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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Another Christmas Down the Hatch
Nothing worse in the world than coming back to work after a holiday. Seriously, I want to just curl up in a blanket and sleep until New Years. Fuck that. Sleep until Spring! Once it hits 60 degrees, wake my ass up. Until then I think I'll just take a pass on everything else.

And why the hell does time away from work seem to go by so much faster than time at work? This is truly the 8th wonder of the world. It's like time stops when you're at work - or at least slows down to a snails pace.

Well, I did it last Friday. I quit my waitressing job. Well, after the holidays anyway. Which, thank God, is only another week. There was a huge huge huge party that rented out the entire smoking section and half the bar last Friday night. So, the oldest waitress (by oldest, I'm talking the one that has been there the longest - well, she might be the oldest agewise too, but I can't confirm that) and the owner took the party, while me and Bitch Waitress took the non-smoking section. But, she decided to bring in a girl from totally outside the bar to help with the party. I had one table. Yes, ONE table. Then I sat on my ass and did nothing for the next 3 hours waiting for Dennis to finish up his acoustic set so we could get the fuck outta Dodge. Now, I completely agree and understand that the oldest waitress should get the party. That chick goes in early by at least 3 hours every shift to do side work, and it is her primary job. That's cool, no problems there. But, it was stupid to bring in somebody outside to help with the party when you have two servers sitting there doing nothing. So, Bitch waitress got sent home and I sat on my ass. Mind you, this party carried a $4,000 price tag. What did I make Friday night? $15 bucks. Not even worth driving in for.

So, that's done. I just have to get through this weekend and I'm home free. Well, almost home free. I still have to figure out something to do on the side. So, it's back to the drawing board. And, let's face it, I'm probably the worst waitress on the face of the earth. Well, actually, I did get compliments from customers on the service. But, honestly, they probably just felt sorry for me.

Christmas Eve was spent at the Mother-in-Laws. It was nice - my husbands whole huge big family was there. Except his oldest brother. For some insane reason he has decided to cut ties with the family and hasn't been at a family function for a couple years now. Seriously, grow up. Some day his mom won't be around and he'll surely regret dissing her, not speaking to her, and not seeing her for a few years. Or maybe not. It's hard to say. I just know that if I had the chance to spend five minutes with my mom, I wouldn't waste it by being stupid and petty. But, that's just me.

Christmas day my mother-in-law came over for dinner. Yes, you heard me right. I had a guest for dinner. And she didn't keel over and die from my cooking. Hey, I'm not that bad of a cook! I'll admit, Betty Crocker I ain't, but I can make a mean turkey, cornbread stuffing, garlic mashed potatoes and can whip up a jar of gravy like nobody's business. As a matter of fact, I survived the dinner to such an extreme I brought a turkey sandwich and leftover stuffing for lunch today.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM  
  • At Wednesday, December 26, 2007 8:46:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    ughh you are allowed to sit? I'm not allowed to sit.. so on busy nights I run my butt off for 7 hours sometimes with no breaks.. on slow nights I stand next to the bar wondering if I'll ever get to sit down. I try to take a ton of breaks on those nights.

    Glad you quit. $15 is really not worth it.

    So how did you tell them you were quitting? I mean did you actually say "this gig is not worth the gas money to get here"?

  • At Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:21:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    We don't usually sit when it's not busy, but I did anyway. I was quitting anyway, so I didn't see the big deal.

    I just told her that I will help through the holidays but after that I'm done. She asked if I was still working new years eve, and I told her I would since I already committed to it.

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