I wanted to give a shout out to the chick at the bar (and bear in mind this is at at bar in Fox Lake, Illinois - if you know anything at all about Fox Lake, then you would understand) who came in wearing a complete Vanessa from Austin Powers outfit - complete with the exact same white go-go boots I wore for my Halloween costume last year and would never consider wearing out in public (unless it's Halloween) let alone with a silver lame' mini-dress circa 1965.
It takes a lot of balls to wear something like that to a bar at the end of April and not look totally ridiculous - which she did.
Here we are, another fucking Monday. At least it's not raining...yet. And the sun is shining and it's pretty warm out. I got that going for me. But, how the fuck did this weekend get over so freaking fast? It's like an hour ago it was Friday at 5pm and I had the whole weekend ahead of me. Now, it's Monday. Again.
The office is pretty quiet this morning. No server crashes. The phone hasn't rung...yet. I'm the only one here so far. Quiet. I like that!
The weekend was pretty nice. The weather was really nice - especially yesterday. Dennis took me out to dinner Saturday and out to see some friend's band afterwards. Ran into a bunch of friends. It was fun - but, the night went way too fast. But, then again, I'm no longer used to staying up past 10pm on a weekend which made me pretty wrecked on Sunday. I didn't get anything done I wanted to get done - except grocery shopping. Yea, that's loads of fun.
So, I suppose I should get some work done before the bossman gets in this morning. Which should be soon.
It's Friday, thank God! This week just sucked for me. Especially yesterday! But, the weekend is supposed to be gorgeous again so at least that's something good to look forward to.
I got into work at 7:30, like usual. And, yesterday morning, for some stupid reason, I just felt that something was going to be wrong. And, I was correct. Our file server - that we log every call and do 90% of our work on, was completely fucked up. The hard drive had crashed. And I knew this because it was making an incredible clicking noise. I checked the connections - they were fine. The boot drive worked fine - but the data drive, gone. So, first thing we had to run out and buy a new hard drive, I had to install it, and restore the data that we have. Which was from Monday night's backup. Tuesday's backup didn't run due to a power outage. And Wednesday's backup didn't work due to the machine blowing up before it had a chance to run. So, two days worth of data out out in the ozone someplace. Which means that I have to redo a lot of shit from Monday and Tuesday. Fuck!
While the restore was running - which took all day, I decided to try to get some riddles done. I'm completely and totally addicted to this riddle site. In case you haven't heard of it, go to www.weffriddles.com and you'll see what I'm talking about. But be warned - once you start it's really hard to stop! I finally made it through the first 30 riddles, which means batch one is done. Now it's on to batch two. Somebody stop me please! I need a 12 step program to make me see that this is a total waste of time. Oh well. Time, I had yesterday.
Okay, Greys Anatomy last night. Anybody else want to kick Derek, aka Dr. McDreamy, right in the balls? Seriously! Two weeks ago he was totally and completely in love with Meredith. All of a sudden she's getting in the way of his career? I mean, we all knew that it couldn't be happily ever after but Christ. What an asshole. She should just dump his ass once and for all. Who needs that shit?
And you just know that Izzy is going to wind up being knocked up by George. Did you see the way she was attacking all those cakes? It was like she had never had a fucking piece of cake before. And if Callie doesn't hate her enough now, wait until this happens! And, really, what's the deal with Alex? He finally gets Addison and then he fucks her over? You know, the men on this show really suck. It's a horrible thing when the guy that you hate the most - Burke - is the only decent guy in the entire fucking hospital. And, please, Addison, when you leave please take Izzy and George with you. They have gotten on my last nerve.
Why do I watch this show again? Oh, yea, cuz it's fun.
I almost didn't make my train this morning. I was so tired I didn't want to get up at all. But, I did. It was so warm and dry in bed. I think I'm sensing a reoccurring thing going on - I never want to get up in the morning.
