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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy New Year!!!
Dear God, hear my prayer, and make today go by really really fast.


I know, I know. It can't be good to pray for something like that, right? I just can't help myself! I so don't want to be here today. But I guess as long as I have to be here there's no harm in praying for an early day. Most days before a holiday we get to leave early. I'm just hoping today is no exception.

Dennis is so sweet. Yesterday he took a pair of my boots in to be fixed. The little thingy on the heel - I'll call it a cap, came off one of my boots. They're supposed to be ready on Monday. Only, this morning, as I was gathering my shit to get to work I notice said boots sitting on the chair. I'm like, honey, I thought you took my boots in to be fixed? He said, yea, I did. I'm, like, then why are they sitting on the chair? He just says, "Uh uh". I say, "Uh huh". He says, "Now you're just messing with me." I say, "Nope". As it turns out he took the wrong boots in to be fixed! My old scummy boots that were in the back seat of his car since I wear them when the weather is bad so I don't mess up my good boots is the pair he took in. And I mean they are schiiiiiiiiity. I thought yesterday - wow, why would it take until Monday to fix just the cap off one boot? I'm sure when he saw what Dennis brought in he sighed and thought, "Why the fuck would anybody want to fix these piece of shit boots?"

Oh well. He's taking the right boots in today. And now my old, crappy boots will probably look better!

I hope everybody has a safe and happy new year. Don't drink too much and be hungover all day Tuesday!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:39 AM   0 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I Can Do It!!
Two more days until another four day weekend.

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it....

Fuck. I have to work Friday, Saturday, and Monday at the restaurant.

I just have to keep telling myself that. After New Years I'm back to only one job. It's not that I have a problem working two jobs. That part really doesn't bother me a bit. It's the fact that I couldn't made a decent buck doing it. I would much rather find something I can preferably do from home on Saturdays and Sundays. And maybe a few nights a week. There has to be something out there like that, no? Maybe something computer related? I can do a mean Flash website. If you click here you can see one I did for a friend's place (oh, and once it loads move your mouse pointer over the word cow for a stupid little surprise). I can do a lot of computer graphic stuff. I can write an awesome application in Lotus Notes. Or maybe I can find somebody to pay me to write this shit? Okay, so that's wishful thinking, but it would be really sweet!! So, I just need to find somebody to pay me to do that stuff! That's the hard part.

So, anyway, the original point is that it's Thursday (as if you didn't already know that) and I'm ready for the weekend. Again. Nothing new there, right?
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:40 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Another Christmas Down the Hatch
Nothing worse in the world than coming back to work after a holiday. Seriously, I want to just curl up in a blanket and sleep until New Years. Fuck that. Sleep until Spring! Once it hits 60 degrees, wake my ass up. Until then I think I'll just take a pass on everything else.

And why the hell does time away from work seem to go by so much faster than time at work? This is truly the 8th wonder of the world. It's like time stops when you're at work - or at least slows down to a snails pace.

Well, I did it last Friday. I quit my waitressing job. Well, after the holidays anyway. Which, thank God, is only another week. There was a huge huge huge party that rented out the entire smoking section and half the bar last Friday night. So, the oldest waitress (by oldest, I'm talking the one that has been there the longest - well, she might be the oldest agewise too, but I can't confirm that) and the owner took the party, while me and Bitch Waitress took the non-smoking section. But, she decided to bring in a girl from totally outside the bar to help with the party. I had one table. Yes, ONE table. Then I sat on my ass and did nothing for the next 3 hours waiting for Dennis to finish up his acoustic set so we could get the fuck outta Dodge. Now, I completely agree and understand that the oldest waitress should get the party. That chick goes in early by at least 3 hours every shift to do side work, and it is her primary job. That's cool, no problems there. But, it was stupid to bring in somebody outside to help with the party when you have two servers sitting there doing nothing. So, Bitch waitress got sent home and I sat on my ass. Mind you, this party carried a $4,000 price tag. What did I make Friday night? $15 bucks. Not even worth driving in for.

So, that's done. I just have to get through this weekend and I'm home free. Well, almost home free. I still have to figure out something to do on the side. So, it's back to the drawing board. And, let's face it, I'm probably the worst waitress on the face of the earth. Well, actually, I did get compliments from customers on the service. But, honestly, they probably just felt sorry for me.

