Ah, a three day weekend is coming up! And, I'm so fucking lame I didn't even realize that this Monday is Labor Day until yesterday. Yea, I know. I must live under a rock.
The downside to not realizing that this weekend is Labor Day Weekend is the fact that we have made absolutely no plans. Well, I should say that there is one thing on Sunday - the guys are getting together for a practice session marking the one year anniversary that they've been together as a band. I think we're going to bring drinks and get pizzas or something else equally lame, but it'll be fun. And they've written about 16 songs in the past year. And, I must say, they are kick ass songs! I just wish they would hurry up and record them so I can post 'em! And they're playing their first show as Mojo Cannon on October 6th (Saturday) at Penny Road Pub in Barrington. So, all you freaks out there that read this stupid blog that are in my area are all welcome to come out. It'll be a party!
And we're supposed to get together with some friends this weekend - probably Saturday. But, I know how I'll be spending most of my time this weekend - cleaning my fucking house. It's a wreck! And I have to do my most favorite chore *cough* - cleaning the bathroom and scrubbing down the tubs. Looks like I'm in for just a rockin' weekend!
Hope everybody has a happy and safe Labor Day! See ya'll on Tuesday.
This is going to be short and sweet since the boss is in early and just handed me a stack of stuff that has to be done before an appointment in an hour.
Rescue Me last night. Okay, so the whole AA Meeting scene last night was pretty funny. And the date scene with Tommy and the chick from "Strangers with Candy" was pretty silly. But, considering there's only two episodes left this season, it hasn't been all that great. It still has it's moments but there really isn't any huge storyline that sucks you in like previous seasons. But, I think I mentioned all that yesterday so I'm done with that.
And the Bears play tonight. It's still a pre-season game - the last pre-season game before the season opener against San Diego on September 9th. Which, well, who knows what's going to happen but I'll say this, just for KarenV - the Bears will kick Charger ass on the 9th! Okay, who am I kidding, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. I'll root for 'em but I'm not going to say (out loud anyway) that they'll win it. It should be a good game nonetheless.
So, this morning, I get up early, take a shower, and blow dry and curl my hair and it just looks fantastic! Until I stepped out the door.
Now, it's limp, no curl, and looks like it does if I don't do anything to it. Which can only mean one thing. It's going to be a hot, humid, stifling day. But, hey, I'll take it over all the fucking rain we got over the last two weeks!
And I'll take my boss not being in early this morning. Nothing new there.
On another note, I've been reading these silly Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. There's, like, twelve books in this series and I'm now on book four. They're easy reads which is nice when I can only read for about 1/2 an hour on the train at a time. So, they kind of go down like a really cold beer on a really hot day - nice and easy and quick! Anyway, I was thinking all day yesterday about the first four books - I'm about 1/2 way through the fourth and was wondering, "When the fuck is she going to nail Morelli?" and, guess what? She did, when I was on my way home from work last night. I thought I was going to have to wait until book twelve or something! But, now I'm kind of disappointed that she did. And wondering what the deal with Ranger is. And I'm thinking that maybe, and don't correct me if I'm wrong since I'll find out eventually anyway, that she'll wind up having a thing with him too. You know, because if you read this shit, the books, so far, have ended with her with Morelli then not hearing from him again until about the third chapter of the next book. I'm probably wrong.
Rescue Me is on tonight - and it's about the only thing TV has going for it right now and, sorry to say, it isn't much. I'm not so impressed with this season. It's kind of gotten really boring. Okay, so they have this baby that nobody seems to really give a shit about and that crazy bitch Sheila wants to raise Little Elvis but, come on! Who would sell their baby? Even in this stupid situation? I don't know. I hope it gets better and starts picking up steam because, sorry guys, this season sucks! Okay, sucks is harsh because Denis Leary is still awesome, but let's get something interesting going on here!
Anyway, even though the boss isn't here right now doesn't mean I don't have work to do.
1) Order the Wake Up Ron Burgundy DVD from Amazon.Com (the 60-minute film that was spliced together from all the scenes that were cut from the Movie "Anchorman.") 2) Finish writing my entry here today. 3) Balance my checkbook 4) Annoy my co-workers 5) Go to the bathroom 6) Call my dad 7) Check my credit card balances and become utterly depressed 9) Eat Lunch 10) Oh, I guess I should get some work done while I'm at it.
