And I'm not at work today. I have that court thing at 1:30 this afternoon. Should be loads of fun. We're not going to be going to the studio this afternoon - by the time we get out of court it'll just be too late. Which is okay. I'm a little bummed about it but that's the way it goes I suppose. Well, we did it! Kim and I. Okay, we didn't do THAT but we did do this: 
It wasn't that bad at all. Actually, I almost fell asleep during the outlining and the black. Almost. Every time I was about to drift off he would hit a spot and I would immediately be brought back to reality. Parts of it actually tickled instead of burned or hurt. Now, when he got to the color fill that was a different story. I think I was just already pretty tender at that point so I felt the color fill a lot more at that point. But, it didn't take long and it wasn't all that bad at all. Kimberly got hers done too - her angel to mark something very special for her: 

So wish me luck today in court that they don't haul me off to jail!! *heh*
Yay! You did it! It looks great! Kimberly's does too. Good luck today!