feel like total dogshit.

And, I just looked in the mirror and I LOOK like total dogshit.

I'm going back to bed.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:29 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Doubly Fucked
So, great, it's now being announced that the buttery shit they put in microwave popcorn can cause lung disease. Terrific. It doesn't say anything about the Smart Pop, but if Smart Pop can give you lung disease, I'm in serious shit.

I'm really kinda bummed today. It's September. That's what's bumming me out. Because after September comes October. Fine, I can deal with that. But, then, November and December. Yes, winter is just around the corner and I haven't gotten over summer yet. Especially when it's supposed to be 90 degrees out today! Maybe, by the end of the day, I'll be ready for some fall weather. But not likely. Winter truly sucks for us. With Dennis working construction I'm sure we'll wind up just as fucked this winter as last winter. I can't wait.

Well, I suppose I should pretend to get some work done today and earn my paycheck. Otherwise we'll wind up doubly fucked if I'm out of work too.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:42 AM   1 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I'm Exhausted!
I now fucking hate Tuesdays. Only because this Tuesday is actually a Monday since Monday was more like a Sunday. Are you following me here?

So, this weekend had some very bright moments. Mostly yesterday - and I won't get into why here. Let's just say it was extremely nice and leave it at that. But I will tell you that this weekend has left me exhausted today. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to go to work, but here I am.

Sunday, the Mojo Cannon first anniversary party went off without a hitch. It was loud, there was lots of booze, and we went out and got something to eat afterwards. They played their asses off and every song sounded great! I had to leave to pick up Bethany - the bass player's wife, from work at a salon just down the street since she had to work a little later than she thought. Mostly, due to Mike Stone's funky hair she was doing:

Now, the reason Mr. Stone has this funky hair is because he's leaving on Wednesday to do a tour with his band. It's just a gig with a band you probably have never heard of - Queensryche. Yea, I know. Must be fucking nice. So, really, the hairstyle is appropriate considering. But, I did tell him it would certainly look strange if his vocation of choice would have been an insurance agent.

Anyway, I hope everybody had a great weekend and now the next day off isn't until fucking Thanksgiving. Shit. That's way too far down the road for my liking.

posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:52 AM   2 comments

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Name: suebiedoobie
Home: Illinois, United States
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