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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, July 02, 2007
Busy Week Coming Up
I can't believe it's Monday already. And July to boot!

This past weekend was a bust. I felt like shit for most of it - headaches. But, they weren't migraines, I don't think. I didn't get the eye distortion and it felt more sinus related. I had it Friday night, Saturday, and all day Sunday. I still have a tinge of it this morning and I'm going to go raid the medicine cabinet at work and take something for it.

We didn't do much this weekend. Went out for lunch Saturday and yesterday and then just stayed home and enjoyed a relaxing weekend. I was pretty busy yesterday. Got all the laundry done, went on shit patrol in the backyard, then mowed the back yard. I think maybe that's what increased the headache yesterday. All the pollen and crap stirred up from mowing.

This week should prove to be a pretty busy one. I'll get to that later.

But first, I have to ask a question that doesn't have an answer. Why is it the day you go to get your hair highlighted and cut you have a great hair day? For the first time in weeks I actually like my hair today. Now, I'm planning on getting my roots done, adding a little more blonde, and cutting off about 3-4 inches and adding a few more layers but, now, I'm not so sure. I know it needs to be done - especially the cutting of 3-4 inches because my ends are totally fried. I used to be able to grow my hair really really long and have it stay in really good shape, but I think my friend age is putting a stop to that. It still grows really fast but, unfortunately, it just doesn't look good once it gets to a certain length. I have very heavy hair and the longer it gets, the heavier it gets. So, it pulls down and hangs there looking like a limp dick on my head. No matter what products I use it just looks like ass. So, I'm going to do it tonight and get it cut about shoulder length, blonder, and some choppy layers just to bring it up some. Wish me luck!!

So, tomorrow night we have a party to go to. We went to this same party last year and if you look at last years blog you can tell me if I had fun at it or not because I honestly don't remember.

On the Fourth we're supposed to go to Milwaukee's Summerfest and see the Black Crowes - that is if it doesn't storm. I really don't want to be stuck at an outdoor festival in a thunderstorm. What fun is that? Then the following Saturday we have another party to go to which should be a good time. Then Sunday we finally have our Weight Watchers get together - and that is going to be a riot! Can't wait to meet you guys - the ones that are going. And for those of you who aren't going, fuck off!

Awwww, shuddup. You know I love ya anyway. Even though you're blowing the ones who are going off.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:53 AM  
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