I think I'm starting to hate Tuesdays more than Mondays, if that's even possible. Mondays you know what you're going to get. You know it's going to suck and you're prepared for it. Tuesdays, you think will be better than Mondays but that never quite turns out to be true. On Mondays you know you have a full five days ahead of you and you've resigned yourself to that fact. Tuesdays you have the illusion that the week is further along than it really is. I spend way too much time analyzing which is the best day of the week - have you ever noticed that? Of course I'm being completely sarcastic. It's all I tend to do.
So, there are my big plans for the day. That should hold me over until lunch. Fuck I hate how boring I've become. I heard that - become you say? Well, there's one thing I'll put on your to do list:
Shit. Monday again? Seems like the weekend just zoomed by!
We went to check out the carnage of the storms and the affects on the Fox River on Saturday. We were in Island Lake at the bank anyway and decided to swing by one of our favorite river places, the Broken Oar. The outside bar was open, but for boaters it was a no go. The water was so freakin' high that the boat ramps and most of the parking lot was under water. Here's a shot of the boat docks and how far up the water actually went:
Here's another shot of one of the outside bars.
What a mess!
Anyway, we didn't do anything exciting at all this weekend. Except clean the house, grocery shopped, and drank a lot. Oh, and watched the Bears play preseason football. Hopefully it'll wind up being a really good season this year! But, I'm not holding my breath...
I can tell that already. I've been here at work a total of 25 minutes and have already received 5 claims related calls.
With all the storms that hit our area over the past day many people have their basements flooded out. And the problem with this is that most people believe they are covered under these conditions when they are not.
Flood isn't something that is covered under the normal perils of the policy. With a few exceptions. Flood insurance isn't something that normal insurance companies handle - they are mostly written by companies that specialize in flood insurance like the National Flood Services. And is usually much more expensive than their homeowners insurance (Make that 6 calls, I'm on another one right now). The only time that you are required to carry flood insurance is if you are on a flood plane and your mortgage company requires it. Otherwise, you aren't covered by flood.
Another part of a policy is Sump Pump and Sewer Backup coverage - which is an additional coverage that you elect to put on your policy. This would cover you if your sump pump fails - due to mechanical fault or due to power not being on and not operating - which is what is happening in most of these cases. Unfortunately, most people elect to not carry this coverage and therefore are on their own for these types of situations. The reason it is an additional coverage is that not everybody has a basement - and if you don't have a basement, you don't have a sump pump so why should everybody have this charge built into their policy when it isn't something that everybody needs?
Anyway, I'm getting a lot of pissed off people on the phone because they aren't covered for this and have to shell out the money on their own. They yell at me, they curse me, they tell me we're incompetent. It's just the way it is.
Anyway, I'm glad I got a lot of sleep last night. I just have been forecasting this problem this morning and knew that I needed to be on my toes this morning. I fell asleep last night around 8:00pm, watching football. My whole body ached - my joints in my knees felt like they were on fire! I feel much better today, but wish to fuck these people would quit calling me incompetent because their shit isn't covered. I just work here people. I don't make the rules.
You know, I had a few things I wanted to write about today but it's not turning out that way. Mostly because the boss called right when I was starting this thing today to go over his schedule for the next three weeks. And I lost all train of thought. Which, if you know me, I'm easily distracted as it is.
I'm hoping that, someday in the not so distant future, it decided to quit raining. I'm sick of everything being wet, I'm sick of the humidity that makes me look every day like a poodle that just licked a light socket, and I'm sick of Dennis not being able to work and earn money due to it being way too wet outside to do any excavating. Obviously, that's not his fault. It's not like he controls the weather. If he did, it would never rain, never snow, and never get cold. Well, if I controlled the weather that's what it would be like anyway. But, from what I've been reading, ole Mr. Al Gore believes he can control the weather. And he believes he invented the internet. And he believes carbon credits will save the universe. You know what I believe? I believe he's a stroke that can't get past his own ego. But, what do I know?
The boss is out today, which is extremely cool. I can get my shit done in a timely fashion without having more shit piled on top. Who am I kidding? Now that I'm babysitting the new girl in the office it takes more time to make sure she's not fucking up. And that's a full time job in itself.
Well, I hope everybody has a nice, dry, sunny day. At least the sun is out here....for now.
I awoke this morning staring at my alarm clock blinking 12:00 12:00 12:00 and it immediately dawned on me - it's not really 12:00. So, I had to get my ass out of bed, grab my purse, retrieve my cell phone, put on my glasses to read the teeny tiny display, to find out it was actually 6:15am. Which equates to me getting up an hour and fifteen minutes late. Sweet.