Christmas Eve was spent at the Mother-in-Laws. It was nice - my husbands whole huge big family was there. Except his oldest brother. For some insane reason he has decided to cut ties with the family and hasn't been at a family function for a couple years now. Seriously, grow up. Some day his mom won't be around and he'll surely regret dissing her, not speaking to her, and not seeing her for a few years. Or maybe not. It's hard to say. I just know that if I had the chance to spend five minutes with my mom, I wouldn't waste it by being stupid and petty. But, that's just me.

Christmas day my mother-in-law came over for dinner. Yes, you heard me right. I had a guest for dinner. And she didn't keel over and die from my cooking. Hey, I'm not that bad of a cook! I'll admit, Betty Crocker I ain't, but I can make a mean turkey, cornbread stuffing, garlic mashed potatoes and can whip up a jar of gravy like nobody's business. As a matter of fact, I survived the dinner to such an extreme I brought a turkey sandwich and leftover stuffing for lunch today.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM   2 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tis the Season
Happy Friday!!

Oh, wait, it's Thursday. My bad. But, it's my Friday since I'm off tomorrow!!! Well, not entirely off. I have to work at the restaurant tomorrow night.

And since I won't be blogging tomorrow I want to take this opportunity to wish everybody who might read this silly little ditty a safe and happy Christmas. Yes, I said Christmas. Because that's what I happen to observe. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I guess I'll say have a nice weekend. Sucks to be you! Just kidding.

Anyway, today should prove to be a very non-stressful day. I have some work to do this morning, then we have our office luncheon, come back to work, then finish up stuff I won't be here to do tomorrow then I'm out of here!

Merry Christmas!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:39 AM   6 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What, me Work?
No time to blog today. Boss has an appointment in an hour and I have to get him prepared.

Hope everybody has a great day!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:38 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Is it Friday Yet?
Well, actually, Thursday this week is my Friday since I'm actually off work on Friday.

It's great! I have Friday off (well, I still have to work the restaurant), Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Considering I will have to work the part time job Friday and Saturday, I'll actually get three consecutive days off from both jobs. Thank God! I need it.

The co-worker is out today. She took a vacation day and is going Christmas shopping. She still has 8 days left this year. I asked her why she doesn't take off the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between Christmas and New Years. Her response? Are you crazy? My kids will be home. I save vacation days for when the kids are in school and I can enjoy them.

Color me crazy, but there's something very wrong with this picture.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:00 AM   1 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
WARNING - Restaurant Work Rant
Wow, this weekend went by so fast! I'm still trying to figure out what happened.

I'm so close to quitting my waitressing job. But, I'm not quite there yet. I didn't make much at all this weekend - $70 bucks for Friday and Saturday. And I'm trying to not sound like an asshole, but is $70 bucks really worth it? I guess if you add it up it's $280 a month and I suppose that $280 a month is better than $0 a month. But not by much.

The problem isn't really the amount of the payoff, it's the fact that the new waitress that started after me is a total and complete bitch. It started off bad on Friday. I got in at the usual time - 6:00pm. I got my stuff together, got my apron on, got my ticket book in order, and as soon as I did that a little old couple came in. I had already talked to the the other waitress, who will forever now be known as "Nice Waitress" about the evening.

Me: Nice Waitress, I have a couple family members coming in tonight and they're also here to see Dennis so they'll be seated in the smoking section. I don't mind working either smoking or non-smoking section, but I would like to serve my family when they come in.
Nice Waitress: No problem. We'll have Bitch Waitress work the non-smoking section and we'll work the smoking section together.

In walks in the little old couple. I'm right by the door, so I ask them where they want to be seated. They wanted the smoking section. Now, I haven't seen Bitch Waitress yet so I'm not sure if she's even in yet.

Me: Nice Waitress, I just sat a little old couple in smoking section. Do you want to take the table or do you want me to?
Nice Waitress: Naw, you go right ahead. I already have a table.

So, I go over and take their drink order and I walk over to the bar to get their drinks. Up walks Bitch Waitress.

Bitch Waitress: Who are you getting drinks for?
Me: The little old couple in smoking.
Bitch Waitress: (in a huff) That's not fair. I haven't even got a table yet.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry. I just checked with Dawn and she told me to go ahead and take it. But, if it's your turn go ahead.
Bitch Waitress: No, you already took their order (in a very nasty tone)
Me: I only took their drink order. Go ahead, I'll wait for the next one.
Bitch Waitress: No, I don't want it now (and walks away).

Meanwhile, Nice Waitress' order came up to the window and she was busy so I took the food out for her. When I came back Nice Waitress was taking little old couple's order. She came to me and said that they are in a rush. I told her to go ahead and take the table because it's obviously a problem with Bitch Waitress.

