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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, December 10, 2007
Hooray, it's Monday!!
Yay, I love Mondays. They're so much fun! I'm always so happy to wake up on a Monday morning after the weekend and get to go to work! It's so boring being off work and having to not do anything for one full day. I don't know how people do it - having more than one day off a week.

Now, let's get a little dose of reality for a few minutes. I'm fucking tired as hell this morning, my body hurts, and it's cold outside. Fuck Mondays. Seriously. I wish that Mondays were outlawed across the county. How would that work you ask? How the hell should I know. I'm just the idea woman. I don't know shit about actually carrying out such bullshit.

This weekend at my second job went a lot better. I still didn't make great money, but it wasn't as bad as last weekend. It was okay on Friday and pretty slow on Saturday - probably due to the weather. It was so crappy out that I'm sure a lot of people decided to just stay home. We had a party of 10 people come in Saturday night for their company party and that helped. Actually, had it not been for that party I wouldn't have made shit. These people sat at the bar for a couple hours before their party and ran up a tab of about $250 on drinks. They ordered six appetizers, then they all had some kind of steak and lobster for dinner and a bunch had desserts too. So, their total tab for the night was around $950 dollars. I shared this party with another waitress so we both made out okay. It didn't break the hundred dollar mark, but I'll take what I can get.

Yesterday, I basically did nothing. I tried my hand at making Chili, and while Dennis said it was great I thought it was so so. The thing I didn't like about it is it needed to be wetter. It was pretty stiff. But, I think it can be salvaged by adding a little water to it before the leftovers are cooked. That should make it a lot better. But, we'll see.

And that's about it for my weekend. Extremely boring, actually. I'm working this Wednesday night, tho. I got talked into it. They have open jams on Wednesday and this Wednesday the Miller Lite girls will be there and my boss is going to have to tend bar instead of wait tables so she needed somebody. So, we'll see how that goes.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:44 AM  
  • At Monday, December 10, 2007 9:10:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    Hey girl.. sounds like you did better than I did this weekend.. I made $45 on Friday but I only worked 4 hours instead of my 7 because it was slow the first hour, busy for 2 hours, then totally dropped off around 9pm. I cut my losses and went home. It's stupid for me to stand around and make nothing when I'm making $6 an hour but getting taxed at $6 per hour. (instead of claiming how much tips I made at the end of the year they take it out of your check)

    Saturday I worked a party and this was my 2nd party I "worked" since I've been there. The first party I have still yet to see the tip from that and it was 5 weeks ago. I was told this party tip would be on my check THIS Friday. If it's not, I'm out. Anyway.. after the party ended around 9 it got busy for about an hour so I wound up leaving with $35 (both nights totals are after tipping out the bartender and bar back which we are required to do).

    I am definately considering either going over to Al Capones or Port Edwards because working 7 hours and only making $18 (last weekend) really sucks especially when I'm getting taxed for $42 the entire night. There hasn't been enough nights were I made so much more than that $6 per hour to make up for the nights when I don't if that makes sense.

  • At Monday, December 10, 2007 9:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Eh, might as well keep Mondays, otherwise Tuesday is going to suck.

    Melissa - That's a really goofy way of figuring out how to claim your tips. The last place I worked counted all my credit card tips and 8% of my sales from the other tables. It usually turned out in my favor because I had good tippers there.

    We did have to tip out a lot, which sucked. Especially when I was tipping out to the bartender 2% of my sales and I made most of my own drinks. The bartender was making a regular hourly wage too (not the waitress wage). I really wish they would have let me be a bartender. She made like $300 every Friday night not including her paycheck.

    I hope it gets better for both of you. I can't imagine having to work that much more on top of a regular full time job. Especially if you're not making that much money for it to be worth it.

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