American Idol last night. I think Simon must have taken some happy pills or something because he loves some of the performances last night that just sucked. Personally, I think it's due to all that Idol Gives Back shit and they just want as many people to vote as possible. So just say they're all great. Chris was horrible. He was off pitch and, fuck!! Blow your nose before you sing dickhead! And what was with Blake singing John Lennon? Is he fucking stupid or something? You might as well paste a sign on your head saying, "Let's see how bad I can fuck this up in John's memory.". And, sorry, LaTisha - you aren't nearly as good as Fantasia and I'm kind of glad you sang that song because now we all know that you're not nearly as good as you were in the beginning. Probably due to the week after week gruel that is making them noticeably tired. Funny, I thought Phil was actually very good last night and it appears that he's getting a whole lot better in the vocal department. And, I know so many of you love Jordin but I really couldn't understand all the praise she got! Her voice sounded so shrill and, sorry, she was so off on a lot of her vocals it was painful to listen to it. And for them to say it was one of the best vocals ever? Again, they must have all been on something because it was far far far from the best vocal ever. Of course, Melinda was great, as usual. But, then again, she could get up and sing Mary Had a Little Lamb and make it sound amazing.
Oh well. We'll see what happens tonight. Oh, fuck, Bono's going to be on it. Fucking great. You just know he's going to have some bonehead political comment to make. Bono, darlin', you're a fucking singer in a rock band. Nobody cares! And, you're not a very good singer at that.
Please? I'm really tired this morning. I feel like I didn't sleep at all.
And, it's probably because Dennis woke me up at around 3:00am to yell at me for stealing all the covers. It only gave me pause for about 5 seconds before I was sound asleep, however, so I doubt that's really the issue.
Shit. I need to call my Dad. He called the house twice over the weekend when I wasn't home. I saw it on the caller ID but, being the horrible daughter I am, I didn't call him back because we were pretty fucking busy all weekend. I know, I could have called and I should have called - it's just hard for me sometimes. I love my dad - he is a great father but we've never been what I would consider close. It was always my mom that I would talk to about stuff. She would then, in turn, relay it all back to my dad. So he always knew what was going on through my mom but I never really talked to him directly. It's not that we had or have a bad relationship it's just, sometimes, I just don't know what to talk to him about. So, during the summer, it's easy because he's a big Cubs fan - no, that's putting it mildly - he's a HUGE Cubs fan. In the winter he's down at my sister's in Texas so he'll tell me about the great grand kids and what they're up to. I always do find something to talk to him about - sometimes it's his dog, sometimes it's about his family. I'm just never sure where to go from there. It's odd, yes, but it's always been this way.
So, I better sign off and give my dad a call. Before the boss comes in and I can't do it.
Wow, what a beautiful weekend! I didn't want it to end - ever! The weather was perfect and we actually managed to get a buttload of shit done.
Saturday, I finally got my tire fixed at the dealership, went grocery shopping, and got the car washed. Dennis had to work Saturday (more hours!) so we had to get his stuff done on Sunday. Which included a haircut for him, and he changed the oil and filter in his car. Then we went out for a nice long drive. When we got home, we had a fantastic dinner, opened the windows of the house, and just relaxed and drank. I was a tad hungover this morning and did not want to get up. But, I did and I made it to work and all is good in my world. Well, as good as it can get for a Monday morning.
My friend Kim called on Sunday with great news! She lost 2.8 pounds at her weigh in on Saturday breaking her extremely long, extremely excruciating plateau. And now she's only .2 away from her total of 100 pounds lost. Way to go Kim! I'm so happy for you!
And, now, I must get to work. I have a ton of stuff waiting for me and the boss should be in any minute now...
No, not without a shirt you perv, the top down on the car!
I'm so glad it's Friday! And it's going to be beautiful outside this weekend - according to the weather guy on this morning's news. He better be fucking right too! Then again, he does have a job where they can't actually fire him for being wrong, now can they?
I finally got my hair done last night! And it looks so much better. And it looks clean, for the first time in months. Karen did an awesome job and I'll be going back there in the near future - but, not at the very near future due to the fact that I'm now completely broke after having this shit hair fixed. But, it's worth it. Had I tried to do it myself I'm sure I would look like something out of Bozo's Circus right now. Kim (cleosmama) got there at the same time I did and hung out the entire time we were there. Which was awesome because, well, it took forever and had to be extremely boring for her. Kim looks amazing too. She looks so lean and trim and thin. Yes, you do Kim so shut up about it.
No big plans for this weekend - with the exception of getting my slow leaking tire fixed on my car and getting the yellow (now brown looking) car washed. That's the only thing about having a bright as the mother fucking sun yellow car - it looks like shit dirty.