Later, talking to Terry, the owner, she says that tomorrow it's going to be busy. We had a few reservations on the books - a 6 top, an 8 top, a 10 top in non-smoking, and a party in the smoking section. She said that she and Nice Waitress would work the party in smoking, and Bitch Waitress and me are going to be working the non-smoking section together. So, Terry asked if we could setup the non-smoking section tomorrow for the 10 top coming in Saturday night. Later that night I mentioned to Bitch Waitress that we needed to setup the section for the parties and she said no, I've already got it setup. I said okay and turned around. When I turned around I heard her say:

Bitch Waitress: And I'm not sharing it either.

What a bitch! She's referring to the week before when it was really slow and Terry had us work a 10 top party together and share the tip. So, I'm like fine, there's an 8 and a 6 so I'll still make out okay. Wrong!

So, I ask nice waitress that evening (Friday) if she needed me to come in early to help prepare and she said sure, come in at 3:00 so I said okay. Well, Bitch Waitress came up to me about an hour later and told me that she'll come in at 3:00 and I can come in at 4:00. Okay, fine, whatever. Only, she just totally played me and I didn't realize it yet.

Saturday comes. I get in at 4:00 and the 6 top comes in at 5:00. So, I serve them, everything is fine. Then I was informed that Bitch Waitress is going to serve the 10 top AND the 8 top and I'll pick up the tables in between. Now, I already know I'm getting fucked because it's snowing like a mother fucker and nobody besides these parties are going to be showing up. So, I wound up serving the 6 top and that was it! I stood there from 7:00 until 8:30 doing nothing while Bitch Waitress is serving the 10 top and the 8 top - at the same time!

Anyway, to make a very long story short this chick managed to piss me off, the bartenders off (she demands things - like, she'll say "Hey, Dan, I need this stuff NOW!" not "Hey, Dan, I've got an order here when you get a second."). And we all got together and told Terry what was going on. Terry said that she let her do the two big tables because she came in early and whoever comes in earlier gets the big tables. And I told Terry - this is why I'm pissed because we already had it arranged for me to come in early and she informed me that she's coming in early and I'm coming in later. So the bitch manipulated the situation. Terry's supposed to be having a talk with her, but I did tell Terry I almost quit right then and there. This just isn't worth it. So, we'll see what happens. The nice thing is that at 8:30 she told me to go ahead and clock out since I'm not actually doing anything.

And here's the kicker - since I clocked out at 8:30 the Bitch Waitress had to do my share of the sidework after closing! And that involved getting ready for a big party they were having on Sunday! Oh well, serves her right. If she would have been a little less greedy I would have been there to help. I did feel bad for Nice Waitress tho, since she was actually the one getting fucked in the long run.

Well, we'll see what happens tomorrow night. It's the restaurant and employees Christmas party. I'm sure the bitch will give me the cold shoulder but, oh well. That's HER problem not mine. Oh, and by the way, she's fucking the cook so I guess that makes her think she's special somehow.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:50 AM   4 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tired Today
Finally Friday.

I've been dreaming about this day all week. Not only is it a Friday, it's a payday! And, I'll either be happy or disappointed once I receive my check at the amount. But, I'm not even going to go there today because, frankly, nobody wants to hear about it.

I just hope when I go to work tonight that I'm not blocked out by fire trucks and police cars. And that the owner actually remembers that I'm supposed to work!

Hope everybody has a great weekend.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:55 AM   3 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Strange Days
Almost Friday. But not quite.

Last night was a very strange night. I got home, got dressed to go to work, and left the house. I'm having to pull over every 15 seconds to let police cars and fire trucks get by me. So, I get to the road I turn on right in front of the restaurant and the police won't let me turn right. All I saw through the smoke was fire trucks and police cars. So, I ask the officer if there's any way for me to get to the restaurant right "over there". He said no, it's going to be blocked up for a long time. I finally pull over into a parking lot of an apartment complex and call work. And here's a snippet of the conversation:

Me: Hey T, I would love to come into work but the police won't let me through.
T: What are you talking about ?
Me: There's fire trucks and police cars all out in front of the restaurant?
T: Oh, that, yea I know - the house across the street is on fire, but what are you talking about coming into work?
Me: T, you asked me last Saturday if I could work tonight.
T: No, I didn't. I just asked if you wanted to come up and hang out for open jam.
Me: What? Hello? I don't know what you've been smoking but you did ask me to work.
T: Why would I do that?
Me: How should I know! You had me, K (the other waitress) and Dennis standing around after work on Saturday and you told me and K you needed somebody on Wednesday. Dennis mentioned that he would be at band practice so I told you I could work. You even went as far as to say that you had no idea what the turnout would be or how much I would make.
T: No I didn't! But, maybe you misunderstood. We aren't going to have any business tonight anyway.
Me: Okay. I guess I'll just go home.
T: You guys coming up later to hang out?
Me: Doubtful. Nobody is getting through and Dennis is busy anyway.
T: Okay. See ya Friday.

