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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, April 23, 2007
What a Weekend!
Wow, what a beautiful weekend! I didn't want it to end - ever! The weather was perfect and we actually managed to get a buttload of shit done.

Saturday, I finally got my tire fixed at the dealership, went grocery shopping, and got the car washed. Dennis had to work Saturday (more hours!) so we had to get his stuff done on Sunday. Which included a haircut for him, and he changed the oil and filter in his car. Then we went out for a nice long drive. When we got home, we had a fantastic dinner, opened the windows of the house, and just relaxed and drank. I was a tad hungover this morning and did not want to get up. But, I did and I made it to work and all is good in my world. Well, as good as it can get for a Monday morning.

My friend Kim called on Sunday with great news! She lost 2.8 pounds at her weigh in on Saturday breaking her extremely long, extremely excruciating plateau. And now she's only .2 away from her total of 100 pounds lost. Way to go Kim! I'm so happy for you!

And, now, I must get to work. I have a ton of stuff waiting for me and the boss should be in any minute now...
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:49 AM  
  • At Monday, April 23, 2007 10:08:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    WTG KIM!! I'm a LT member and have been 5lbs above my goal weight for 3 months now and just can't get below.. I know my problem is that I blow it on the weekends, but I just can't get focused! I know how hard and frusterating it can be! WTG on sticking with it (unlike me)!!!

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Name: suebiedoobie
Home: Illinois, United States
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