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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, December 17, 2007
WARNING - Restaurant Work Rant
Wow, this weekend went by so fast! I'm still trying to figure out what happened.

I'm so close to quitting my waitressing job. But, I'm not quite there yet. I didn't make much at all this weekend - $70 bucks for Friday and Saturday. And I'm trying to not sound like an asshole, but is $70 bucks really worth it? I guess if you add it up it's $280 a month and I suppose that $280 a month is better than $0 a month. But not by much.

The problem isn't really the amount of the payoff, it's the fact that the new waitress that started after me is a total and complete bitch. It started off bad on Friday. I got in at the usual time - 6:00pm. I got my stuff together, got my apron on, got my ticket book in order, and as soon as I did that a little old couple came in. I had already talked to the the other waitress, who will forever now be known as "Nice Waitress" about the evening.

Me: Nice Waitress, I have a couple family members coming in tonight and they're also here to see Dennis so they'll be seated in the smoking section. I don't mind working either smoking or non-smoking section, but I would like to serve my family when they come in.
Nice Waitress: No problem. We'll have Bitch Waitress work the non-smoking section and we'll work the smoking section together.

In walks in the little old couple. I'm right by the door, so I ask them where they want to be seated. They wanted the smoking section. Now, I haven't seen Bitch Waitress yet so I'm not sure if she's even in yet.

Me: Nice Waitress, I just sat a little old couple in smoking section. Do you want to take the table or do you want me to?
Nice Waitress: Naw, you go right ahead. I already have a table.

So, I go over and take their drink order and I walk over to the bar to get their drinks. Up walks Bitch Waitress.

Bitch Waitress: Who are you getting drinks for?
Me: The little old couple in smoking.
Bitch Waitress: (in a huff) That's not fair. I haven't even got a table yet.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry. I just checked with Dawn and she told me to go ahead and take it. But, if it's your turn go ahead.
Bitch Waitress: No, you already took their order (in a very nasty tone)
Me: I only took their drink order. Go ahead, I'll wait for the next one.
Bitch Waitress: No, I don't want it now (and walks away).

Meanwhile, Nice Waitress' order came up to the window and she was busy so I took the food out for her. When I came back Nice Waitress was taking little old couple's order. She came to me and said that they are in a rush. I told her to go ahead and take the table because it's obviously a problem with Bitch Waitress.

Later, talking to Terry, the owner, she says that tomorrow it's going to be busy. We had a few reservations on the books - a 6 top, an 8 top, a 10 top in non-smoking, and a party in the smoking section. She said that she and Nice Waitress would work the party in smoking, and Bitch Waitress and me are going to be working the non-smoking section together. So, Terry asked if we could setup the non-smoking section tomorrow for the 10 top coming in Saturday night. Later that night I mentioned to Bitch Waitress that we needed to setup the section for the parties and she said no, I've already got it setup. I said okay and turned around. When I turned around I heard her say:

Bitch Waitress: And I'm not sharing it either.

What a bitch! She's referring to the week before when it was really slow and Terry had us work a 10 top party together and share the tip. So, I'm like fine, there's an 8 and a 6 so I'll still make out okay. Wrong!

So, I ask nice waitress that evening (Friday) if she needed me to come in early to help prepare and she said sure, come in at 3:00 so I said okay. Well, Bitch Waitress came up to me about an hour later and told me that she'll come in at 3:00 and I can come in at 4:00. Okay, fine, whatever. Only, she just totally played me and I didn't realize it yet.

Saturday comes. I get in at 4:00 and the 6 top comes in at 5:00. So, I serve them, everything is fine. Then I was informed that Bitch Waitress is going to serve the 10 top AND the 8 top and I'll pick up the tables in between. Now, I already know I'm getting fucked because it's snowing like a mother fucker and nobody besides these parties are going to be showing up. So, I wound up serving the 6 top and that was it! I stood there from 7:00 until 8:30 doing nothing while Bitch Waitress is serving the 10 top and the 8 top - at the same time!

Anyway, to make a very long story short this chick managed to piss me off, the bartenders off (she demands things - like, she'll say "Hey, Dan, I need this stuff NOW!" not "Hey, Dan, I've got an order here when you get a second."). And we all got together and told Terry what was going on. Terry said that she let her do the two big tables because she came in early and whoever comes in earlier gets the big tables. And I told Terry - this is why I'm pissed because we already had it arranged for me to come in early and she informed me that she's coming in early and I'm coming in later. So the bitch manipulated the situation. Terry's supposed to be having a talk with her, but I did tell Terry I almost quit right then and there. This just isn't worth it. So, we'll see what happens. The nice thing is that at 8:30 she told me to go ahead and clock out since I'm not actually doing anything.

And here's the kicker - since I clocked out at 8:30 the Bitch Waitress had to do my share of the sidework after closing! And that involved getting ready for a big party they were having on Sunday! Oh well, serves her right. If she would have been a little less greedy I would have been there to help. I did feel bad for Nice Waitress tho, since she was actually the one getting fucked in the long run.

Well, we'll see what happens tomorrow night. It's the restaurant and employees Christmas party. I'm sure the bitch will give me the cold shoulder but, oh well. That's HER problem not mine. Oh, and by the way, she's fucking the cook so I guess that makes her think she's special somehow.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:50 AM  
  • At Monday, December 17, 2007 8:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So wait, she ended up getting the 10, the 8, AND 1/2 the party in smoking that she shared with nice waitress right? That is total bullshit.

    They certainly don't sound very busy there if that's all you're making each weekend. You should try working at another restaurant. Especially if this place seems to have problems with managing the service staff. They should have set sections. It sounds like you have a major clusterfuck over there.

    Good luck!

  • At Monday, December 17, 2007 8:39:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    No, I did the 6 at 5:00, she did the 10 and the 8 at 6:30.

    The owner and the nice waitress did the party in smoking.

    So, I did the one table and that was it. I made 35 bucks Saturday. I know that bitch waitress made out a LOT better than that because the 10 table's bill was about $900. Not counting the 2 top and the other 8 top.

  • At Monday, December 17, 2007 9:02:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    ughhh I work with a bitch and a nice waitress EXCEPT they are the same person.. just depends on her mood.. only thing is she has done it for years and really knows how to work people.. she is always getting $20, $50, $100 tips at one table and some of these tips are for 2 drinks and 2 BAR MEALS meaning a sandwich! It's insane. I don't know how she does it. I've gone by her to try to figure out how she talks to them and stuff.. but seriously.. I don't get it. I know I have to start spending more time when the people first sit down but it seems that 5-8 tables come in all at once at my place for some reason and usually right when the other waitress either goes on break or decides she's "made enough money you can take those tables" and proceeds to stand in back and do nothing for the remainder of the night.

    I did wind up making around $170 this weekend, but $50 was a party so I won't see that tip until my check on Friday so I walked out both nights with exactly $60.

    My husband on the other hand is working coat check and walked out last night with $96 for THREE HOURS! nice huh?

  • At Monday, December 24, 2007 11:17:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    okay I did some number crunching and basically it seems that I usually make around $60 per night (on regular nights not on crappy nights) plus I make $6.93 per hour so after taxes I bring home $78 per week. so that alone is $312 per month and if I average around $60 per night or $120 per weekend that is $480 per month. Added together almost $800 per month.. so I'm actually thinking of staying at the boat.

    I only got this idea after reading that you are making $280 per month. Yeah I agree, it's something but is it worth it?

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