So, I got home and I asked Dennis - did I imagine this, her asking me to work last night? Was I really stoned and don't remember? He laughed and said, no, I'm not the stoned one in this scenario. He said, "I was standing right there and, yes, she asked you to come into work on Wednesday.".

So, my sanity hangs on for one more day.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:40 AM   2 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Back to Work
I'm back. After taking yesterday off. It was actually a combination of two things -the icy weather and anal blindness. I just couldn't see my ass going into work, basically.

I started out intending to go in. I got up, took a shower, got dressed, the whole drill. But, as I'm dressing we're hearing everything that's shut down. So, we look outside and it's doing that freezing rain shit. Well, fuck it. I'm staying home, and I did.

And it was pretty much boring. I actually did some work from home so it wasn't a total wash. But it's going to make today seem to take forever. I have to do my day job, then I got talked into working at the restaurant tonight. They have open jam's on Wednesdays and the guy bartender is working the open jam which means the owner has to bartend and not wait tables. And the Miller Lite girls are going to be there tonight - cheesy, I know. But, it could go either way. It might be a good night, it might totally suck ass. Who knows. And I think I might have already discussed this in a previous post. If I did, too bad. I can't remember what I had for dinner last night so cut me some slack.

Well, I better get to work.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:55 AM   2 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hooray, it's Monday!!
Yay, I love Mondays. They're so much fun! I'm always so happy to wake up on a Monday morning after the weekend and get to go to work! It's so boring being off work and having to not do anything for one full day. I don't know how people do it - having more than one day off a week.

Now, let's get a little dose of reality for a few minutes. I'm fucking tired as hell this morning, my body hurts, and it's cold outside. Fuck Mondays. Seriously. I wish that Mondays were outlawed across the county. How would that work you ask? How the hell should I know. I'm just the idea woman. I don't know shit about actually carrying out such bullshit.

This weekend at my second job went a lot better. I still didn't make great money, but it wasn't as bad as last weekend. It was okay on Friday and pretty slow on Saturday - probably due to the weather. It was so crappy out that I'm sure a lot of people decided to just stay home. We had a party of 10 people come in Saturday night for their company party and that helped. Actually, had it not been for that party I wouldn't have made shit. These people sat at the bar for a couple hours before their party and ran up a tab of about $250 on drinks. They ordered six appetizers, then they all had some kind of steak and lobster for dinner and a bunch had desserts too. So, their total tab for the night was around $950 dollars. I shared this party with another waitress so we both made out okay. It didn't break the hundred dollar mark, but I'll take what I can get.

Yesterday, I basically did nothing. I tried my hand at making Chili, and while Dennis said it was great I thought it was so so. The thing I didn't like about it is it needed to be wetter. It was pretty stiff. But, I think it can be salvaged by adding a little water to it before the leftovers are cooked. That should make it a lot better. But, we'll see.

And that's about it for my weekend. Extremely boring, actually. I'm working this Wednesday night, tho. I got talked into it. They have open jams on Wednesday and this Wednesday the Miller Lite girls will be there and my boss is going to have to tend bar instead of wait tables so she needed somebody. So, we'll see how that goes.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:44 AM   2 comments
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thank God. I was starting to think that the world has hung on Wednesday in some kind of perpetual mid-week bullshit. But, I was proven wrong, once again.

