Ummm....I don't recall that being the nursery rhyme. But, apparently, that is my reality today. 
This is what I wake up to this morning. You can't tell from this picture, but it's snowing fucking sideways. Yes, sideways. The wind is blowing harder than Paris Hilton on a first date. It's supposed to keep snowing all day long with accumulations up to 10 inches. You know, any other time 10 inches would be awesome but not when it's snow in April. It's so depressing. I totally believe lately that it is never going to warm up. That this spring is just an illusion and we're going to skip summer entirely and go directly to winter again. But, I know that won't happen. In a few months I'll be bitching about how fucking hot it is. At least I have a bitch session to look forward to.
American Idol last night. Best comment ever from Simon to Hailey - "I think you've picked a good strategy. Wear as little as possible. Because you know you can't win this with your voice.". And, yes, I paraphrased that because I can't remember exactly what he said. But that was pretty fucking close. I think Hailey will stay tonight and, unfortunately, Sanajaya will still be around. Although, I would say he was better last night than he's ever been. Which puts him right up there with the singing prowess of a Justin Timberlake. |
Well, Sue, we got 5 1/2 inches since yesterday afternoon, with a prediction of 1 to 3 more inches. We have had more snow this year in South Dakota than we have had in about 10 years. If the farmers bitch, I'm going to tell them to get f...ed. You got your moisture, now plant your fields and quit your bitchin'.