Here's to a weekend with the top down, the weather warm, and a kick start to nice sunny warm days to come!
Fuck, I'm really tired this morning! I had the hardest time getting to sleep last night.
Dennis didn't get home last night until about 10:30 so I forced myself to stay awake until he got home. I was pretty tired, but I managed to stay awake. But once he got home and we sat and chatted for a while, it was about 11:30. I swear to God, I don't think I've stayed up until 11:30 in months. On one hand, that's a good thing because I've been having a hard ass time trying to stay awake past 9:30, but there's last night. I kept tossing, and turning, and glancing at the clock. First, it was 11:45 and I had to go to the bathroom. Big pain in the ass. Then, I looked again and it was 12:15. Still couldn't fall asleep. I think the last time I looked at the clock it was 1:10. So, I would assume I finally fell asleep soon after that. All I know is that if you finally pass out at 1:15, 5:00am just sucks the next morning!
So, my endocrinologist calls me late yesterday afternoon. He tells me he's surprised, but they have to up my thyroid medication. I guess my levels were around 5.44 - which isn't that much over the maximum of 5.0, but, still, it's higher than the 3.8 in December. I still can't believe that my thyroid isn't producing enough.
Sanjaya is finally out on American Idol. That has to make a lot of people happy - especially LaTisha since it was either her or him. It would have screamed "rigged" if LaTisha would have lost out to Sanajaya. But, it was finally his time and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. Oh, sure, he sucked big time, but, really, so did a lot of them this week. Sorry, but Blake was off key more times than he was on. But, he has been very strong other weeks so I get why he's safe. LaTisha better start upping her game - otherwise she will be gone.
Lost last night - boring. I just don't care about Desmond and his monkhood. Or his visions. If they're gonna kill Charlie off, just do it. Quit dragging it out. I'm bored with that storyline.
Oh, yea, tonight I'm finally gonna get something done with my hair! Christ, it's been a long time since I had it colored/highlighted. I should look back on this blog, like, last August because that's probably about when I had it done last! And it shows....horribly! Thank God after tonight it'll look decent again. It better - or me and the hair lady are gonna have words. I suppose I'll have to find some pictures or something to show her what I want. Or not. I think not. I'll ask her opinion, thumb through some stuff they have at the salon (you know there's always a zillion hair magazines in those places) and see what happens.
Dennis and I actually did something last night! We went out to dinner! Can you believe it? And he paid! It was a sweet night indeed. And, we ran into the chick that used to come over and give him blow jobs before we dated! More on that later...
I got to work late this morning. Ok, not really late considering, but later than I usually get here. I had to drive in today because the co-worker is out this afternoon and I have to stay until 4:30. And, sorry, when I'm staying until 4:30 I don't come in at 7:30. Although, by the look on my boss' face this morning when we both got here at the same time, he wasn't too pleased. He just said, "Running a little late this morning?". And I said, "No, not really. I'll be here until 4:30 today." Then neither of us said anything. He can't really complain - I was still here about 1/2 an hour before the co-worker gets here so whatever.
Getting back to the blow job story...Dennis told me about this girl I'll call "Connie Lingis", or for the purposes of this story, Connie will suffice. Anyway, Connie's husband, years and years ago, was good friends with Dennis. But, Connie's husband was killed in a motorcycle accident about a year before I met Dennis. And, Dennis and Connie hooked up about 7 months after her husband died just for a good buddy fuck every now and then. I figure he's open enough to tell me the truth about her years ago, before we met, so it doesn't bother me, right? And, honestly, it doesn't. It didn't have anything to do with me and he didn't see her again after we started dating - ever. Not even in passing. Until last night.
We're walking about of the restaurant, we have the door open making our exit and all of a sudden we hear "Dennis? Is that you?" so we turned around and there she was. I didn't know who she was until Dennis said, "Oh, good fucking shit, it's Connie" and I knew right away who she was. It was all okay, we made small talk about all the people they both know and she was actually very nice - but I was a little taken back because she just didn't look like the fuck buddy type. She looked more like a middle aged school teacher - very prim, very proper. Then it was over and we left. Of course, after the door was closed when we made our exit we both broke out in hysterics - and Dennis said, "You know who that was, right?". And I said, "Fuck yea, I know who that is!" and we laughed all the way home.