I jumped up, raced to the shower, dried off, scrunched up my hair, put on my makeup, grabbed the first thing that looked wearable, and informed my husband I needed him to drive me to the train station since I just don't have time to park today. My hair is still wet and a mess, my top doesn't even come close to matching my pants, and I noticed that I only put mascara on one eye. Fortunately, I did remember to grab something for lunch so even though I look like shit on rye with my green top and brown pants, I won't be starving to death.
Well, I made it into work today. Despite having cramps that feel like my entire uterus is in a vice. You know, most women dread the day that they stop having to buy tampons but, me, I'm looking forward to it! I mean, come on already! Let's get this show on the road. It's not like my baby maker was ever used for that purpose anyway. It was broke to begin with so I say rot on.
Anyway, I feel like shit and would much rather be curled up on the couch with a blanket and a remote control. And having Dennis wait on me hand and foot. Now that's living! Unfortunately for me, however, I have a stupid stinking job that I have to get up at 5:00am every weekday morning to get to.
And, now that I'm on the whole "let's get menopause rolling already" bandwagon, let's go for broke! Come on 2028! Because, by my calculations, I'll be 65 years old then and I'll finally be able to collect social security. Now, I'm not a pessimist by any means, however I really doubt there will actually be any social security by the time I'm able to collect it. Shit, who am I kidding. I'll die hunched over my desk lying in a pool of my own vomit - but I'll have a smile on my face because I'll never have to work again!
And I had to drive into work today. It wasn't horrible - an hour, but it's an hour out of my life I'll never get back!
I'm only here at work for 1/2 a day then I have to go get the oil changed in my car, go to Walgreens to pick up my drugs, and spend some quality time with Leo. He'll love somebody being home earlier - it means he'll get to go outside earlier! Poor guy. Has to hold it all day long until somebody finally gets home and let's him go out. I would hate to have to wait 8-10 hours for somebody to let me pee.
Anyway, I better start getting stuff done so I can get outta here at 11:30. Sweet!
Human nature is a funny thing. And it was never more apparent than this morning!
It's funny how some things you just take for granted and never notice, but once you do notice you have no idea why you and a group of people behave in the same fashion? And I noticed this today upon boarding the train.
I should start off by saying that the morning train is never full. And we're the first pickup on the whole line so it's empty when we board. And you never have to share a seat with anybody because there are always way more seats than there are travelers. This morning there were a couple people at the door boarding before I do. I do the usual thing - walk up the steps, make a left turn into the first car, and take the second seat on the left as soon as you walk in. And to my shock and horror, the guy in front of me decided to sit in the second seat on the left as you walk in. Part of me wanted to yell, "Hey, asshole, get out of my seat." but the more reasonable side of me thought - wait a minute. There's, like, well over a hundred seats to choose from on this entire line so what the fuck is my problem? I don't own the seat - I rent it for 60 minutes a day total. But, still, I felt violated!
So, I take the third seat on the left as soon as you walk in. No big thing, I'm only a seat behind, right? Then another thing struck me. I looked to the seat on my left and I recognize the man as the one that's always sitting a seat behind me and kitty cornered. But, he's next to me today. We both looked at each other and kind of giggled a little bit - but he knew exactly what I was thinking! Anyway, to make a long story longer I look around and I find that everybody who takes that train everyday has their own seat and never deviated from that seat. Why is that? What difference does it make? Are we such creatures of habit that we have the have the comfort and security of the same seat on public transportation everyday?
Well, some of us anyway. It' s only natural that, if you drive to work, that you'll be sitting in the same seat obviously and that person, tomorrow, will be me! I'm taking a 1/2 day off work but in order to do that I have to drive due to the fucking train schedule.
Now that I've completely bored you beyond reason, I hope you all have a super duper day! *gag*
The ongoing saga of my little bitch of a niece keeps going on. Seriously, I hope I don't wind up kicking her little ass next Saturday.
During shopping last weekend, my sister told me she was going to wear her hairpiece - just to let me know so I can decide if I want to wear mine. No problem, I told her, I wasn't planning to so go right ahead. Now, this hairpiece looks really cute on my sister. Her current haircut, shall we say, wasn't done very well so anything is a pretty vast improvement.
Side Note: This is why nobody in my family knows about my blog.
