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Friday, April 25, 2008
I Love Fridays
Hell yea!! It's finally Friday!

And I actually have a few things going on this weekend, if you can believe that.

Mostly, it's working on the side contract. It's going really well, finally. If you would have asked me that same question a week ago I wouldn't have been so optimistic. I was having a major problem figuring out how to extract files from about 50,000 records automatically and thought for a while there that it would be impossible. But, after wracking my brain for days on end (and adding hours to my billing rate) I finally figured out a solution. So, now I have to implement that solution.

I downloaded a whole bunch of test data to the testers to make sure everything works with it and it shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure they'll have a few things to say about it, which is expected. Once they have the test data imported then the company who contracted me will go into a testing phase to make sure that it works. After they give their stamp of approval then I download all the live data to complete their migration. That's the easy part since the export views are all built. The positive note is that I can submit an invoice to the company for the last two weeks worth of work - which total about 51 hours. And that's a generous billing considering I'm not billing them for hours I worked on it that were my programming fumbles.

Then, Sunday morning, I go to get poked repeatedly in the back with needles. Some people call it a tattoo but I'm thinking it's going to be more like a torture session. Of course, I'm bringing a camera so this might make for an interesting blog session on Monday.

Speaking of Monday I have it off. I have to go to court about that stupid medical bill that I'm getting sued over. The total bill is about $750 dollars so I'm shocked that they are even bothering with it. I called the assholes about it yesterday to see if they would setup a payment arrangements and they were complete dicks about it. So, I said I guess we'll see you in court. The way I figure it I don't have any real property for them to take and I'm willing to make payments on the amount I owe so I'm hoping the judge or whoever will allow me to make payments on it. If not, I guess I'll have to use the money I'm making on this side contract to pay them all at once. Fuckers. I finally get a break and some assholes get the money. What really burns my ass about it is that my insurance should have covered this 100% (that's what they told me when I called before getting the procedure) and seeing how the assholes refused to send me a detailed invoice on what the insurance paid versus what I owe I have no idea how much they did pay out, if anything.

Then after court I'm going with Dennis into Chicago to watch him record more guitar lead tracks and vocals. That will be cool seeing how I've never been in the studio with him when he's recorded. It'll be neat to see how the entire process works. But, just looking at the papers it appears we have to be in court at 1:30 so I don't know if we'll be able to actually do that.

So, wish me luck on Sunday so I don't walk out before even sitting down.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:49 AM  
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