I had to drive to work today. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist this afternoon and there isn't a train that can get me home and to my appointment on time.
I haven't driven into work for so long I forgot what a fucking nightmare the traffic is! I left my house at 6:30 and got to work at 7:50. Fuck! And what's worse is I have to drive in again tomorrow since my co-worker has to take one of her fuckwad kids to the doctors and I have to stay late. So, I get that joy again tomorrow!
On the plus side to having driven in I have my car here with me! I don't have to have a fucking frozen ass lunch. I can actually go out to Subway or Wendy's and get something. Not that it would probably taste any better than the Lean Cuisine shit I've been eating this week, but at least it's something different.
I still have to call the endocrinologists office to tell them I don't have my records from my old doctor since my old doctor is an asstrout. I called them three weeks ago, the day I made this appointment, letting them know I need the records. They made me fax over a release and I did that the same day. And I waited. And waited a little more. And I called them and they said they would look into it and call me back (translation: we don't give a shit that we're fucking you around since you're going to another doctor). Then, last Friday, I get a fucking letter from them stating I have to pay them $50 bucks for my records and they won't take a check or credit card - cash only. And, then, after payment to them I have to wait up to two weeks to receive copies of my records. Ummmm...it's Friday night, you aren't open on Saturday, I have to work Monday, my appointment is on Tuesday. Fucking assholes. Why couldn't they have told me that three weeks ago when I fucking called them the first time?
The biggest reason I'm switching doctors is that a) I really would like to see a specialist because I don't trust the medical certificates my current doctor's licenses are based on and b) because they are wanting to charge a $120 membership fee, per person, per year, for the privilege of going to their fucked up office. I found this out when I went to make an appointment to have my blood work done since the doctor told me that he won't refill my Synthroid prescription until they do another test. And my prescription runs out this month. Their bitch of a nurse tells me that I would need to pay the $240 membership fees for me and my husband before the doctor will see me.
I said, "Fuck you. I'll go someplace else.". Christ.
Probably because my fucking weekend was BORING and I don't want to bore you with the details.
I did go meet up with Dennis on Friday for Jimmy's birthday. That was cool. His wife is very sweet and I like her a lot so there you have it.
Other than that, on Saturday I kinda felt like shit so I did some stuff around the house and went grocery shopping and that was it. I was asleep by 9:30 - yes, on a Saturday night.
It's finally Friday!! Fuck N A!!! And it's not snowing, and it's not raining. And what's the huge, big, bright, blinding yellow thing in the sky? Could that be the Sun? No, it can't be! That's impossible! Yes, I think it is! And it's supposed to get near 50 degrees today. That'll feel like 80 degrees compared to the low 30's we got yesterday. It's about fucking time!! Ok, but where's the 60's and 70's you weather bastards? See, I just can't be happy.
Speaking of not being happy I sit down last night to watch Grey's Anatomy, thinking it's a new episode right? Because the fucking channel guide says it's a new episode. Well, in a way it was - a lame ass retrospective of all the shit we've already seen and already know about! What the fuck? But, there was a new episode of ER last night. Too bad my old ass couldn't stay awake long enough to watch it. Thank God for Tivo. I recorded that and that new dumb looking show about all the pregnant people - I think it's called Notes from the Underbelly? I didn't watch it either. And I'm not sure why I recorded it considering I really have no interest on what happens to you when you're pregnant. Yes, I'm an idiot.
So, tonight Dennis has band practice. Which should be fun since it's his drummers birthday and all. I'm going to meet him there tonight and do some partying with them for his birthday. But, not too much. I still have to drive. Fuck. Being responsible really sucks sometimes.
Wow, what a fucked up night last night turned out to be! But, it also ended good so that made me happy.
It started out with me getting off of work and doing what I always do - walk across the street to the train station. The train is on time, which, is somewhat rare in itself. Everything is going good until we get between the Round Lake Beach and Lake Villa train stops. All of a sudden the power goes off. I guess we had enough to coast to the Lake Villa train station, but once the train stopped it wasn't going to go again. They tried starting the engine, again and again, and it would start but wouldn't keep running. The trainman tells us at that time that he doesn't know how long we'll be sitting there - it could be 5 minutes, it could be an hour.