Anyway, my sister calls me last night and the conversation went like this:
Sister: I decided I'm not going to wear the hairpiece so if you want to wear it we won't look like bobsie twins Side Note: Who were the Bobsie Twins and why do we constantly refer to a couple of twins nobody knows? Me: Really? Why? Sister: Because my daughter doesn't like it. Me: What do you mean she doesn't like it? What's her problem with it? Sister: She thinks it looks bad on me, looks fake, and that I shouldn't ever wear it.
Now, mind you, when she bought the thing me, my other sister, and my nephews wife were all there and we all agreed that it looked good on her. Made her look younger and really flattered her face.
Me: Well, I think she's wrong. Sister: Well, I told her I wouldn't wear it. Me: Why, is she afraid you'll embarrass her or something? Sister: Something like that. Me: You sound really disappointed. You wanted to wear it right? Sister: Yes. Me: Then don't let her tell you that you shouldn't! Sister: Now that she's said that I'll feel self conscious about it. Me: That's totally bogus. You know, she isn't the end all be all of fashion, ya know? Sister: Yea Me: I thought it looked good on you, your other sister thought it looked good on you, and your niece thought it looked good on you. But because one person, your daughter, didn't like it you're never going to wear it again? And if she's going to be that embarrassed about my dress, or your hair, she can just stay home. Sister: But, I really want her to go. Me: Fine. Then you deal with her immaturity and cattiness. I've heard enough. Sister: I don't want you to be mad at her. Me: Too late. I'll see you Saturday.
I mean, seriously, if my mother was that influenced by what I thought she would have never left the house!
I got nothing to say today. Yes, it happens. I'm usually somebody that can come up with something but today it ain't it.
I just wish upon wish that I would have called in sick today. Dennis is off - rained out and it would have been nice to spend a day with him. He has to go through his dress clothes today for the wedding this weekend and see it anything still fits - granted, all of his dress clothes were purchased prior to 1995 so I'm thinking he needs something more updated. Of course, he's a man, and thinks that as long as it isn't jeans and he wears a tie it's appropriate attire for a wedding - even though his pants and shirts are more than 12 years old! So, I'm trying to convince him, in vain, to go out tonight and get some new pants and a shirt. But, he still insists he's allergic to all stores that don't sell electronics or music gear. I even told him I would pay for it! And, well, the truth is he has gained a little weight since those days - which is a good thing! When we met he was (and still is) 6'3" and weighed only 165 pounds. The guy was skin and bones. But, now, he's more around 190 pounds and still thinks his old dress pants fit great.
All I did was housework. And dress shopping for a wedding this coming weekend - my niece - my brother's daughter. Not my other niece. But I'll get to that in a minute.
I intended on not buying a dress for this wedding and wearing something I already have. But, in an attempt to find something in my closet that is suitable that fits, I found that there just isn't anything that will do. Which, I guess is a good thing since I'm going through one of my fat phases. You know how that goes - you feel like a blimp but you really aren't. Yes, I still get those and they haven't let up for a little while now. My weight hasn't changed - this morning still at 116.6 but why do I feel like I'm gaining weight and imagining everything is too tight? Is this just a normal phase or am I truly insane, like everybody says I am?
Anyway, my sister and her lovely daughter decided to join me for dress shopping since they are going next weekend as well. Everything went great, for a while. Until I chose a dresses that my niece deemed "not appropriate for my age". Of course, her being 24 years old, she knows all about what is appropriate for an old geezer like myself. So, I proposed this - go out there and find something that you deem age worthy for an old bitch like myself. She comes back with an ensemble that would be more appropriate for the Grandmother of the Bride. Even the sales clerk shot her a nasty look and said that I would look like Grandmother Death in that getup. So, I went out and looked for myself and found another dress that I actually liked a lot more than the first. It's very simple - solid chocolate brown v-neck with braiding on the straps. And I already have about 3 pairs of shoes I can choose from to wear with it so it was an obvious choice. Of course, my niece in her infinite 24 years of wisdom, told me she would be embarrassed to be seen with me in that dress because of how low cut it is. So, me, being the smart ass that I am, told her when she goes out and spends $5500 on boobs she can wear whatever she wants. It's nowhere near obscene, but it does do a nice little showcase on the newly purchased cleavage.
The salesgirl, meanwhile, sees me in the dress and tells me to just smack the little shit until she bleeds because it looks great on me. Which is exactly what I wanted to do in that instance. So, I buy the dress and get the hell out of there before I wind up in jail for aggravated assault. When I get home my sister calls me and tells me that her daughter bought the first dress that she deemed inappropriate for me and then it all made sense. She didn't want ME to buy it because she wanted it for herself! All she had to do was say she wanted the dress and I wouldn't have cared - I would have found something else!
