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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Two Weeks and Counting
It's been two weeks. And I survived it. And they say that the first two weeks are the hardest, so I guess I'm doing okay!

Does anybody care at all who wins American Idol? No? Didn't think so. I watched, in horror, last night as the contestants took the stage. I thought David Archuletta did a great job. He's the only real singer's singer this year. Sayesha is pretty good - but she's kind of thin. And don't get me started on David Cook. Could he be any more pitchy and just completely miss notes and nobody notices? Where were the high notes on the Aerosmith song? Oh, yea, that's right. You didn't notice because that's when the guitar came in and completely hid the fact that he couldn't hit them. My bad.

So, I'm a little weirded out by something. I recently discovered that some people are reading this thing that that I didn't even know they knew existed. It's okay, though, because (thinking back on it) I don't think I've ever said anything bad about these people so I suppose I have nothing to worry about. But, it's still creepy knowing your husbands guy friends are coming here and reading my most personal shit. Yes, this is as personal as I get. Sad, isn't it?

And things are great at work with the boss out. He needs to take a vacation every other week. It's been so quiet and relaxing. Ahhhhh.

And I did something that I thought I wouldn't ever do again. I ordered a bikini from Victoria's Secret. Which scares the shit out of me. I swore the bikini I bought after hitting goal 3 years ago would be the last one I would ever buy. Mostly because, well, let's face it. You get to a certain age and, well, bikinis are one thing that really should go. And I tell myself I'm at that age but I've reconsidered. I figure I still don't look THAT bad so why not have some fun with it while my ass isn't quite hanging to my knees yet. I would have said the boobs hanging to my knees but I don't think these things are ever going to move. I'll be 98 years old and these things will still be securely buckled to the area the are currently firmly attached to. Which, is kind of cool but kind of creepy at the same time. Notice I said I ordered a bikini - I said nothing about actually wearing it where people can see me in it.

I swear I've paid more bills this week than I have in the past year. But, everything is caught up. And I mean everything! Well, except the IRS *shhhh* and I'll have to save and deal with them when I can. Oh, and that silly lawsuit thingy with the medical bill. The check I sent them still hasn't cleared my bank so who knows. They might be sitting on it, getting ready to serve me more papers, or getting ready to serve my boss papers to give them my next paycheck. Which won't happen. If they do that, then the boss pays it and takes it out of my bonus at the end of the year. Which will suck, but at least it'll be done and over.

Hope you all have a groovy kind of day! Peace man, far out, and sock it to me baby!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:00 AM  
  • At Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:37:00 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    I know what you mean about people reading your blog. There are some I know, but most are strangers, then someone will tell me about how they read my blog, and I almost get weirded out. Like how do YOU know about it?

    But I guess we put it out there and anyone can if they want. And girl you better flaunt that swim suit. You look so much younger than you say. ;)
    Have a good day.

  • At Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Go for it, Sue!!

    I hav been known for wearing a bikini and I am 50!
    Of course, I don't have the boobage, but so what???


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