Well, Lake Villa isn't far at all before Antioch, where I get off. It's just the train station before it. So, I called Dennis and he was already waiting for me in Antioch (he dropped me off that morning due to all the snow so he had to pick me up - what, me, walk home?). He said, "No big deal, I'll just come to Lake Villa and pick you up.". So he did.
But, once we get home we still don't have any power in the house. Fuck. Oh well, I guess we'll have to go out to eat, right? We do that, we eat and down a couple cocktails and go back home. Still no power. By this time it was about 6:45 and the power has been out for around four and a half hours. So, it's starting to get pretty chilly in the house. The thermostat at this time read 59 degrees. I decide to just bundle up in a couple blankets and take a nap. I mean, what else are you going to do? No TV, no power for lights to even read. We're talking major boredom here! I just prayed that the power comes back on by 9:00pm - because that's when Lost is on, right?
I just doze off. I'm about to enter dreamland when *bam* all the fucking lights, stereo, everything comes back on in a scream. Well, it seems like that when you're just getting to sleep and the power comes back on. So, I glance at my watch and it's 8:15. Fucking cool! I'll just catch the end of American Idol, just in time for Lost to start.
Lost, by the way, is getting really good again. Last night's episode was really awesome. I'm still kind of pissed off that Juliet was involved in the planning stage of this little scenario they've got cooked up, but not surprised at all. I figured she had to be in on it. But, what's it all about? Why is she there with them? It can't be to gather intelligence because the fucking others already know everything there is to know about everything, right? Oh well. I'll guess I'm another sucker they roped in with this storyline that'll keep watching.
Ok, gotta get to work...have a lot to do today. Hope everybody has a nice Thursday. Chant with me now:
one more day one more day one more day one more day one more day
Ummm....I don't recall that being the nursery rhyme. But, apparently, that is my reality today.
This is what I wake up to this morning. You can't tell from this picture, but it's snowing fucking sideways. Yes, sideways. The wind is blowing harder than Paris Hilton on a first date.
It's supposed to keep snowing all day long with accumulations up to 10 inches. You know, any other time 10 inches would be awesome but not when it's snow in April. It's so depressing. I totally believe lately that it is never going to warm up. That this spring is just an illusion and we're going to skip summer entirely and go directly to winter again. But, I know that won't happen. In a few months I'll be bitching about how fucking hot it is. At least I have a bitch session to look forward to.
American Idol last night. Best comment ever from Simon to Hailey - "I think you've picked a good strategy. Wear as little as possible. Because you know you can't win this with your voice.". And, yes, I paraphrased that because I can't remember exactly what he said. But that was pretty fucking close. I think Hailey will stay tonight and, unfortunately, Sanajaya will still be around. Although, I would say he was better last night than he's ever been. Which puts him right up there with the singing prowess of a Justin Timberlake.
I'll tell you about my Easter. But, I will say this - if you are sensitive about organized religion you might not want to continue reading this. But, if you're like me and you don't give a shit, then continue.
I got up early Easter Sunday. It was freezing ass cold outside - actually colder than it was on Christmas if you can believe that shit. Anyway, I get up early because Easter Brunch is being given by my mother-in-law immediately after church. So, I figured I would go with my husband, his mother, his sister, and his brother to Easter church service. Of course we all know what a big mistake that is, but if you aren't shaking your head at the end of this story like I was as it unfolded in front of my eyes, then you're a much better person than I.
It began with little kids singing some nice Christian Catholic Easter songs. Which was really sweet even though none stood a one in a billion shot of making it to Hollywood. The bad part came when the Priest started his Easter sermon. Now, I have to stop and ask you here - what would you expect an Easter service to be about? Maybe it would have something to do with Jesus, right? And how he died for all our sins and all that shit? No. He started talking about forgiveness. Which, you know, is very noble and I can totally see why he would mention it. He starts talking about a woman who he's counseling. Her daughter had been in a coma for 16 years - since she was 16 years old and died. She was killed by a drunk driver and how, after 16 years, she has finally forgiven the man that swerved over in to her daughter's lane putting her in a coman. He has since died of alcoholism. The priest went on and told us how, through forgiveness, the woman was finally at peace. Great, terrific, hooray, good for her. I understand why she should just, at this point, let it finally go and begin living again. But this is where it gets really stupid.