Getting back to the checkout counter, I did something that really backfired on me. The salesgirl tells me I can save another 10% on any purchase I make today if I applied for a JC Penny's credit card. The dress was already on sale - originally $70 dollars, down to $45 dollars, an additional 10% put it at - fuck, I don't know. It's too early for math! Anyway, I'm all about saving money so I say sure, what the fuck, apply away believing that they won't actually accept me because department stores never do. To my surprise, she comes back and says, "Oh, you are approved for a $500 dollar line of credit.". So, great, another fucking credit card. Just what I need! Oh well. I got the discount and didn't have to pay for the dress yesterday which left me enough money to buy a matching bra.
Well, it's been an interesting week with the new co-worker/slave in the office. She's really nice and I like her a lot, but, it's taking a while for some things to sink in. Which, is to be expected. I don't believe that after 1.5 weeks here she should know everything and do everything perfectly, but, on the other hand, it's aggravating to have to tell her things 10 times and she still doesn't do it the way it's supposed to be done. So, I've been having to double check her work and this morning I have a stack of things she'll need to re-do. I suppose it was like that when I first started too so I don't think that it's necessarily her fault. I'll explain to her what was wrong, tell her how to fix it, and sooner or later she'll get sick of me giving her crap to fix first thing in the morning and will remember to do it correctly. Either that, or it's going to be a long year.
Finally went grocery shopping last night. We had no food in the house at all. And I mean nothing. The fridge was bare, the pantry was empty. Spent about $125 dollars at the store and still feel like we didn't get much. But, I'm going to make a fresh batch of spaghetti sauce this weekend and do my usual thing - freeze about 6 containers with 2 cups worth of sauce in each for later consumption. Good thing Dennis isn't sick of spaghetti by now. It's just easy, quick, and point friendly.
Don't have much for plans this weekend. Possibly going shopping for a dress for this wedding next weekend, if Kim is available. Chances are good I'll probably just wear the one dress that I have, but that would be so boring! It's still too big for me and hangs on me so it would be nice to wear something that actually fits when I see family I haven't seen in about 15 years at this wedding. But, on the other hand, I really don't relish the fact that I really can't afford to buy anything new right now. So, hopefully, I'll find something I like on sale really cheap. Like that ever happens.
If you bet that the co-worker wouldn't show up yesterday, you would have lost that bet. She actually did.
For today, I feel like shit. My stomach is doing cartwheels and I just don't feel all that great. And the boss was in when I got in this morning and wants to meet to discuss marketing strategy after he gets off the phone. I can't wait.
I'm not sure I really want to do all this marketing stuff. I don't want to do cold calls and told him so. I'll do mailers, setup appointments when people call, but I'm not going to start calling these companies off a list like he's suggesting - I mean, if I wanted to be a telemarketer I would have applied somewhere else.
Anyway, he just hung up the phone so I better get my ass in there.
I'm no further along today than I was a week ago at getting the pictures from my vacation into a usable format to post here. Oh well. Not that anybody was holding their breath to see them anyway. Just boring family stuff.
Speaking of which, have you ever been entertained by somebody you just met that insists on pulling out their family photo album and forcing you to view pictures of their grandmother that's been dead for 10 years that you've never met? How do you get out of that one? I mean, you're all polite and shit - telling them that they look like their grandmother (and in that instance it's a crap shoot - either they'll take it as a compliment or an insult, no way to tell which way that one's going to go) just for better lack of anything else to say? No? Neither have I.
Anyway, it's Wednesday (like you really need me to announce what day it is) and I wonder if the new co-worker/slave will make an appearance today. If she's still sick, I hope not. Because if she is still sick then there's no way it's food poisoning from Saturday and she probably has the plague or something worse that I'll no doubt catch.
Dennis is really hating life today. He hates working for his brother - mostly because his brother is a jag. He can't make Dennis' checks good on Friday but he can take his whole family up to the Dells for a few days for some fun after their week long vacation three weeks ago. I suppose I would be pretty pissed off about that too. But, maybe that's just me.
This morning! When I got up - or I should say was woken up by ferocious thunder and bright lightening at 4:00am, the rain was hitting the windows so hard it sounded like somebody was shooing a beebee gun at our house. Of course, the power went out before my alarm went off but, lucky me, I was already awake so I couldn't go back to sleep since a) the power might not come on and I might not wake up in time or b) the power would come back on but my alarm wouldn't be set anyway. So, I'm a little tired this morning.