Although my Friday's just aren't what they used to be, considering I have to work tonight and tomorrow night. And I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I don't know how much longer I'll be doing this. It's just not adding up. I haven't really made enough money for it to even be worth my while, but I did decide to give it a little more time and see if it changes. Last week I made a pitiful $25 dollars. Of course, it started out as $50 dollars. How did that happen you might ask? It's simple. Sometimes right after work I'll have a drink and an appetiser or something to tide me over - since I don't have time to eat before I go to work. Well, the owner went over my hourly $2 an hour pay, which for three weeks was about $40 dollars, right? So, by all reasoning I should have made $90 bucks last Friday. Not so. She took out a sheet from the cash register and deducted the appetisers and drinks that I had (which was no more than one a night) and I wound up owing her $65 bucks. Yes, that's right, $65 bucks. So, the $40 dollars I made on hourly made me owe her another $25. So, the $50 I made in tips wound up being about $25 bucks by the time it was all said and done. And, I guess I don't have a real big problem with that other than the fact that I wish I would have known I was being charged for all this stuff. I mean, come on! They can't spring for one drink after work or an appetiser that would have been thrown out anyway? I guess not. Oh well. Live and learn. We'll see how tonight goes. I decided that if I don't make more than $50 bucks it's just not worth all the time and work involved. Because, really, what's the point? I don't know. I'm kind of torn on this situation.

The dress?


(Ignore my messy room - I was also getting laundry together)

Not digging it at all. It's going back. The main problem I have with it is that the sequins only are on the front - the back is bare and just kind of like a sweater dress. Looks really stupid. I wish I would have known that before ordering it, but whatever. The boots I'm undecided on. I have a silky black pencil skirt and a black and gold top that might look good with the boots. I'm going to try it all on together tomorrow and see if I like it. If I don't, they're going back too. Ah, well, nothing ventured, nothing gained right? It was an impulsive purchase to begin with and I will be out the shipping but I'll still have another credit to use at Victoria's Secret to use once it's returned. Oh, and by the way the reason my head isn't in the picture? I need a longer mirror!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:46 AM   3 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
I HATE the Cold!
It's fucking FREEZING outside. And it should come as no surprise at all to anybody how much I hate the fucking cold weather. It's miserable. I can handle the heat - the hotter, the better. Bring on the sun and 100 degree weather. I suppose I should be living in Arizona instead of Illinois.

I'm sitting here at work, preparing paperwork for a meeting my boss has in about an hour. So I probably shouldn't be typing on this stupid blog, right?

So, I'm going to leave you and make this short. The Bears play the Redskins tonight. And I couldn't care less. Oh, I know, I talk a big talk - you know my ass will be plopped down in front of the TV tonight watching. Why, I have no idea. It's like the old saying goes - it's like a train wreck. You can't help but watch!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:48 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Snow Day
One thing totally sucks about taking the train to work - no excuses to stay home when it snows!

Yes, we have a bunch of snow. Not nearly enough to make a dent in my abilities to get into the office, though. Which totally sucks because it would have been awesome to stay home today. I'm picturing it in my head - sitting on the couch with my TV remote and a blanket, candles burning, Christmas tree brightly lit. A nice cup of hot chocolate, a doob, and I'm good to go. Or, I should say, good to sit. But, it didn't work out that way. Instead, I'm sitting at my desk at work wondering if I'll be all alone today.

Well, I went to my boss' new house yesterday to work on his computer stuff and to supervise the cable guy. The work on his computer was a snap, the cable guy on the other hand, a totally different story. Mostly because he didn't show up. So, my boss calls the cable company and bitches them out because they claim the appointment was on Saturday and not yesterday. So, none of that got done. But, I will say I wanted to slap my boss when I saw his new house. Crazy beautiful. All stone, waterfront, huge deck, 100 foot tall ceilings (okay, exaggeration), wood floors, marble countertops. I want a raise, I definitely want a raise! Or, at least a decent Christmas bonus.

SIDE NOTE: You know the difference between a bonus and a boner? Your wife loves to blow your bonus.

Anyway, my stuff from Victoria's Secret shipped last night scheduled for delivery tomorrow. So we'll see if it fits, if it's too cheesy, if I send it back or not. That's a lot of if's, don't ya think?

Hope everybody has a decent day and stays warm!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:58 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Finally Able to Log On
I had a hard time getting my computer to fire up this morning! It wouldn't connect to shit but I finally resolved the issue. The router had powered down for some strange reason. But, I unplugged it, plugged it back in, and I'm good to go.

Today's going to be a very strange day. My boss has just moved into a new house and had Comcrap come out yesterday to set up his cable, internet, and phone service. Apparently, they did a shit job because they are coming out again today and he wants me there to "supervise" and make sure everything works when they leave. He's also having some computer problems with his kid's computers. We have to redo his kid's computers at least once every two years. They download anything and everything they can get their hands on which usually results in too much crap trying to run and Windows can't handle it so *crash*. So, this afternoon, that's what I'll be doing. I guess it beats being in the office, right? Probably not. My guess is it's going to take forfucking ever to do this shit and I'll get off way later than I normally would.