Next, he talks at great lengths - and I mean GREAT lengths - dedicating the next 3/4 of the sermon to this story of forgiveness. He speaks of another woman he is counseling. This woman's son committed suicide. Now, if this isn't bad enough the son left behinds notes explaining how he can't go on living with the hate that he has for the Catholic priest who molested him. Ok, where is this going? I wondered the same thing. And he went on and on to say that he is trying to help the woman to forgive this priest for what he had done. And how important it is for all of us to be forgiving in our hearts for people who do things that they are tempted by the "dark side of the force" to do.
What the fuck? I'm wondering the whole time if we're about to hear this priests confession or something? Is he about to be exposed as a pedophile and is asking us all, in advance, to forgive him? And WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH EASTER?
This is why I don't attend church or support organized religion in general.
It's Good Friday. But, really, when you work Monday through Friday what Friday isn't Good Friday?
And, as usual, what follows Good Friday? Easter Sunday. All those little kids are going to freeze to death in their new Easter clothes. And I say good for them! I remember it well - Easter Sunday. It's fucking snowing and there I am in my cute little white Mary Janes, frilly pink dress with yellow flowers, white tights with lace on the butt (that itched like crazy and drove me nuts) my hair all curled up - going to church. And it's fucking snowing. And all I could think about was the basket that waited for me at home - full of candy and chocolate. Chocolate. I still remember eating the whole, huge ass chocolate bunny in my basket in one day - on a dare from my brother. And being sick with diarrhea for the next three days. It's a wonder I can even look at chocolate again.
Anyway, the best part of this weekend is that - it's a weekend. Which means no fucking work! I can live with that. But, unfortunately, it will mean that I will have work at home to do - you know, the cleaning of the toilets, the washing of the sheets, the scrubbing of the floors. All that shit that I really wish I could afford somebody to come in a do for me once a week. Although, I did have somebody like that years ago - she was a friend of a friend who came in once a week and did light cleaning, then every other week would do deep cleaning. And it was great! Until, in a drunken stupor one day, she confessed to me that she always had to take something from every house she cleaned. Funny, I never saw her again after that.
I hope everybody has a nice holiday - even if you're a pagan bastard that doesn't celebrate religious holidays. Actually, I believe if you don't celebrate religious holidays you should be required to work on those days. I think everybody would be religious if that were to happen!
Here I am again. Yes, it's still fucking cold - got down into the 20's last night and I nearly froze my ass off walking across the street to work. Yea, I know. Boo fucking hoo.
I went out last night and did a little bit of shopping. And I've discovered that Gurnee Mills Mall is only 16 minutes away from my house. Very dangerous. It's probably a good thing there aren't really many stores I like in that mall.
I've got a ton of stuff to get done this morning at work. And I really should be getting to it right now. And I will. In a minute.
So, Gina is out on American Idol. Good, that's what I say. Although, I would have rather it been Hailey I thought Gina pretty much sucked so it's all good. It's probably because Hailey showed her boobies in her dress Tuesday night. That's what's keeping her in it. She dresses like a slut. But, I suppose if I were her I would probably do the same thing. She won't be remembered for her voice no matter what she does so at least it's a tactic to get people talking about her. And, you know what they say, any kind of publicity is good.
Lost last night - it was a pretty good episode. Loche has turned into a first class asshole - and a pretty judgemental one too. He has his head so far up Ben's ass I don't know where he starts and Ben ends. It was pretty funny watching the cat fight with Kate and Juliet. And Juliet totally kicked her ass at the beginning of the show! And now we know the chick that Sawyer fucked over before the crash is/was pregnant with his kid. The best part, though, was the way that Hugo fucked with Sawyer on the whole "banished from the island" thing. It was really funny watching Sawyer try to be nice to everybody. It was such a struggle for him. I guess I can relate to that somewhat. Sometimes, it's very hard for me to be nice to some people - mostly because I like my dog more than I like most people.
Anyway, I better get to work. And wait for the fucking heat to warm this place up. It was 55 degrees in the office when I got there. You would think he could at least keep the heat up to 65 at night! Christ! But, then again, this cold shit can't last very long. It's April for fucks sake!!
