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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Thursday, April 12, 2007
One More Day
Wow, what a fucked up night last night turned out to be! But, it also ended good so that made me happy.

It started out with me getting off of work and doing what I always do - walk across the street to the train station. The train is on time, which, is somewhat rare in itself. Everything is going good until we get between the Round Lake Beach and Lake Villa train stops. All of a sudden the power goes off. I guess we had enough to coast to the Lake Villa train station, but once the train stopped it wasn't going to go again. They tried starting the engine, again and again, and it would start but wouldn't keep running. The trainman tells us at that time that he doesn't know how long we'll be sitting there - it could be 5 minutes, it could be an hour.

Well, Lake Villa isn't far at all before Antioch, where I get off. It's just the train station before it. So, I called Dennis and he was already waiting for me in Antioch (he dropped me off that morning due to all the snow so he had to pick me up - what, me, walk home?). He said, "No big deal, I'll just come to Lake Villa and pick you up.". So he did.

But, once we get home we still don't have any power in the house. Fuck. Oh well, I guess we'll have to go out to eat, right? We do that, we eat and down a couple cocktails and go back home. Still no power. By this time it was about 6:45 and the power has been out for around four and a half hours. So, it's starting to get pretty chilly in the house. The thermostat at this time read 59 degrees. I decide to just bundle up in a couple blankets and take a nap. I mean, what else are you going to do? No TV, no power for lights to even read. We're talking major boredom here! I just prayed that the power comes back on by 9:00pm - because that's when Lost is on, right?

I just doze off. I'm about to enter dreamland when *bam* all the fucking lights, stereo, everything comes back on in a scream. Well, it seems like that when you're just getting to sleep and the power comes back on. So, I glance at my watch and it's 8:15. Fucking cool! I'll just catch the end of American Idol, just in time for Lost to start.

Lost, by the way, is getting really good again. Last night's episode was really awesome. I'm still kind of pissed off that Juliet was involved in the planning stage of this little scenario they've got cooked up, but not surprised at all. I figured she had to be in on it. But, what's it all about? Why is she there with them? It can't be to gather intelligence because the fucking others already know everything there is to know about everything, right? Oh well. I'll guess I'm another sucker they roped in with this storyline that'll keep watching.

Ok, gotta get to work...have a lot to do today. Hope everybody has a nice Thursday. Chant with me now:

one more day
one more day
one more day
one more day
one more day
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:37 AM  
  • At Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:27:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    today is my Friday,
    today is my Friday,
    today is my Friday,
    today is my Friday....

    did that work?

    well.. for a good/bad reason.. I'm going to freeze my arse off at the Cubs game tomorrow! lol!

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