So, I should probably get to work. Hope you all have a great day!

UPDATE FROM YESTERDAY: Dennis didn't kill me last night, in case you were wondering. He was actually a pretty good sport about it. There wasn't much damage to his car and not a scratch on mine, miraculously. His grill has a dent in it and a lens is broken but that's about it. No big damage, nothing that can't be fixed relatively cheaply. Of course, he did tease me non-stop about it all day yesterday but I couldn't really fight it. I had it coming.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:20 AM   2 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
I Hate my Life Part Two
But, at least I might look good while being miserable!!

I just had to post that I ordered this dress and boots last night on Victoria's Secret.

Okay, doing massive shots of Jager while watching the Bears lose and being sick with the most fucked up weekend in history - I guess online shopping isn't what I should have been doing.

Oh well. Kind of like drunk dialing. Never a good idea.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

posted by suebiedoobie @ 9:18 AM   2 comments
I Hate my Life
You know how some people have a bad day, while others have a bad week. Or even a bad year? I think I'm having a bad life. If anything could have gone wrong this weekend, it did.

It started out on Friday night with me going into work at my second job. Which, in all honesty, I'm surprised I didn't get fired from. I mean, let's face it. I sometimes believe I am the worst waitress that ever lived. Well, that might not be true, I've had the pleasure of actually having the worst waitress in the known universe serve me before so that can't be true. But, it might be the opinion of a few of my customers on Friday night. I decided, in my infinate wisdom, to take a cold/sinus pill a few hours before my shift. Mistake. Big mistake. As soon as I got there there were tables to be waited on. And my mouth was so fucking dry from the stupid cold pill (for some insane reason they tend to do that to me) that it felt like my tongue was super glued to the roof of my mouth. Anyway, part of the mess of Friday was my fault, part of it wasn't. I'll get to the part that wasn't my fault right now. So, normally I know in the waitressing world you have your section and all the other servers have their section, right? Well, this wasn't the case on Friday. I didn't know where my section even was! The other waitress and the new waitress were working both rooms - smoking and non-smoking so the owner told me to go over and get the two tables that were in the far side of the non-smoking section. So, I did, no big deal. Well, there was a table of four people sitting in the far end of the room and, unbeknownst to me, they hadn't been waited on yet. The other waitress had the table next to it, so I thought that was her section and didn't want to step on any toes, right?

Anyway, I'm getting the salads for one of my tables and the busboy comes up to me and says, "Those four people over there are really getting pissed off because they've been here about 20 minutes and haven't gotten a drink yet.". Great. Then the owner kind of yells at me about it and I'm all confused asking her WHO is working WHERE? To which she replies that the other waitress is working the smoking section - well, okay then WHY is she serving two tables in MY section if that's indeed MY section? *arrrgh*. Okay, I take care of the four people, take their drink order and go off to fill them.

As I'm walking back to their table with their tray of drinks all of a sudden the affects from the sinus/cold pill start doing their magic. I got completely dizzy and lightheaded and before I know it I'm spilling a drink all over the guy sitting at the neglected table. Fucking great. I kind of freaked out, went and got a towel and gave it to him to wipe himself off. Apologized profusely, and went off to replace their spilled drinks. At that point I came so close to just walking up to the owner and telling her, hey, I can't do this. I gave it a shot. I really had fun the past few weeks, but fire me now if you must. She didn't.

Anyway, I'm not as optimistic about this whole situation as I was a week ago.

Then I had Saturday off because Dennis was playing in Barrington, right? Well, that got cancelled due to the crappy weather. Which was fine because I pretty much felt like shit and didn't really feel like going out anyway. So, we stayed home, ordered pizza and watched a movie.

Sunday, obviously sucked ass because the Bears fucking lost. Again.

Then this morning was the absolute highlight of the weekend off. As I'm backing out of the garage this morning all of a sudden *crrrrrash*. Yes, Dennis car was parked behind mine in the garage and I wasn't used to it being there and smashed right into the front of his car. He now needs to have a lens and headlight replaced as well as having his grill straightened out. How fucking stupid is that to do? And why the fuck didn't I look back as I was backing out? Because I was in a fucking hurry because I was running late because I slept an extra five minutes this morning.

Dear God, tell me life gets better? Please?

posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:42 AM   1 comments

Six Foot Model - Too Young

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Name: suebiedoobie
Home: Illinois, United States
About Me: I'm married with dog. Kids freak me out.
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