It's fucking cooooooold out this morning! Fuck! What happened to Spring? It's, like, 32 degrees out there. I swear it better warm up soon or I'm going to have to move to someplace warmer. I can't take this cold shit another fucking day. But, I guess I'll have to since I checked the forecast and it's not looking like it's going to warm up any time soon.
So, the weekend was good. Had a lot of fun with older sister. Middle sister annoyed me, as usual. And she just doesn't get why. Mostly it's because she keeps going on and on about how sweet, pretty, smart and wonderful her daughter is. And I just don't share that same enthusiasm about her. She's my niece, and I love her but I still feel that she's a spoiled brat that is way too old, way too married, and has way too many kids (2) to be acting like she's 12 years old (she's 24).
It started by a story my oldest sister told me that my middle sister told her. Of course, middle sister didn't tell me this herself - probably because she knows I'll tell her how I feel about it and she didn't want to hear about it. And a lot of you already know this story so if it bores you, quit reading now. But, I must warn you if you do know this story that there is actually more to the story than I originally told you.
My middle sister and my niece's mom was at work last week when the phone rang. It was her ungrateful spoiled darling sweet little daughter. Here's how I imagined the conversation went:
Sister: Hello? Spoiled Brat: Mom, we need to talk. Sister: Ok. Spoiled Brat: We had a realtor come over to look at the house to possibly sell it and she said that in order for us to get what we want out of it we would have to do all this work! Sister: Yea, that's typical (doesn't ask her WHY they are having Realtors look at the house considering that they bought it less than a year ago) Spoiled Brat: Well, you sold us a lemon! Now were going to be stuck with this house for a long time until we can afford to fix it up. Sister: Well, you lived in that house for 15 years. It's not like you don't know what's wrong with it. Spoiled Brat: Well, Dad would have never bought this piece of shit house. Sister: Oh, that's great. Let's bring dead dad into it. Yea, that's true. If he were alive he wouldn't have bought it because he made a lot more money than I do and he could have afforded to buy a nicer house. This was all I could afford.
Can you believe that shit? My sister sells her the house that she, my niece, her husband, and two sons have been living in for 5 years. 5 years that my sister paid the mortgage, paid all the utilities, paid for the food, paid for EVERYTHING. As soon as my niece buys the house from my sister she tells my sister that she needs to start looking for a place of her own since her family needs to live alone. Of course, by living alone she means that they live there while my sister buys another house but still helps them with their bills. So my sister, who is an idiot by the way, buys a house 2 houses down from her daughter knowing she can't take care of herself. And her daughter and her husband were so anxious to get her out of "their" house that they move her stuff while my sister is in the closing meeting buying the house! So, my sister gets home and all her stuff is gone - they moved it all! And what does my sister say:
Oh, isn't that the sweetest, nicest thing! They did so much for me.
I told my sister that they just couldn't wait to get her the hell out.
Now, my niece doesn't work and her husband works in a nursing home as an LPN while he still attends school to get his RN. Now, you know he can't be making a buttload of money right? But they go out in the middle of February and buy a brand new Jeep SUV. And, sorry, their payments have to be extremely high since they have shitty credit. As a matter of fact, they can't even have a checking account because they can't balance one. They give my sister money and a list of bills and my sister pays them out of HER account! I mean, what kind of fucking idiot can't balance a checkbook? And what kind of idiot would do this for their ungrateful, spoiled rotten daughter?
Now, all this is bad enough but my sister doesn't have a washer or dryer - she has to pay a few things off before she can go out and buy one. So, she goes to the laundromat. I ask her why she doesn't just go two houses down and do her laundry at her daughters house? She gets real quiet and waits a few minutes before answering and says - it takes too long to do it at her house. So that leads me to believe that either A) she has to do their laundry first, or B) her spoiled rotten piece of work daughter told her she can't because it costs too much on the water and electric bills. Take your pick - either way it's a bunch of shit. I'm just waiting for the day that they get foreclosed on because they can't afford all this shit. Then they'll all move in with my sister in her tiny little "dollhouse" that she just adores.
But her daughter is so sweet, beautiful, and kind. She's a church going, bible thumping Christian, you know?
I would love to sit here and write a big long blog about what I did all weekend with my sister, but, when I got into work this morning it was like a bomb went off.
So, instead of blogging I must work.
Fuck! I better get to it before the boss comes in and asks me what all this shit is all about.