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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I'm So Bored
I'm at a loss today. No idea what to write about. So, maybe I should take this opportunity to write about nothing? Wait, I write about nothing every day. Oh well. I'm sure I'll come up with something.

You know, it's hard to think of things that might keep you guys entertained. And I wouldn't exactly call my stupid rantings and idiotic posts entertaining. More, I dunno - mildly amusing might be a closer fit?

Okay, here's something I really couldn't care less about but seems to be haggled over all over the place - Dear God when will this stupid writers strike end already? I wonder how many new shows will never come back to see the light of prime time because of it? But, on the bonus side, no stupid awards shows where a bunch of gazillionaires sit around and kiss each others asses going on and on about how brilliant they all are. And the stupid after show where they show how the rich and famous party and freak out because they forgot to thank their publicist.

But, on the downside, stuff like Lost kind of gets, well, lost in the shuffle. It's coming back on soon, however I wonder what kind of effect this strike will have on that? What will we get - a few episodes then wait another fucking year for the next new one? And what if the writers stay on strike forever or something incredibly lame like that? I guess I understand why they're striking. Most days I'm ready to paint myself up a picket sign and stand out in front of work screaming about lousy pay with no benefits. Well, I guess I can't complain about the lousy pay part - I did get a raise last week. But, it's still nowhere near the ballpark on what I'm worth. I mean, I think I'm worth at least 10 cents more a month than what I'm getting now. It's the no benefits thing that really blows.

Anyway, it's only the middle of the week. I still have three days to get through before another boring, uneventful, suck ass weekend.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:53 AM  
  • At Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I feel your pain on the writers strike. I work 2 jobs and inevitably the shows I do want to watch come on while I am working and the lame ass ones that I could care give a shit about come on the nights I am off. Thank goodness for DVR, but there again, I have to remember to look at the guide and tell the damn thing to record them or I am screwed (which is most of the times).

    Anyway, nothing new in NC. I know you hate the snow, but they are teasing us tonight with the "slight chance" of freezing rain and snow showers. Considering there is about 1 snow truck within 150 miles around the Charlotte area, everyone will be hitting the grocery store tonight to buy bread and milk. Bread and milk??? Don't ask me why but everyone seems to think they can survive on the two while they will be snowed in. Me, I'm going to buy beer and pizza - screw bread and milk. At least if I loose power, I still have a gas stove to cook the pizza in. It won't amount to anything, but surely there will be some dumbass driver in the morning that won't be able to drive and will delay my drive by 45 minutes.

    Sorry for the rant this morning. Hate my job and needed to get out a little frustration before I run my mouth and get fired. Your purse and bag look so cute! I am sure you will get a lot of compliments on it when you go out. :)

    Praying for snow,

  • At Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:13:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Go right ahead!! This is the place to vent your frustrations!! And it's better than getting fired!

    And, yea, if I'm not going to be able to get out of my house milk and bread are the last thing on my mind! Get booze, pizza, and whatever else you can actually build a meal on!

    Thanks on the purse! It's funny, I got the purse almost 2 years ago at a Dooney outlet store for 40 bucks and kinda forgot about it until my sister sent me the phone case. When I saw it I thought - oh, now I need a matching purse! Wait!! I have one!! *haha* I'm so lame.

  • At Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL! Bread and milk are the more practical things to get I guess, especially if you have kids. :o) But as long as you are getting bread you better get some peanut butter to go with it! I would say the best thing to do is get non-perishables. Should you lose power, milk or anything else that needs refrigeration would be a bad idea. The beer would still be good non-refrigerated so that would be ok. I say leave me with some bread, water, and peanut butter and I am good to go!

    It's funny hearing from people in different parts of the country dealing with snow. We get a "slight chance" of freezing rain and snow showers at least once a week around here and we just go on with our normal routine. LOL!

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Name: suebiedoobie
Home: Illinois, United States
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