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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, December 07, 2007
Thank God. I was starting to think that the world has hung on Wednesday in some kind of perpetual mid-week bullshit. But, I was proven wrong, once again.

Although my Friday's just aren't what they used to be, considering I have to work tonight and tomorrow night. And I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I don't know how much longer I'll be doing this. It's just not adding up. I haven't really made enough money for it to even be worth my while, but I did decide to give it a little more time and see if it changes. Last week I made a pitiful $25 dollars. Of course, it started out as $50 dollars. How did that happen you might ask? It's simple. Sometimes right after work I'll have a drink and an appetiser or something to tide me over - since I don't have time to eat before I go to work. Well, the owner went over my hourly $2 an hour pay, which for three weeks was about $40 dollars, right? So, by all reasoning I should have made $90 bucks last Friday. Not so. She took out a sheet from the cash register and deducted the appetisers and drinks that I had (which was no more than one a night) and I wound up owing her $65 bucks. Yes, that's right, $65 bucks. So, the $40 dollars I made on hourly made me owe her another $25. So, the $50 I made in tips wound up being about $25 bucks by the time it was all said and done. And, I guess I don't have a real big problem with that other than the fact that I wish I would have known I was being charged for all this stuff. I mean, come on! They can't spring for one drink after work or an appetiser that would have been thrown out anyway? I guess not. Oh well. Live and learn. We'll see how tonight goes. I decided that if I don't make more than $50 bucks it's just not worth all the time and work involved. Because, really, what's the point? I don't know. I'm kind of torn on this situation.

The dress?


(Ignore my messy room - I was also getting laundry together)

Not digging it at all. It's going back. The main problem I have with it is that the sequins only are on the front - the back is bare and just kind of like a sweater dress. Looks really stupid. I wish I would have known that before ordering it, but whatever. The boots I'm undecided on. I have a silky black pencil skirt and a black and gold top that might look good with the boots. I'm going to try it all on together tomorrow and see if I like it. If I don't, they're going back too. Ah, well, nothing ventured, nothing gained right? It was an impulsive purchase to begin with and I will be out the shipping but I'll still have another credit to use at Victoria's Secret to use once it's returned. Oh, and by the way the reason my head isn't in the picture? I need a longer mirror!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:46 AM  
  • At Friday, December 07, 2007 8:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really hope your boss isn't paying you $2 an hour for your hourly rate. According to this site: http://www.state.il.us/agency/idol/Facts/MW.HTM you should be making $4.50 an hour as a tipped employee. That really sucks about only making $50 last week.

    Unfortunately, you are lucky if you even get a discount on food you eat while you're on shift at most restaurants. I had to pay full price when I worked at the Port of Blarney, but drinks were 1/2 price. At Lone Star I got 50% off meals ONLY while I was working, otherwise it was full price.

    At the Port, they let us do the same thing, charging against our paychecks. I never took advantage of that. I just paid cash each time so I knew just how much I was spending. We had a waitress that ended up quitting and still owed them money because her last paycheck was not enough to cover what she owed.

    So the dress doesn't have sequins on the back? That's lame! Oh well, maybe you can find something nicer at VS with the credit.

    Have a great weekend!

  • At Friday, December 07, 2007 8:58:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    The appetisers is stuff they were going to throw out anyway! Soup, salad, that kind of thing. Hell, she gives away tubs of it at the end of the night. If I would have taken it home and eaten it, it would have been free but since I had it there she charged me for it.

    And, 65 bucks worth of stuff? come on! I think there's something else going on. But, from now on I don't eat anything there PERIOD. If I have a drink, I'll pay for it right then and there.

  • At Friday, December 07, 2007 9:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's BS. Yeah, that is an awful lot of money for the few weeks you've been there. I would definitely recommend you pay for it right then and there.

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