Leo was going nuts with the thunder. Poor old guy - he's such a pussy when it comes to storms. All 65 pounds of him was trying in vain to get up on the bed. With no luck. He won't even jump into the car - we have to pick him up and put him in the car so I have no idea what he was thinking trying to jump on the bed, which is twice as high as the car seat. I so wondered what he really thinks is happening when it's thundering like that. Obviously, he thinks the world's coming to an end otherwise he wouldn't freak out so much.
Well, the new slave at work called in sick yesterday. Now, I'm not saying she just wanted the day off - in all likelihood she was legitimately sick. But, part of me still wonders. It's the first day of her second week here and already calling in sick? Hopefully, it's not part of a pattern that will lend us to a co-worker that is out all the time.
Who am I to judge? My boss doesn't know it yet but I have to take the 2:00 train to see my endocrinologist at 3:30. My prescription is nearing it's end, no refills, and he wants to check my levels before getting me another script. Wish me luck! Hopefully, my levels are normal and they don't need to increase the medication again.
But I got a lot done! Unfortunately, one of the things I wanted to do I wound up not doing due to too much to do and not enough time to do it all.
I wanted to go Saturday to Save-a-Pet to see Kim at their annual bake sale. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. It all started Saturday by me waiting for the dishwasher repair man. You know the drill - we'll be there sometime between 8:00am and Noon. So, I sat. And I waited. And I waited some more. In between waiting I unpacked my suitcase, got laundry together, but couldn't take a shower because you know damned well as soon as the water goes on so does the doorbell. At about 11:30, when I was about to give up, the phone rings. It's the repair guy saying he'll be there in about 15 minutes. Of course, he shows up at 12:15 and stays there looking at the dishwasher until around 1:15. Meanwhile, I haven't showered yet and the bake sale was only going on until 3:00. So, I knew at that point that planned was doomed.
I decided to take advantage of the time on Saturday by cleaning out my closet (the spare bedroom, now known as Sue's Closet), cleaning the office, and cleaning the downstairs. Which took all day. Around 4:00 Dennis comes home and I still haven't showered.
I might was well admit it. I also wasted a ton of time playing with my new toy. A new MP3/Video Player. No, it's not an IPod - I am anti I-Pod and I'm discovering now, with my new toy, the very reasons why I declined on the IPod. Mostly due to the notorious problem of IPod having to make sure that nobody else can use their files. They translate your nifty MP3 files (which will play on anything) to their own format that will only play on an IPod. And, you can only download stuff onto it using one computer. So, this is what I got:
A Creative Zen Vision W. 30 gig of space and I already have a ton of music, videos, and pictures on it. As soon as I figure out how to transfer from the Zen to my computer then I'll be able to post vacation pictures. I didn't get that far on Saturday.
But, I did have one picture that my sister emailed to me - the three sisters in the pool in Texas:
I love Fridays. Have I ever mentioned that? I'm sure I have, many many times now.
Sorry, no vacation pictures just yet. I got home from work last night, made Dennis go get Chinese carry out, ate, watched Age of Love on the DVR and passed out from exhaustion. I will work on that this weekend and post a few so get over it!
Don't have much planned this weekend - except wait around Saturday morning for the repair guy come to fix my 6 month old dishwasher. Supposedly, he'll show up sometime between 8 and noon. Of course, it'll probably be around 2:00 knowing my luck.
I have to do some work around the house since I was gone last Saturday and didn't get any housework done. So, I suppose that will be what I do to pass time until the repair guy comes. I just hope he doesn't come with plumbers butt because I'm not looking forward to gawking at some random guy's butt crack. Hopefully, he'll come and go in time for me to go out to see Kim at Save a Pet's bake sale. I guess I'll have to get up extra early just to make sure I can get a shower in - because taking a shower before the repair guy comes or while he's there would be a bad idea.
But, no time to blog about my vacation. I have the first day back to work blues. Probably because I'm running on two and a half hours sleep since my flight was delayed by two hours last night bringing me into O'Hare at 10:30. After getting bags and getting to the car we finally left O'Hare at around 11:30. Hit the I-94 traffic, bumper to bumper at midnight bringing me home around 1:00, getting to sleep at about 2:30, then up at 5:00am.
I'll tell you about the vacation and post some pictures tomorrow.